Thursday, March 05, 2009

Winning Words 3/5/09
“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”
(Dr. Seuss) There seem to be a lot of complicated questions out there in the world today…perhaps even in your own life. Maybe the answer to them is a simple one, waiting for someone to discover it. Not all would agree with simple answers; but complicated ones present a problem, too. Is Dr. Seuss a real doctor? ;-) Jack

FROM T.L. IN MI: Jack, just want you to know I look forward to WW each day. You give me sweet nuggets during the time of day I call "my space"! Thank you very much!

FROM E.M. IN MI: My kids love the movie Horton Hears A Who - we've watched it several timesand laugh hysterically every time. Simple answers... - why do we complicate things so much with our words? Dr. Seuss - not a doctor but he had a PhD in life! So many messages aboutlife interwoven into his books. Great stuff.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: There are a lot of complicated questions in all of our lives, and one answer may apply to all...simplify, simplify. FROM JACK: I have a friend, living in Wisconsin, who mantra is: Simplify, Simplify! I'm still adding, adding (not stuff, but information and friends). FROM R.I.: Sure, and that's a manner of simplifying.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Sometimes the solution is simple and people need to feel self-important by applying a complicated confusing solution.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I love Dr. Seuss. Did you know the new Horton Hears a Who also comes with a Bible study? Actually, I think you have to purchase it separately. I plan to get it for my grandsons. That's my simple answer today!

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Is Dr. Seuss a real doctor? Quite simply, no. FROM JACK: He's not a real doctor, is a tag line from a snippet that used to be heard on NPR about offbeat scientific questions. Dr. Science (He's not a real doctor) would give crazy answers. It's not on in Detroit anymore, but you can Google, "Doctor Science."

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Dr, Seuss used nonsense to a great advantage. Made you think, didn't he?

FROM L.P. IN MI: I like today's quote. It's a premise I've tried to hold onto with my dissertation.

FROM G.C. IN SAN DIEGO: Dr. Suess is such a real doctor that a world famous library is named after him namely...the Geisel Library on the Univ of CA SD campus. Your friend George is there probably 3-4 times a wk. Now I know naming a library after you may not make you a real doctor...but then, maybe it does. It takes all kinds of doctors to make the world turn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definition of Doctor--A practitioner of folk medicine or folk magic. So Yes to the Dr. Seuss question. Don't you wish all the questions were simple enough for simple answers? KB