Monday, January 31, 2011

Winning Words 1/31/11
“A boil on one’s neck interests one more than 40 earthquakes in Africa.” (Dale Carnegie) Most of us are self-centered most of the time. Carnegie is known for his advice on how to win friends. One way is to try and put yourself in the other’s place. I know that it’s hard to do when you’ve got a “boil.” Other people have boils, too, and they’ll appreciate someone who sympathizes with them. ;-) Jack

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Are you really up at 4:12 am? FROM JACK: Your time is 4:12 am. Mine is 5:12 am. Yes, I try to get Winning Words out before 5:30 am, so that it's one of the first things to pop up on the screens of people like you.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Do you think the devil puts boils on our necks sometimes to win us over to being more self-centered than not or do you think we just naturally all by ourselves become self-centered with only our skin's help and not the devil's? FROM JACK: In "olden" days people believed that illness and calamity were caused by the devil, or were brought about, because of God's displeasure. I have the view that many of life's calamities are of our our making, or are the result of natural causes. That is not to say that God does not have the power or the will to eneter our life's happenings. God is love, and wants only the best for his people. I am comfortable in praying, "Thy will be done on earth....." .....and help me to understand what is, and what is not, "thy will."

FROM MOLINER CF: I'm not sure that's true if you live in Africa. FROM JACK: I don't think that many Africans would be too concerned about your boil, either.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Not a nice picture in my brain for Monday but none-the-less and very true statement. Unfortunately. Perhaps we should all try to overlook ourselves and stretch our comfort zone today. FROM JACK: RATS! I forgot. I had wanted to start off each week with positive Winning Words. Thanks for the reminder.

FROM PRPH VACATIONING IN ARIZONA: interesting choice of continents. i am not sure i have ever heard of an earthquake in Africa much less 40 of them. lots in Asia, South America, and the so-called Pacific Rim. but i get his point nonetheless. FROM JACK: I checked it out, and the African continent has had its share of major quakes. Maybe we've been concentrating on our boils so much that we haven't noticed.

FROM BLAZING OAKS: HA! So true!! Bill's dad, who only had an eighth grade education, but served as President of the Canton School Board, the Rotary, the Shriners, etc. took Dale Carnegie's Course on Public speaking, which was full of very practical help. He seems to have been a very insightful man! Like the saying in our bulletin one Sunday, "Be very kind to everyone today; we are all hurting in some way"...! Probably true! One way to take our mind off of our painful "boils" is to reach out to someone who IS hurting, and help.

FROM NK IN WISCONSIN: remember the story about the resident at the nursing home who was a Hobo? He died last week and this WW reminded me of him for some reason or another.. FROM JACK: I remember a bumper sticker: GOD DON'T MAKE JUNK! During the Great Depression your great grandmother usually had a sandwich or other food to give to hobos who knocked at her door. Her house was adjacent to the railroad tracks. Maybe caring about people is in your genes.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winning Words 1/28/11
“Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.” (Old Farmer’s Advice) One last “word” from the farmer. I think that worry is something that affects all of us at one time or another. It can be about money, health, children, the future. We keep our own list. Lest we become overwhelmed, the O.F. says, “Be realistic.” A Bible verse keeps me on track: Matthew 6:34. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Thank you!!!!! I loved the scripture reference. For some of us worriers, others toss up that being stress-free and worry-free is a mark of strong faith or something--always makes me feel guilty and a failure--just can't seem to attain that level of faith but the scripture says "Today's trouble is enough for today." I find that very comforting. And stress-relieving. I suppose with the old farmer, even though the stuff ain't never gonna happen we heard about it happening to someone else and, if it could happen to someone else it can happen to us, question of sympathy and boundaries. FROM JACK: In my first parish, one of the churches was out in the country. Many members were "old farmers." They were "the salt of the earth," as the saying goes. We need to meet up with more people who help us put our priorities in the right order. MORE FROM SH: Coincidentally, just reading the Jewish News this morning and there is an article "Resolved: Is worry to Jews like cream cheese to bagels?" The article says there is good worry and there is bad worry. If the worry is a problem-solving mechanism, it is good. On the other hand "So the brain can spin out of control, scaring itself (I really like this phrase--brain can scare itself), maybe feeling guilty and ruminating over issues
that are beyond our control. This is the essence of a "bad" worry habit." According to the article, awareness and learning to observe our thoughts gives us the possibility of lessening the grip of obsessive worry. Thanks for today's WW calling our attention to our thinking on this matter. FROM JACK: Good worry and bad worry! I'd never thought of it that way before. I'm going to try and Google the article...or buy the paper.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Wasn't it Fleetwood Mac that said, "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow"? FROM JACK: You have a good memory! It was also a good tune with good lyrics. "Don't Stop" is a song by the rock group Fleetwood Mac, written by vocalist and keyboard player Christine McVie. Sung by Christine McVie and guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, it was a single taken from the band's 1977 hit album, Rumours. It is one of the band's most enduring hits.

