Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 2/7/18
“We can have peace if we let go of wanting to change the past and wanting to control the future.”  (Lester Levinson)  I saw a cartoon where the guy says, “I’m not a control freak.  I just happen to be right 100% of the time.”  Whether it’s at home, in the office, or in politics, no one has all of the answers.  Life’s journey goes more smoothly when the suggestions of others are taken into consideration.  Even the GPS voice sometimes has to say, “Recalculating!”    ;-)  Jack

FROM DB:  Thanks Pastor Jack!====JACK:  Do you remember the song, "It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack?"  My kids used to sing it, changing "Master" to "Pastor."  This strange world does cause us to change our thinking from time to time...but that's OK.  That's how we get along with one another.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Nothing teaches  that better than debate.   You have to debate on either side of the issue...on the same day!    I was often amazed that at our synod conventions there was only one side to each issue.   The other side was considered heresy...even though there was no previous church teaching on it...or even if the previous church teaching was contrary to the new "truth."====JACK:  I think that the hoi poloi (me included) would have a difficult time with debate...too be able to see both sides of an issue and argue them passionately.  (Just wonderiing....) I know that you have firm opinions on certain issues.  Does your debate training cause you to "see the other side" of these issues?

FROM DN IN WB:  The Present (now) is the Present (gift) :)   Great job sharing WW!  Thank you so much!====JACK:  Curiosity caused me to look up "present."  It can be called either a homograph or a homonym.  As you used "present," which do you think it is, homograph or homonym or both?

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  You will miss a lot in life if you don’t listen 👂 to other people’s opinions ====JACK:  I don't always practice what I preach.  I never listen to Fox News.====SHIRL:  U r  not getting both sides to make a good decision for u there r always two sides at least to every issue ====JACK:  "Father, forgive me, for I have sinned."

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  The philosopher Eric Hoffer opines, "In times of change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned  find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists!" Never have changes  come so fast and furious as in this century...a world my grandparents couldn't have imagined! We know we can't change the past, so let it go; Harder not to try to control the future. I've had to "recalculate" more than  a few times, in my "later" years! :-) ====JACK:  Sometimes we have short memories.  It was scary when Russian ship were bringing missiles to Cuba, with launch pads pointed toward America.  Helicopters and war planes were flying daily in squadrons over of house in suburban Chicago.  I guess every generation has its story to tell about things that frightened them.  If we live long enough, we can span generations and see things in perspective.

FROM ST PAUL IN MESA:  please send this to the current occupant of the Oval Office!! ====JACK:  I don't have his e-mail address.

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