Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 9/2/08
“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”
(George Lorimier) Have you ever made an inventory of the things that money can’t buy? If so, how long is that list? I’m going to spend some time this day thinking about the blessings that are mine. Now, where do I start? ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: If we follow through today with thinking about the blessings we have, it's going to be a long day.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: the older I get the more I realize that whatever assets I have, including my family and my health, are just on loan from God.

FROM MI: My husband is under tremendous stress at work right now and has been having problems dealing with it. One of my suggestions for him was (besides a lot of prayer) to write a list of five things he wants to do, good things he has accomplished at work, or five of his blessings. It has helped him, and I have started doing it also. In this world right now, we all need to concentrate much more on our blessings and less on what we don't have. Good winning words!

FROM EMT SINGS IN MI: My list is very long, and you are on it!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: That's what the MasterCard commercials are all about. "Some things money can't buy" is right on.

FROM CJL IN OH: With Mary, of course!

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: I don't know where you will start, John, but I'd start with the blessings I have received from the Calls I received and accepted - for five years and the wonderful accepting folks at Calvary Church in Two Rivers who accepted me as a novice from seminary, for 10 years and the great opportunity for ministry and mission in the fast growing Menomonee Falls, for the wonderful folks I met and worked during the 22 years I was on the staff of the LCA, and for the people and ministries of Resurrection Church, Cross Church and Dr. Martin Luther Church where I served for 19 months as interim pastor.

FROM INDY G.G.: I'll start with you....I'm grateful for your continued presence in my life!

FROM M.L. IN IL: money can't buy me love. it is however, these days, playing a big part in my little girl's wedding. the date is 9/13. pray for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My number one blessing are those stories in the Bible that pertain to greed and to generosity. You don't know how often they have impacted on my daily decisions. Though I'm not ever attaining perfection, I know in my heart the truth of it all and how blessed I am to have the Bible read to me and to read the Bible. And hopefully others are impacted in a constructive way.