If you wake up and don't want to smile If it takes just a little while
Open your eyes and look at the day You'll see things in a different way

Don't stop thinking about tomorrow Don't stop, it'll soon be here
It'll be better than before Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone

FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: off i go to start my day. i only packed today's worries. thanks again for a most pertinent and timely ww! i can't stop humming, "pack up your sorrows...give them all to me...". i think it's todays mantra. FROM JACK: Notice the new nickname I've given you. You probably know the Fleetwood Mac song, too. Try unpacking it from your mind.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: One day at a time. FROM JACK: One of my favorite songs: "One day at a time, Sweet Jesus."
One day at a time sweet Jesus That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way One day at a time.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: "Worry is interest paid on something that may never happen." FROM JACK: "Tell me the old, old story...."

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: ...that passage is starting to become one of my favorites as well FROM JACK: It fits many situations, doesn't it?

FROM MOLINER CF: I guess "Take it a day at a time" is still an appropriate piece of advice. FROM JACK: Or as the athletes and coaches say when interviewed: "We're just gonna play one game at a time."

FROM ID IN LA: Very good advice...Thanks ))) FROM JACK: You don't ever worry, do you?

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Sufficient for the day are the troubles thereof? So don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself...Good reminder indeed...It is very hard to lay your burdens at the foot of the cross and leave them keep wanting to pick the back up!!! Ah, the foibles of us humans...we WILL worry and fret! And we've seen enough disastrous happenings, that the phrase "Don't worry, God's in charge" is almost a mockery. We wait to see the Whole picture on the "other side"... certainly don't have all the answers here on Earth. Keep singing, "Jesus Love Me, This I know"!! FROM JACK: Isn't there also a song, "Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there." A lot of us follow the advice of the first six words, but neglect the last four.

FROM IE IN MICHIGAN: Your message reminds me of the saying: "Worrying will do nothing about solving your problems for tomorrow but it sure will mess up your today".. FROM JACK: It sounds as though you know what you're talking about.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winning Words 1/27/11
“When you wallow with the pigs, expect to get dirty.” (Old Farmer’s Advice) I’ve heard these words more than once…and they haven’t been about playing in a pig pen. We have to be careful about choosing the people we hang out with. Parents often tell their kids to choose good friends, because young people are influenced by those around them. We older adults need to heed that advice, too. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: These kinds of words always perplex me. Jesus hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes but I must say I was always a little relieved at the friends my daughter chose. I guess the key word might be "wallow". Jesus stood up straight and wasn't dragged down by others' behaviors. Still, it's a perplexing WW; can we, do we want to do what Jesus did? Being with pigs is OK. FROM JACK: An analogy is not always perfect, especially when it's carried too far.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: It's a good analogy...the Old Farmer knew what he was talking about. That advice reminds me of other advice regarding pigs..."Don't cast your pearls before swine." (Matt. 7:6) Again, referring to to people who aren't worthy of your concern. FROM JACK: I have a problem with who is, and who is not, WORTHY. MORE FROM RI: That's a valid qualifier. I probably should have said, "don't expect anything from those who don't value what you give."

