Thursday, June 06, 2013

Winning Words 6/6/13
“The truly educated never graduate.”  (Printed on a T-shirt)  Grandson Joseph, who’s graduating from high school, said to his mom, “I don’t feel like I’m graduating; I’m just taking another step in the journey of my education.”  That’s life; that’s education!!  We never really graduate from the learning process.  An aging Michelangelo said, “Ancora Imparo!” meaning, “I am still learning.”  I have those words by my computer.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  & school does not necessarily render a person educated..====JACK:  ...or, schooling does not necessarily take place in schools.

FROM WALMART REV:  Very true, Jack...if we give ourselves to it...we will always be learning...we will always be growing in wisdom and truth.====JACK:  Where do we learn wisdom and truth?====REV:  For better or understanding first begins with a biblical view of what I'm seeking. Fall prey at times being judged as too spiritual with those seeking a secular view point is put in the "traditional viewpoint" category and dismissed as others feel God is doing a new thing to reach our current culture.

 FROM CS IN WISCONSIN:  When we quit learning…we die!====JACK:  Some people seem to have mastered the feat of being living and dead at the same time.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Wit and wisdom sometimes come from unusual sources...T-shirts, bumper stickers, graffiti.  Even if it isn't educational, it may nevertheless be a stimulus to deeper thinking in a different context.  As I read them I often wonder, "who is it that came up with that simple and succinct truth?" ====JACK:  Someone should publish a book..."Tee Shirt Philosophy."  One shirt asks, "Who is John Galt?" ====RI:  Please...spare us Ayn Rand.

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  The more we learn, the more we know we don't know. Yes, we have to keep our minds and bodies in good shape.  In fact, it is mostly fun to learn new things, Our generation is definitely challenged with all of this electronic  stuff.  It is particularly mystifying to me that all of the younger generations seem to know just what buttons to  push to get things to work.====JACK:  You're a perfect example of someone who continues to learn.  What's the name of that school (or program) that you're involved with?====SHIRL:  Osher Life Long Learning at USF.  Many universities and colleges throughout the country have this program.  Eckerd College in St. Pete has it also.  Our senior center in our neighborhood has programs, too.  The teachers in all of these programs are volunteers who are passionate about their interests.

 FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS:  It’s still hard to believe that the “little guy” is graduating.  Congratulations on another happy milestone in the family.====JACK:  His next step in the process is 13th grade at the Univ of Michigan.

 FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Life rewards those that keep learning. Hope pulls us forward, daily reading and writing builds our knowledge, guides our souls, and helps the earthbound creature stay engaged.  "To be 'unengaged and uniformed' is to my way of thinking the meanest form of self-indifference."  We despise indifference in others yet, some are indifferent to themselves. ====JACK:  I've always been impressed that you have Michelangelo's words etched in stone and placed in the bricks beside your garage door.  What a great idea!

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  There's the old saying, "Live and learn." Maybe it should be, "Learn and live."====JACK:  It's been said that some people never learn.  Does that mean they never live?  They may exist, but living is another matter.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  The U. of ILL, Springfield, has the Life-Long Learning  Monthly events  that are stimulating.  My friends who participated in Elder Hostels always learned a  lot on whatever subject  was being highlighted at the site, usually several days or a week.  They were pricey,  so a bit exclusive for some of us, but I always thought they would be a really good experience.  Love to travel and to read  and learn new things!====JACK:  Maybe you should put a sign outside your front door reading....ANCORA IMPARO...and see if anyone asks about it.

 FROM SBP IN FLORIDA:  Eckerd College (a private college near us) sponsers OLLI programs...some of which I attend. For example, Five Cool Cats...The Rat Pack, Ancient Greek Historians, Xenophen, History and Development of the Concerto......Refreshing, mentally stimulating and fun. ongoing process/challenge.====JACK:  You and Michelangelo have something in common.

1 comment:

SBP said...

Eckerd College (a private college near us) sponsers OLLI programs...some of which I attend. For example, Five Cool Cats...The Rat Pack, Ancient Greek Historians, Xenophen, History and Development of the Concerto......Refreshing, mentally stimulating and fun. ongoing process/challenge.