Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Winning Words 9/28/11
“D.W.I.” (Navy SEALs’ slogan) Here’s another from Kirk Gibson. He once invited some “SEALs” to talk to his team. They told of Afghanistan experiences which did not go according to plan. In those instances, they shouted, “D.W.I.!” In other words, Deal With It! Ballplayers have to be ready for the unexpected. D.W.I.! Life is that way. Do you know of people who’ve dealt with IT, successfully? ;-) Jack

FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: I think good preparation can minimize the number of D.W.I.s that one has to deal with and, therefore, allow a person to focus clearly on those times when your only choice is to deal with it.////FROM JACK: The SEALs are extremely well prepared, but "D.W.I." is still in their vocabulary. Their goal, and ours, is to reduce the need to use it. I seem to remember that good preparation was taught to you by your debate coach.////MORE JS: I remember I taught the homiletics class at Augie Sem when I was a senior....Kemtone had died and Art Arnold was the acting Prez and so asked me to teach the beginning homiletics class. I stressed preparation and one student argued that we should wait until we got into the pulpit and then let the Holy Spirit guide us. I suggested as kindly as possible that he was going to sharing a lot of hot air with his congregation if he did that. The Holy Sp. expects us to prepare and then will be there to lead us and guide us. It was a funny conversation and a difficult one to conduct without hurting his feelings.....Interesting memory////FROM JACK: I recall the story of a farm boy who came to the seminary, but did poorly in preaching class. The prof told him that he could never be a preacher. "But I had a vision one winter while on the toilet. I distinctly saw the letters P.C. on the frosted windowpane. It was God telling me to Preach Christ." The wise professor responded, "Perhaps you misinterpreted. God was telling you to Plow Corn." Perhaps your student was similar to that one.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: My husband spent years and years preparing to be a physics professor. When he didn't get tenure, he finally was able to D.W.I. by appreciating what he could still do at his corporation job and at his church. When my daughter was fairly young, we thought we couldn't afford a Nintendo game. She D.W.I. by drawing a Nintendo game on a small box and pretending she was playing Nintendo. I'm prouder of my family for D.W.I. than I might have been if life were just a piece of cake and they would never have had to show their true mettle. God has blessed them with love that they have been able always to "pass along" to others.////FROM JACK: Many heroes come from D.W.I. situations. Congratulations for the heroes in your life.

FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: This excellent WW reminds me of the Bob Newhart (sp?) monologue about the night janitor at the Empire State Building who, on his very first night at work, is confronted with a huge ape climbing up the side of the building. He solves the problem by smearing the Chrysler Tower with bananas. ////FROM JACK: I long for the days of Newhart humor. I guess I'll have to D.W.I. Hey, maybe I can find it on uTube.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Our nephew is training to be a SEAL. It's unbelievable tough! They deal with more stuff than we can ever know or want to for that matter. I love their slogan. Kirk is very smart to have his team listen to people who put their lives on the line. Baseball is "just a game" but players still have to "Be Prepared".
////FROM JACK: Even though I only made Tenderfoot in the Boy Scouts, I still remember: "Be Prepared"!

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: First Teen Challenge, the national robotics teams' organization, had as last year's motto was "Get Over It!"////FROM JACK: Facing an obstacle? Get over it...or under it, or around it...but get through it!////MORE FROM HAWKEYE: Mega Dittos!! :-))

FROM FLOWER POWER: That’s a good one. DWI is something I will use to express. The only Bible verse that my Dad ever quoted is Matthew 7:7. I’m not sure if that was the salesman in him or the optimist in him. Although I know the rest of the verse as it relates to the kingdom of God I like to think that the words are also meant as an inspiration to never giving up or DWI as the Navy Seals would express it. “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened.”////FROM JACK: Yes, "Seek, and you will find...a way to extricate yourself from a TS (tough situation)."

FROM BLAZING OAKS: DWI would be appropriate for ALL sports! I had to DWI when I was a young mother of four, driving a car in which the gas gauge did not work, and was stranded on the busiest bridge in Dixon during morning rush hour (jumped into the car to take John to H.S. wrestling practice at 7:30, because Bill was out-of-town...) and finally had to get out in my car in black lace baby doll pajamas, and walk two blocks to the nearest gas station. No slippers, no robe, no money...the gas station attendant took pity on me,and delivered gas to get me home, where my other kids were all late to school, etc. etc. AAAGHH! But the kicker was that the gas station man came to church the next Sunday!. (I had explained I was the Baptist Pastor's wife, and would come back and pay him for the gas...which I did.) He must have wanted to see me clothed and in my right mind. HA! Bill jokingly said we should turn that in for an evangelism idea: I didn't think it would sell...:-) Here's to DWI: I've done it a lot!!////FROM JACK: When is your book going to be published? And will there be pictures?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband spent years and years preparing to be a physics professor. When he didn't get tenure, he finally was able to D.W.I. by appreciating what he could still do at his corporation job and at his church. When my daughter was fairly young, we thought we couldn't afford a Nintendo game. She D.W.I. by drawing a Nintendo game on a small box and pretending she was playing Nintendo. I'm prouder of my family for D.W.I. than I might have been if life were just a piece of cake and they would never have had to show their true mettle. God has blessed them with love that they have been able always to "pass along" to others.
S.H. in MI