Friday, September 26, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 9/26/08
“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.”
(Thomas a Kempis) Somewhere I read that when you point your finger at someone’s faults, you have three fingers on your hand that are pointing back at you. T a K wrote a famous book, The Imitation Of Christ. He wrote it for inspiration., comfort and encouragement in the turmoil and discord of today….and that was in the year, 1418. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER G.S.: U be pointin' that finger at me?

FROM EMT SINGS IN MI: Again I say: I like it!

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: The last part of that statement suggests that maybe our goals and aims and life are sometime out of whack with our abilities and interests. It seems to me that part of life is getting those things in line. It makes for a much more satisfying and enjoyable life....

FROM L.K. IN OH: TIOC was one of my Dad's favorites........I've read it several times myself.

FROM B.G. IN MI: Good thing to keep in mind, as the heat of the election season increases.

FROM J.L. IN MI: Good one as we listen to all the lies and smears during this's embarrassing! It's very hard not to be judgmental and point my own finger!!! If we all imitated Christ, "what a wonderful world this would be"!

FROM F.M. IN WI: I read this while I was waiting to speak to a service rep from ATT. I have been holding on the phone for one hour and 40 minutes - we have had a lot of problems with our service - last month after a couple of hours on the phone, I thought I had it all worked out - today we received our monthly bill for $148.17 - about $70.00 more then it should be. I have so much time invested now, that I can't afford to hang up - maybe I'll let you know if I ever speak to a person!

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: There is truth here. But interestingly, what speaks to be is not the "reprimand" not to judge in the first clause, but the "recognition" in the second clause, that I have not yet made myself as I wish to be! All the sanctification I desire has not yet been realized. That is cause for frustration at times... but is perhaps why I am Lutheran not Wesleyan or some other holiness tradition. Paul was on to something in Romans 7 wasn't he?

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