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .......did somebody swipe your wallet? I "hang out" in the 2nd highest crime rate District in patients are an "interesting" crowd......"inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these..........". .....and they are my 'friends'. FROM JACK: You know what I mean! MORE FROM B'MORE: ........."wallow "means to "roll around in the mud with", whereas "hang out" can mean "associate with" on a regular basis......and perhaps that's the difference, since it is possible for "influence" to go both ways....I think....... FROM JACK: It's always good to hang out with you when you come back to Michigan for a visit. Wallowing is not for me.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: This one got a big chuckle from me. I heard this a LOT when I was growing up. Both from my parents and grandparents. My parents thought choosing friends was most important in our lives. They "mentored" our choices. Most of us did very well...a few had problems. But in the end, we all chose well. Praise God! FROM JACK: ...and praise all who cared about little Judy.

FROM MOLINER CF: There was a saying in the Marine Corps, "I'm glad I found you out before we hit the beach." I heed it to this day. FROM JACK: Semper Fidelis to one another.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: "Sleep with a dog and you'll wake up with fleas" was how my dad put it to me. FROM JACK: That's as good as the Old Farmer's advice....or better.

FROM AM IN MICHIGANl The nuns use to say "Show me your companions and I'll tell you who you are". They would have loved the seniors. FROM JACK: I wonder if the nuns "hung out" with anybody other than nuns. It doesn't matter....I was just wondering.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Such as "He who lays down with dogs, gets up with fleas"....I can remember Don Henss, who was a Representative for a couple of terms (His family and ours were good friends. He died last year saying, "Politics is dirty find yourself in cahoots with strange bedfellows". In order to get anything done, you have to compromise and support some other guys platforms, so he would support you, etc. He'd had enough after two terms, I think it was. My 2nd son M has always befriended the underdogs, and those with problems. Makes for an "interesting" life! He is the Real Estate Education Coordinator for the State of Illinois, (Division of Banks and Real Estate) so has a lot of responsibility and stress. He isn't a steady church-goer or "Pillar of the church" like the other 3, but I'd say he's had a wide Christian influence out in the real world. He could have been a stand-up comedian. Always fun to be with, a quick wit. But I'd say he has definitely spent time with pigs, but not wallowed with them. :-) Jesus ate with prostitutes and sinners (!) according to the Pharisees FROM JACK: I've quoted it before, but in this case it needs repeating: "A certain amount of fleas is good for a dog." Another one from the Bible: "Be in the world, but not of the world."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winning Words 1/26/11
“Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.” (Old Farmer’s Advice) Here are more wise words from the old farmer. In my life, I’ve never plowed a field, but I know that if I did, I’d figure out a way to get around the obstacles in my path. When stumps appear before us in life, we can remove them by digging and hacking away, or steer a new path ….or do you have some better advice? ;-) Jack

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: i think stumps are nature's plant stands. FROM JACK: What a great use for that old stump!

FROM DS IN MICHIGAN: So I think sometimes banging into the stump teaches us something. Maybe we just climb over them with some help. FROM JACK: Some of us speak from experience.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: "Ah but, a good farmer would remove the stump." (From my nephew-in-law who farms.) FROM JACK: I seem to recall seeing stump piles as I've driven past farm fields. MORE FROM JUDY: Yes, there are usually a lot of stump piles on the very old farms. I remember my grandpa telling me in the old days they used dynamite to remove stumps. Today is Michigan's 174 birthday! There was a great little article in the newspaper this past weekend about it. I am calling my grandsons and will be emailing the information to them!

FROM RI IN BOSTON: When life throws you a stump...make stumpenade. FROM JACK: What rejoinder can I give to you? I'm stumped.

FROM MOLINER CF: Blast! FROM JACK: Does saying, "Dang Blast It! get the job done?

FROM DB IN MICHIGAN: Some stumps HAVE to be removed because they will forever be there and ruin our "view". FROM JACK: That's one way of "looking" at it.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: HA! Bill used to work on his grandfather's farm in the summer, and said there is NOTHING more BORING than following the hind end of a horse all day...:-) He didn't mention skirting stumps in the field...maybe they were removed! Definitely plow AROUND the stumps in your path, if at all possible. Much smoother. I've had some of our stumps "chipped", which eventually does the job, and leaves a mess of chips! Maybe the "fallout" of dealing with the obstacles in life, eh? :-) There are insensitive people who travel rough shod over anything in their paths. I wonder if they look back, and wish they had done things differently...costly in relationships! FROM JACK: When we have a smooth field ahead of us, it's usually because someone has removed some obstacles. In my mind, today, I'm tanking my parents.

