Monday, September 29, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 9/29/08
“Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.”
(H.H.H.) Some have called themselves “Compassionate Conservatives.” Old Hubert was looked upon as a “Compassionate Liberal.” What we need in this world are simply
more people who are compassionate, who care about those in unfortunate circumstances and are willing to help in some way. ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: Socialism is "government ownership of the means of production." Many of our conservatives have mixed this up with the idea that to help a friend in need is socialism. This is a perversion of the idea and the definition. We can't let them get by with it. They have turned socialism into a four letter word with which to stamp any helping hand program. Even old Karl Marx would jump out of his grave if he saw this ridiculous type of thinking.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: LOL. Jack, thank you for a good morning chuckle. Very funny! It could go well with a cat is not a dog. How about it’s not a baby it’s a choice? Of course compassion is not socialism. Compassion would involve a voluntary action on the part of the giver. Socialism involves state takeover of private property (money), businesses (healthcare), and the means of production, through taxation, regulation, and finally force. Compassion has to do with awareness of suffering and the desire to relieve it. It is a perversion of the language (and non-thinking people) to take something beautiful like compassion and then say you intend to be compassionate with money collected coercively from a those you pretend to speak for. The $845 Billion Obama sponsored spending juggernaut (senate bill 2344) B.O. wants for the UN Millennial Development Goals, could be more accurately described as activist socialism. Compassion would be a voluntary effort, not back-door, marketing slogan driven fleecing of the American taxpayer. Government schools have mostly done their job now by destroying the ability of many to think. We stand at a crossroad and the people yell, “Give us Barabbas!” JACK'S RESPONSE: This one was chosen especially to get a response from you, and it worked! The "meat" of today's WWs was: "This world needs more people who are compassionate." I'm sure that you are one of those people.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Horatio Hornblower said some good stuff.

FROM BBC IN IL: Thanks, meaningful once again.

FROM J.L. IN MI: Compassion and socialism don't belong in the same sentence. I believe you can be very compassionate concerning people, but I believe socialism isn't compassion, it's a complete takeover by the government. I don't like socialism. I believe I can and do take care of myself, I don't need a government to do it for me. Good words though...they remind me of how fortunate we still are, at least for awhile! JACK'S RESPONSE: The poor early Christians didn't know that they were doing a BAD thing when they decided to have everything in common and share with one another.

FROM F.M. IN WI: I remember meeting HHH while I was in seminary and he was elected mayor of Mpls. He really impressed me then, and I always liked him - a real Christian gentleman.

FROM P.O. IN MI: This is just what I need right now. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would agree with PR J.S., except it is important to understand our government "produces" nothing but a means for redistributing wealth for desireable votes rather than as a compassionate enterprise. Compassion has less to do with money or economy; but more of a care for one's fellow man in a manner of action that teaches the less fortunate how to thrive and become that which God created them to be in the first place. This sounds more like Christianity than political defference like conservative, liberal, or independent ideology. Expecting or allowing government to perform this unique priviledge seems more like an excuse for a sloth-like Christianity. My hope is to leave the work of compassion to all of us and not the service of government. If we care for others [Love others as I have loved you] there will be no need for similar government consideration. It's time for all of us to get busy!