Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 8/21/18
“Truth isn’t truth.”  (Rudy Giuliani)  A synonym for truth is fact.  That’s why a courtroom witness is asked to swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.  “Do you swear to tell the facts?”  On a Monday the church custodian was dusting the pulpit and saw the sermon notes.  In the margin was scribbled: “Argument weak here.  Pound the pulpit!”  Whether it be in a sermon, or in court, or in everyday dealings with people, an ordered society depends on truth.   ;-)  Jack

FROM THE SHARK:  “Just the facts ma’am”, just the FACTS.===JACK:  I was going to use Dragnet and Sgt Friday in my commentary, but I thought only old people would understand.

FROM SF:  AMEN...JACK:  I like that better than a BOO!

FROM WALMART REV:  Certainly a political season of "wheat and tares" (Matthew 13:24-30) affecting the entirety of our nation!? 0:-/===JACK:  I think that a refresher course in "basic morality" is needed by our country...even for "religious" people.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL: Now, even “the Truth” is a relative term.===JACK:  I've sometimes been accused of being a :relativist," and I accept that badge (for the most part).  Shakespeare wrote:  "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Hamlet: Act 2, Scene 2.

FACEBOOK LIZ:  but my truth is not necessarily your truth... yet we are both truthful.===JACK:  That's the point that Giuliani was making, and I don't happen to agree with that.  There is a basic truth beyond what you or I believe.  Truth is truth; fact is fact, no matter what I believe.  In the real world, a person REALLY tells the truth, or he/she is a prevaricator.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  Amen to that, Jack!===JACK:  Two words came to mind when I first hear Rudy--the attorney's words...equivocation and obfuscation.===PAUL:  i could add one more....B S !!

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  Here is a research project for you.   who said, "We are all allowed to have our own opinions but not our own facts." Or something like that===JACK:  Google says that those words belong to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and "they have a haunting quality in our own age of poisoned public discourse."  Oh, how we miss legislators like Daniel who had a way with words and a way of getting to the point.  I hear him rolling over in his grave...in Arlington Cemetery.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Rudy Giuliani is a real piece of work!! :-(  It is frightening to have a Pres.
who is eroding faith in our free press.  That's how the Nazis took over Germany, firing any opposition voices in leadership capacities, and suppressing or ridiculing the press and critical books. It is insidious, baby steps at a time!  It is a truly disheartening time in America. Our coarse, uneducated leader invokes Stalin's phrase "Enemies of the People" to describe our free press! He touts his "job growth", but according to  AP Fact Check the number of jobs created during Trump's 1st 20 months in office is 3.9 million, compared to Obama's 4.3 million jobs in his last 20 month in office. Politifact constantly corrects Trumps "Facts", where truth isn't truth, for sure! AAAARGH!!===JACK: But, can't you see?  The Emperor has no clothes!"

FROM SHALOM JAN:  I've had enough "My truth is my truth" to gag on it -- and I don't even own a TV!  I used to have some admiration for Rudy G., but not anymore.  Sad.===JACK:  I think that it was Mark Twain who said, "I never trust a man who makes money with his mouth."  I don't think that Rudy is working pro bono.===JAN:  I was thinking the same thing about the way we "make money"!!  I hope Mark Twain knew some good-hearted preachers among those he judged to be crooks!===JACK:  I especially dislike pastors who tell the congregation that God wants THEM to buy HIM a new jet airplane, so that HE can preach the Gospel in more places in less time.  OOMPAH!

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