Monday, April 16, 2012

Winning Words 4/16/12
“You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him up to a heavy load.” (Paul Bear Bryant) James Watt came up with the word, horsepower, to measure the power of his steam engine, compared with that of a horse. Last week I saw a Corvette being measured on a dyno…582 horses! I’ve met some people who’ve shown strength, beyond measure, in facing problems. Have you, too? ;-) Jack

FROM PH IN MICHIGAN: Thanks for your daily words. I really liked this one. The whole Leukemia thing made church work look easy.////FROM JACK: You are one strong horse! But, of course, the load was pulled with others who were yoked up with you to make a team. In your mind, you know who they are. All of us can be thankful when we have others to help us pull the load.

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: In Minnesota we have Moosepower. A farmer in northern Minnesota raised an abandoned moose calf with his horses and trained it for lumber removal and other hauling tasks. Given the 2000 pounds of robust muscle and the splayed hooves, he says it's the best work animal he has. The moose disappears during the rut for a couple of weeks, but he always comes back.////FROM JACK: Thanks for sending the picture to validate your story.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: It's amazing to see super human strength. By that I mean, faith-strength, brain-strength, caring strength, and just plain old love-strength. I see it every time my daughter has a struggle with home-schooling, my daughter-in-law struggles to potty-train her daughter, Joshua, who's 13 today, struggles with life's decisions (saving for a car or buying a dirt bike), a friend's struggle with cancer, and on and on. All of us have all the strength with need from our Lord and Shepherd who watches over us...if we have the strength to believe.////FROM JACK: Heavy loads are not necessarily the same for everyone, are they? ////RESPONSE FROM JUDY: Not at all....compared to a lot of folks I know, ours are little bundles.

FROM BLAZING OAKS: Good WW's! You really don't know how strong you can be, until the going gets rough and tough. I was given the strength to keep Bill at home while he was dying from of an inoperable, malignant brain tumor. (With a supportive family team, of course.) God did and does provide. Father Leo Patalinghug (The cooking priest) says, "Every outcome of every challenge should reveal how God supplies the grace to make it through the seemingly impossible". In our old age, we come to know this...In our Bible Study we are using the book "What's So Amazing About Grace" which I'm reading for the second time. Great Book by P.Yancy!////FROM JACK: Grace is one of my favorite words. Do you remember this Sunday School song?
I'm so glad, I'm so glad Jesus rescued me.
I'm so glad, I'm so glad Jesus set me free.
I'm so glad, I'm so glad Jesus rescued me.
I'm so glad, I'm so glad Jesus set me free.

FROM JB IN WISCONSIN: Whoa! That Corvette must go a little too fast for comfort.////FROM JACK: I've driven one just like it, but I only used a few horses. The speed limit was 45 MPH where I drove it. I confess that I may have gotten a little faster than that.

FROM DS IN CALIFORNIA: Here's an interesting one I heard this morning.... "Prettiest horse in the glue factory". Had never heard that one before.////FROM JACK: I'm wondering about the context. Were you meeting with a group of retirees?

FROM MD IN MICHIGAN: I love this Winning Words! Indeed, sometimes, you just have to try things out and see how it turns out.////FROM JACK: I like Matthew 11:28, where Jesus says: "Come unto me, all you who are heavy-laden (burdened), and I will give you rest."

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: It's hard to measure someone else's strength. Only they know how hard they are pulling..////FROM JACK: Before my "trigger finger" surgery the nurse measured my grip with a hand dynamometer. Have you ever played the carnival game...Swing the hammer, hit the bell, and win a prize? With your "muskles," you probably impressed the girls.

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