Winning Words 5/9/13
“Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” (Will Rogers) A carpet installer came to our house recently, and when he found out that I was a minister, he began to talk about religion. Some of his ideas were different from mine, and he couldn’t understand why I didn’t believe as he did. The thought occurred to me…”Who can have the right idea about God?” We didn’t talk about the correct way to lay a carpet. ;-) Jack
FROM JACK: "To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them."
-- Charles-Louis de Montesquieu, French political thinker
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: Very interesting and probably appropriate for me today.====JACK: After today, there's the last line goes in Gone With the Wind..."Tomorrow is another day."
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: ...excellent....====JACK: Excellent is in the eye of the beholder.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Hi, enjoyed your WW again this morning. Also the scripture sent from ELCA office somewhere. The scripture has to do with Jesus ascending to heaven in a cloud and how he will come back again. I tend to believe this passage literally and heaven for me already would be the "meeting of minds" on accepting this but your WW are leading me to ponder if others believe differently on this idea that Jesus at one time ascended to heaven and the promise that he is coming back again. Maybe others interpret that passage sort of metaphorically or something. Personally, I think there are a few correct ways to lay a carpet. One may be very meticulous and precise, all the corners exactly even and so forth, another may allow for some unevenness here and a little fudging there and not exactly square, a do-it-yourself style, your WW are very interesting this morning!!!! I enjoyed your sharing.====JACK: There are various interpretations (literal or figurative) of the ascension story, but "the bottom line" seems to be....this is not the end. Stay tuned!
FROM CJL IN OHIO: That was probably wise. He wouldn't have agreed...but maybe he would have gotten a new or different idea or two. Who knows? You probably don't know much about carpet laying. Maybe you would have learned something, depending on the questions.====JACK: If God is beyond a complete understanding, one who has "all of the answers" does not need anymore answers. We weren't on the same page. As for the carpet laying, I watched and kept my mouth shut, except to ask, "Isn't that pretty hard on your knees?"====CJL: ...and he, wearing his knee pads,said, "Not really"====JACK: He said that his father taught him the carpet business. Someone usually teaches us the faith, too.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Your line should have been, "you don't preach and I won't lay carpet."====JACK: No. He was entitled to his opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. To "look for God" is a never-ending search for each of us. He helped me in my search. At this point, I have no interest in learning how to lay carpet.
FROM SAINT JAMES: Everyone thinks they have all the answers...====JACK: I don't have all of the answers. That's why I like to listen to others. Maybe I'll learn something.
FROM DS IN SAN DIEGO: Jack, that is a topic that comes up in our bible study group from time to time.
We have a retired pastor that often says "we have a lot of surprises in store". I think he's right. ====JACK: I wonder how those who "know it all" will react when they eventually meet up with the ONE who knows it all? Surprised?...or disappointed?
FROM HS IN ILLINOIS: A blessed Ascension Day to all!====JACK: OOPS! I thought that today was just May 10.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Well said Rogers! No one has the right answer to everything although some think they do. Especially with religion and politics. God is God and some people try to change Him into what they need or want but He stays constant. I can't do math well but I am an extremely fast reader. We are all blessed but in different ways, thank you Lord!====JACK: I identify with the words of the famous philosopher, Popeye..."I yam what I yam!" ...nothing special.
FROM WALMART REV: The answer to the correct way of laying the carpet is "inch by inch", just saying... 0;-)====JACK: Anything's easy when you know how.
FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: Like.====JACK: What's the Facebook response for not liking something? ====LIZ: there is none. you don't click "like."====JACK: So, when I don't hear from you, I'm actually hearing from you?====LIZ: you figured that out... ha. actually, i like all your ww, some just hit home more than others. & i always appreciate the time & thought that goes into your daily "column." even more than that, i "like" our conversations!
FROM MICHIZONA RAY: You pose a valuable question to consider for what is "right". It seems to me that a whole and complete idea of God is the only "right" idea. This would be the same for the Truth, for the Truth cannot be the Truth if parts of it are missing. Since, God is the Truth, the same holds true for Him. Maybe we mere mortals would be wise to consider what we actually know of God, the Truth, and even laying carpet, is simply a limited and partial version of the whole -- a transitory understanding. If we "knew" the entirety of God we would need no Faith. I am left to continue seeking, asking, and knocking with all my mind, heart, soul, and strength. Wisdom truly lags behind knowledge!====JACK: It's not just with religion that faith is needed. marriage partners, doctors, jet pilots, other drivers, etc.
FROM DOCTOR JUDY IN MICHIGAN: LOVE THIS!! How clever.====JACK: I had an uneasy feeling during the conversation. I just wanted to talk and not try to "win" an argument.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: To each his own. I don't argue religion or politics. The way you live your life speaks volumes.====JACK: The carpet layer made a pre-judgment about my politics, too, but I didn't go down that road, either. I wonder what he told his wife if she asked, "How was your day?"
Hi, enjoyed your WW again this morning. Also the scripture sent from ELCA office somewhere. The scripture has to do with Jesus ascending to heaven in a cloud and how he will come back again. I tend to believe this passage literally and heaven for me already would be the "meeting of minds" on accepting this but your WW are leading me to ponder if others believe differently on this idea that Jesus at one time ascended to heaven and the promise that he is coming back again. Maybe others interpret that passage sort of metaphorically or something. Personally, I think there are a few correct ways to lay a carpet. One may be very meticulous and precise, all the corners exactly even and so forth, another may allow for some unevenness here and a little fudging there and not exactly square, a do-it-yourself style, your WW are very interesting this morning!!!! I enjoyed your sharing.
S.H. in MI
You pose a valuable question to consider for what is "right". It seems to me that a whole and complete idea of God is the only "right" idea. This would be the same for the Truth, for the Truth cannot be the Truth if parts of it are missing. Since, God is the Truth, the same holds true for Him. Maybe we mere mortals would be wise to consider what we actually know of God, the Truth, and even laying carpet, is simply a limited and partial version of the whole -- a transitory understanding. If we "knew" the entirety of God we would need no Faith. I am left to continue seeking, asking, and knocking with all my mind, heart, soul, and strength. Wisdom truly lags behind knowledge!
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