Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 6/25/13
“I’ve learned that one person saying to me, ‘You’ve made my day!’ makes my day.”  (Unknown)  No, Andy Rooney isn’t the author, but they’re good words, just the same.  A businessman that I knew kept a file of “thank you” notes sent by customers.  On days when business was slow, he’d pull out that file and reread some of the letters.  Perhaps there’s someone you know who’d appreciate such a letter from you…today!    ;-)  Jack

 CLINT EASTWOOD:  "Go ahead, make my day"  Spoken by Harry Callahan in the movie, "Sudden Impact."

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  You've made my day! Actually, it's easy to write this to you, you are a person who is affirming. I am trying to be friends now with a person I have to work with who is a super rigid personality, perfectionistic in many ways and constantly "correcting" how I do things--my fondest ambition is to one day be able to truthfully tell him "You've made my day!" Only with the help of God will this ever become reality.====JACK:  One of my favorite sayings is...."It'll work out."  Given time (and with the help of the Holy Spirit), it usually does.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Wonderful Winning Words!  I was just sitting here thinking I should get off my duff and send a letter to my sponsored child, Sanskriti Rai, in India.  Then I thought, oh, I will do it tomorrow.  But now, I will do it right now.  Thanks!  "You made my day!" ====JACK:  When you follow through, some child in India is going to open a letter soon and say (in whatever language), "This makes my day!"

 FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA:  You've thanked me many times for the work I did at Holy Spirit...and I hope that at least once over these many years I have returned the favor. Either way, I will today!  Not long after I graduated from college, the first architect for whom I made a stained glass window said to me, "To make great architecture, you have to have a great client."  The same is true for the architectural arts. Looking back over the 20 years that I spent working with glass, you, and the arts committee at Holy Spirit, were among a mere handful of truly great clients -- and I will always be grateful for having had the opportunity to work with, and for, you. ====JACK:  The word that comes to mind is, symbiotic!====MT:  indeed, it is that kind of a relationship.  each team member literally 'feeds' positive energy into the project, giving it a life of its own.

 FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  Thank you, there are often times you make my day.====JACK:  Do you remember the poem by Longfellow... Sometimes I feel that way about Winning Words.
I shot an Arrow into the air
It fell to earth I know not where,
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breath'd a Song into the air
It fell to earth, I know not where.
For who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of a song?

Long, long afterward in an oak
I found the Arrow still unbroke;
And the Song from beginning to end
I found again in the heart of a friend.

 FROM BM IN MICHIGAN:  My grandson at camp – thanks for the “reminder”!====JACK:  Most people that I know (and especially children) are happy when there's something in the mail for them.

 FROM SBP IN FLORIDA:  Well, I start my day with .....“Thank you, Lord!” ...for so many things. And WW is among the list of expressions of appreciations...specifically, for mental stimulation in so many arenas.  At present, the WW “miracles” has my mind churning in many directions...one of which is, “If the Big Bang Theory (science) is any way near correct, how/where did the components that generated it develop?”  Rob Bell’s first chapters in WWTAWWTAG? lead to more questions.  Thank you, for sharing TG WW.  ====JACK:  Theories are interesting, particularly when you remember that they're just theories.  A favorite professor of mine once said, "You can't unscrew the inscrutable."

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Once saw a sign at a gas station cash register..."Don't tell me what kind if a day to have!"......... It made my day.====JACK:  Have a nice day!====PFC:  I KNEW you would fall into that trap! You made my day.====:(^ v ^)

 FROM DRX:  This isn't a letter but rather a simple word of thanks for your sharing God's Word with me and countless others...====JACK:  The Word is in the ear/eye of the beholder.  Thanks

 FROM MY LAWYER:  Thank you, Jack, for being my friend. I've thoroughly enjoyed knowing and working with you for almost 42 years. Let's enjoy many more in good health ====JACK: 
If you're ever in a jam, here I am.
If you're ever in a mess, S.O.S.
If you're so happy, you land in jail. I'm your bail.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships are soon forgot, ours will still be hot.
Da da da da da da dig dig dig.
If you're ever down a well, ring my bell.
If you're ever up a tree, just phone to me.
If you ever loose your teeth when you're out to dine, borrow mine.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships are soon forgeet, ours will still be great.
Loddle doddle chuck chuck chaa.
If they ever black you're eyes, put me wise.
If they ever cook your goose, turn me loose.
And if they ever put a bullet through your brain, Ill complain.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships are soon forgit, ours will still be it.
Ah loddle doddle hip hap hap.
If you ever loose your mind, I'll be kind.
And if you ever loose your shirt, I'll be hurt.
If you're ever in a mill and get sawed in half, I won't laugh.
It's friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship.
When other friendships are are up the crick, ours will still be slick.

 FROM JT IN MICHIGAN:  I've reread those notes many times.  Kindness is such a little thing, but means so very much.====JACK:  I couldn't slip anything by you, could I?

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Thanks for you WW.  I really enjoy them, and they jar a lot of memories.  Today at my Japanese class there was one woman who was in Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 and another whose father was killed in the war and whose uncle lives just down the street from me and who was like a father to her.  What a small world in which we live.====JACK:  Today I came across this quote by Tolstoy.  "The strongest of all warriors are Time and Patience."  A long life gives a person the opportunity to see how enemies can become friends.  One of my good friends was a teenager in the German army.  I still haven't bought a Japanese car.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  LOVE THIS THOUGHT....I SO ENJOY RE-READING MY LATE HUSBAND'S CARDS AND NOTES TO ME, SAVED OVER THE YEARS....WHAT A BLESSING!  LOVED THE WORDS TO "FRIENDSHIP;, FRIENDSHIP, JUST A PERFECT BLENDSHIP" ON THE BLOG!! :-)  YOU HAVE "MADE THE DAY" OF MANY;, MANY PEOPLE OVER THE YEARS! ====JACK:  There's a difference (in my opinion) between receiving a computer-note and one that is hand written, comes in a stamped envelope and is delivered by the mail carrier.  For one thing...it's easier to save and isn't subject to a PC crash. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've made my day! Actually, it's easy to write this to you, you are a person who is affirming. I am trying to be friends now with a person I have to work with who is a super rigid personality, perfectionistic in many ways and constantly "correcting" how I do things--my fondest ambition is to one day be able to truthfully tell him "You've made my day!" Only with the help of God will this ever become reality. Actually, the guy is making my day just by being willing to volunteer on this project so probably just need to concentrate first of all on being thankful for that participation. It gives us both a chance for a more affirming relationship in due time. and especially with prayer and seeking understanding. Thanks for your WW--have thunk a bit this morning already.
S.H. in MI