Friday, October 17, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 10/17/14
“It takes a great many shovels to bury the truth.”  (German Proverb)  Back in the days when I first began marrying couples, the groom and bride would say to each other, “I plight thee my troth.”  Strange words from the Old English---”I pledge my truth!”…I really mean it!..You can count on me!  TruthTeller is an app that checks the facts of political speeches.  Can you think of other circumstances in which TruthTeller might be used?    ;-)  Jack 

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  If Truth Teller were installed on my telephone, I might not hang up on so many people but would hear them out.====JACK:  Caller-ID is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't tell the whole story.  A long pause generally indicates a telemarketer to me.

FROM DN IN MICHIGAN:  Things have come a long way to the vows that D and R did!====JACK:  The vows were appropriate and, in my opinion, a TruthTeller wasn't needed.

FROM MK IN MICHIGAN:  At home I have a sign near the door we come and go from that says, Be the change in the world you want to see, above it I placed a cross, it’s funny I go for a long time without even noticing it and then someone will see it and comment on it and it reminds to me, to take notice again as well!====JACK:  We all need memory-joggers once in a while.  Occasionally people have asked me be the pastor as they "renew" their wedding vows.  I've found that to be very meaningful.

FROM INDY GENIE:  So...would you say that the married couple was now betruthed? (My spell-checked wasn't going to let me type that word:)====JACK:  In counselling, I asked a couple if either of them had been married before.  The man, truthfully, said, "Yes," and so we talked about that subject.  It wasn't until the rehearsal night that I discovered that I should have asked a follow-up question, "How many times?"

FROM TARMART REV:  Would be interesting what they would print in their search about the facts mentioned in the Bible down through the ages?!?!====JACK:  Are there any specific incidences that you have in mind?

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Sometimes it takes even more shovels to unbury it.====JACK:  With the passage of time, what was once truth, can become fiction.  As with many things, time can change truths.  Notice...I didn't write....The Truth!====JOHN:  Easy to say "perceived truth"====JACK:  Truth is in the mind of the beholder.====JOHN:  "truths" are in the mind of the beholder.   TRUTH is in the mind of God

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Raising children====JACK:  I can't remember that being a problem, but time sometimes erases memories.

FROM CK IN MICHIGAN:  Sadly the fact that, that app is even necessary speaks volumes.😗 Enjoy your weekend Jack. Thank you for another week of thought provoking quotes. As the foodies might say " They are a good chew".====JACK:  The end of one week means the beginning of another and cooking something new to chew on.  BTW, have you ever heard of a candy bar called, the Charleston Chew?  It was developed in the early 1920's and name after a popular dance at the time, "The Charleston."  You can watch it on YouTube.  The candy bar is still available.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I would imagine it would come in handy in police stops, interrogations, and jury trials!  One of our policeman friends said it is rare to have people tell him the truth....he thinks people are chronic liars!  they lie even if they don't need to!  Imagine it is easy to become cynical in that type of work and situations.My mother-in-law was a stickler for the truth; she believed you only had to lie once, for that person to believe you are a liar from than on. Some truth to that! ====JACK:  Perhaps you know that I am the Police Chaplain and I occasionally do ride-alongs.  On the first ride we pulled someone over for a violation.  The first three letters on the license plate were G-O-D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Truth Teller were installed on my telephone, I might not hang up on so many people but would hear them out.
S.H. in MI