Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 3/18/08
“It is very easy to feel someone’s pain when you love them.”
(Salma Hayek) Sympathy and empathy are similar words. The latter seems to catch the spirit of today’s quote. To me, it’s more than walking in another person’s moccasins; it’s becoming as one with the person you love…getting inside their skin. There are people who need us to care about them. ;-) Jack

FROM UNKNOWN: It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what isthe most painful is to love someone and never finding the courage to let the person know how you feel.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I like Ken Haugk's definition of the two. Sympathy is like sending someone a card when they are hurting. Empathy is hearing their pain and seeing what you can do to alleviate it. That makes the two words although similar very different from the point of view of the persons who hurts.

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: How do you come up with this stuff? Must know your way around the web.

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: Perfect for today. My son is scheduling his brain surgery today. We'll know the date later tonight. I'll let you know. I am already getting the uncomfortable stomach feeling. Your Winning Words help. Thanks !!

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: I love some of your correspondents: "Where do you come up with this STUFF?"

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: I think "share" is an appropriate word here, also.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: It easy to feel someone's pain especially when you love them. However, watching or reading of a stranger's pain, for me, can be very bad too. I suffer when I see someone else suffer. I pray for a lot of strangers, sometimes, people passing by who just look like they need prayer. Prayer is so very powerful, just saying praying taking away the pain for both.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: My mother used to say, before you critisize ( you notice the negative connotation here? ) a person, walk in their shoes for a mile or so. ( meaning, live their life for awhile to understand them better ). I notice it is easier to understand someone else as we grow older and wiser ( hopefully wiser )

FROM D.S. IN ARIZONA: I appreciate your winning words. I copied this one recently on feeling one's pain..hit home! thanks


Anonymous said...

The Winning Words and then the Words from Unknown are making me reflect on Jesus' footwashing. When you think about it, I'm taken by the fact that He didn't loan/give a pair of His sandals to His disciple/disciples. He wrapped His Hands around their feet as He washed them. His skin around their skin. Knowing what was going to happen to Him and how they would deny Him and betray Him, I suppose it took human courage to do that. He must have known He was doing something foolish and yet we want to follow Him in doing something foolish like that. Yep, there are people who need us to care about them, even if they don't really appreciate that about themselves.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, in this book of life, most of us may not know whose love we need and, when the right person comes along who can get under our skin, emphasize with us, feel our pain, love us, it just makes all the difference in the world and we finally realize our blessings in 20/20 hindsight.