Monday, August 28, 2017

Jack’s Winning Words 8/28/17
“Many people need someone on the totem pole below them.”  (Dr J’s mom)  A “totem” is a family, or a group, and a totem pole is a way of telling something about that group, using images.  Typically, the most important person or thing is at the top.  That’s the way most of society is structured today.  But, some poles have the most important person on the bottom, supporting all of the others.  Biblically, the humble are the strong.  “Blessed are the meek, etc.”    ;-)  Jack

FROM DR J:  ;-) love the extra wisdom supporting this quote... my mom is smiling... and so am I ;-) ====JACK:  The temptation is to compare totem poles. but that usually brings about judgment.  I'll do it silently in my mind.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I think I spent a lot of time on the bottom....don't think I can do it anymore. ====JACK:  In your totem pole, would the strong be on the top or the bottom? =====JOHN:  Bottom.   They have the lion's share of responsibility.    I no longer am able to do that. ====JACK:  Remember what Paul says to the Philippians..."I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength."  You can still be supportive of people, maybe just in a different way.

FROM CP IN WI:  I learn so much from your Winning Words.  God bless you and have a good Monday,====JACK:  We both learn.  Mine comes from the research.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Now that's a unique saying!  But oh how true!  G faces issues like that all the time.  He's doing contract work for his old company and says he runs into the "totem pole issue" now more than ever before.  I wonder what made it stronger!?!====JACK:  "My ways are not your ways," says the Lord.  WWJD is a good question to ask when there are dilemmas.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Pete Seeger's comment comes to mind : "All of us, we're links in a chain. And if we do our job right, there will be many, many, links to come."  As an elderly "bottom of the totem pole" matriarch to my ever growing family, I pray the support and nurture I've given kids, and great g,kids will forge totem "links' for many years to come!  Interesting thought in  WW today! thanks!====JACK:  Sometimes on the bottom; sometimes on the top...depending on the situation.
FROM JACK TO RS IN TEXAS (HOUSTON):  How are you doing?  Are you in a position to answer?====RS:  Yes - we're fine - thanks.  All the problems are 150-400 miles SE of us.  Many parts of Houston are under water.  Our daughter and her family live in a NW suburb of Houston, but they are just high enough that they have not been affected, other than they can't go far because most of the roads around them are flooded.   We are thankful they are OK and starting to look at things we can do to help those in Houston that have lost a lot.  Unfortunately, those that have the least seem to be the ones that often are the hardest hit.  Prayers are welcome for all those affected.  Thanks for asking.

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