Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 8/23/18
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”  (Carl Jung)  I saw a list of 100 things that “bug” people.  There’s not room for the list, but here are a few that irk me…mosquitos, tailgaters, politicians (insert name), computer crashing, fake people.  As I re-examine my list of 5, I see that I’m a bugger, too.  I sometimes tailgate, and I sometimes fake it.  Make your list of 5.  What does it show?  As you a bugger, too?.   ;-)  Jack

FROM TRIHARDER:  I often find in myself traits that I find irritable in others.===JACK: Jung's first step in psychoanalysis seems to be found in today's quote and is similar to Aristotle's, "Know thyself!"===TH:  We can all benefit from a little introspection. At least I can.===JACK:  Each day, I try to aim Winning Words, not only at the readers, but at myself, also.

FROM PM:  Fake people is my number one! :) I love that you put that on the list. Me too- I can fake it with the best of them. Gut check. ;)  You asked me a while ago and I never answered, (I’m sorry about that) but I definitely have students that have changed me as a person. I will never forget them. One is a 10 year old who was visually impaired. He learned to downhill ski with my class on a field trip, and went to fifth grade camp with us for a week without his parents. I was terrified to have him in my class, as I was sure to let home down in some way. I did fine, and learned so much from him. It was an extra special class of students, for sure!! A whole group I won’t ever forget.===JACK:  I've had both "real" and "fake" teachers.  Kids can tell the difference. especially when it comes to naming their "favorite" teacher.  My favorite was Miss Erickson.  Did you have a favorite?
FROM WALMART REV:  You are "bugging" me Jack to make this list . . . I get a lot of these types of  requests on social media . . . "find others to pass along the following information", "don't take any requests from this person and tell all your friends", "I'm passing along this special blessing to you but you need to pass it along to five other friends in order to receive your blessing?!"  I did have a person recently ask to be his friend on Facebook, but wrote back soon afterward, "Please don't send me any more of your sermons." I told him they were not being sent just to him, but publicly to "whomsoever will" receive them. Eventually I had to unfriend him because of his feeling I was targeting his spirituality. 0;-/===JACK:   I purposely don't post Winning Words on Facebook or Twitter, knowing that I might get more readers.  I feel that e-mail gives me a more personal contact with each reader.  Having said that, I do use the DELETE key once in a while.

FROM THE PRINCIPAL:  1. Driving rudeness.  2. People who are late.  3. Talkers in movies.
4. Bigotry.  5. People who don't listen===JACK:  How about...Kids who run in the halls?

FROM KLM: Good one. Hope you are doing well. I got to see my cousin Mike recently. Great visit. Thanks for your daily messages.===JACK:  Mike would have made a good pastor...more than I would have made a good attorney.  Life has a way of pointing us in the right direction and opening doors.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  If liars are the same as fake people I’m in!  Although I would also include myself in that group.... of course mine are little “white lies” but lies none the less.  Otherwise Mosquitos, robot phone calls, physical pain, and red squirrels.===JACK: I also dislike the cute little chipmunks who eat the insulation off of the wires of my garage door sensors.  I've heard that Irish Spring soap is a good deterrent.===JUDY:  The first time we took Kimberly’s boyfriend up to meet my parents was a big surprise for him.  My mom and dad and lived on the AuSable River.  My mom was in her chair, with the sliding glass door open.  As we walked through the front door,  my mom grabbed her B.B. gun and shot a red squirrel.  They didn’t die from the B.B. but it scares them off.  Neil was terrified to say the least!  It’s a family story now that gets told often!   Ps.  The red squirrels did over $500 worth of wire damage to their house that year!===JACK:  Here in Minnesota, a man down the street from my son was using a BB gun to scare the geese away (as with the red squirrels).  Someone called the police; he was arrested and had to go to anger management classes.  Imagine that happening to your mom.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Sorry i cannot think of five things that irk me!===JACK:  WOW  Blessed are you!

FROM JIM IN NOVA SCOTIA:  Eric (Motley) is a remarkable man--from poverty in the newly (supposedly) desegregatated South to a Ph.D. from St. Andrew's University in Scotland to being the youngest Special Assistant to George W. Bush, several other important responsibilities within the White House and State Department to his present position as EVP of the Aspen Institute in Washington, DC.  This is one of the most positive, gentle, appreciative books I have ever read. Much of it is in praise of Madison Park, Alabama, founded by freed slaves from which he is descended. He attributes his ability to make contributions to others to the consistent loving, supportive community environment in Madison Park (now a neighborhood of Montgomery--about 10 miles from Rev. Martin Luther King's old congregation). Just one quote for you, on the subject of his non-focus on some of the early disadvantages and discrimination he experienced: "There's more power in moving forward than looking back, as important as the past is; at some point you have to embrace the future."  H and I both look forward to and often discuss your Winning Words.===JACK:  I like that quote.  Before we can move positively into the future, we must first understand ourselves.  At times it takes someone else to help do the job.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Computer glitches would be high on my list,and the present White House   incumbent, uncharitable people...maybe we can all identify with Memoirist Augustan Burroughs in saying, "I myself am made up entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions!"  (?) Just don't get so "bugged" that you can't see the blessings! :-)===JACK:  You're right!  There's more good than bad in this world, but the bad seems to get the "most" press.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Always insightful – on the order of finger pointing.  Couldn’t agree with you more.===JACK:  There have been people who've asked to be removed from receiving WWs.  Most (if not all) are people that I don't know personally.===BB:  I guess that means your winning words have “touched a nerve”.  I truly look forward to receiving them and appreciate your thoughtful comments always.===JACK:  I read that a recent poll taken among people of the Religious Right showed that when the things represented under WWJD were listed beside the things represented under WWTD, the preference was for WWTD.

FOM TAMPA SHIRL:  Sorry. but I cannot think of five things that irk me.===JACK:  WOW  Blessed art thou!

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