Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 9/3/08
“If you’re going to be a leader, make sure the heels of your shoes are shined.”
(Dale Schweinberger) Dale has retired as a successful businessman and is now a “computer geek” for the elderly. He was a Sunday School student of mine in Moline and played on a Sunday School basketball team that I coached. He went on to play basketball at Augustana College. The heels of his shoes were always shined. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER C.F.: How do you shine basketball shoes? FROM JACK: When I played, they had black leather ones.

FROM J.L. IN MI: My goodness...he must have retired very very early in his 30's if he was your student!!! His quote was right on! There are many "leaders" out there with shined shoes, but then again, there aren't many people out there with shined shoes. I even have a few scuffs! It's a wonderful goal though as God has promised to take care of the scuffs providing we take to stop shuffling our feet!

FROM THE AUTHOR, D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: Oh MY!!!Who the heck is that guy?I don't think HIS shoes were always that shined as well as they should have been.

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