FROM INDY GENIE: i'm trying to think of some better advice but i'm stumped! FROM JACK: .....or up a tree (if it's a tall stump).

FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: Jack this was perfect for my day!!! I was speaking to Jay this morning about this saying this same thing applied to him. Boy you sure know how to pick emmm.. FROM JACK: We all have our obstacles, and it helps to know that there are ways of coping.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winning Words 1/25/11
“Every path has its puddles.” (Old Farmer’s Advice – Sent by GS) The Old Farmer’s Almanac started publishing in 1792 and is known for its long-range weather forecasts, recipes, advice and quotes. Today’s quote is typical of the ones found in the book. It’s just common sense. When you walk the path of life, you’re going to find some puddles. You can hop over them, slosh through them, or play in them. ;-) Jack

FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: Good advice! Reminds me of the saying "Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it." FROM JACK: The percentages seem to change with different personalities, but the goal is the same.

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: i love puddles! reminds me of "singin' in the rain". i've done a great deal of that. FROM JACK: Some people wallow in puddles. Do you remember the WW 1 song, "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag?" There are various ways to look at the problems of life.

FROM MOLINER CF: Wear your :"Wellies" at all times and just spash ahead. FROM JACK: I don't think that I've ever had a pair of Wellingtons. I do have some Norwegian know, the low-cut kind that are half there?

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I'm reading the "Farmer's Almanac". A piece at a time. Most interesting. It's fun. Heard so much about it. What do you think? FROM JACK: I think that next year I should ask Santa Claus for a copy.

FROM LP IN MICHIGAN: or play in them Funny how "puddles" seems initially to be a negative but I suppose it's all perspective. FROM JACK: I can imagine that your daughter would rather "play" in a puddle than do the adult thing...try to avoid it.

FROM YOOPER PAT: The 'play in them' was an unexpected turn tho I'm not sure why --- delightful! FROM JACK: Try to turn back the pages of time in your brain, and you will remember why puddles are sometimes a lot of fun.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I found out one thing about Michigan, you can walk out the door and it's blue and clear and then a couple of hours later it's raining. Then people say "Well, it's Michigan". It's been years now since I've owned a pair of shoes that aren't waterproof. The L.L. Beans are pricey but my feet never get wet which helps walking through the puddles. In the old days we used to put a pair of rubber boots over our shoes--what a pain!!!! And can you imagine carrying a pair of rubber boots around all the time? or wearing them out the door all the time? FROM JACK: Never judge a person until you walk through their puddles in their boots.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Ha! Made me smile...and depending on your mood of the day, you could do any one of the three: hop over, slosh through, or stop and play in the muddy water! I would guess that those are happiest who either hop over, or play, but what do I know? Maybe some serious sloshing is necessary to "get through" them. We used to have a yearly Farmer's Almanac when we served the Dixon Church. It is an interesting publication!! Brought back memories of long ago... FROM JACK: If your family is stumped on what to get you as a Christmas gift, why not suggest a copy of the latest OFA?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Winning Words 1/24/11
“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are hard work, stick-to-itiveness and common sense.” (TAE) A few years ago I saw the railroad station where Edison worked as a newsboy. He only had a few months of formal education, but he did a lot of reading. He left home at age 16, and began inventing things in his early 20s. He became a success, because he followed his own advice. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS: How does one define the term "common sense"? I think it is one of the most ambiguous terms around. FROM JACK: Many things in life are ambiguous. Do you remember the judge who was asked to make a decision on what is pornography? He said: "I know it, when I see it." I think it's common sense that most of us know common sense when we see it.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: You're up a little earlier than usual today. Probably thinking about TAE. For many years I avg'd 70 hours/week - that is a chief reason my company survived. FROM JACK: I read somewhere that Edison slept less than five hours a day. You say that you averaged 70 hours a week. Was that sleep or work?

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: ....amen.....I would add that sometimes it's wise to make course corrections along the way....... FROM JACK: You're right! Anyone who's been successful has had to make some course adjustments. Life isn't always smooth sailing.

FROM IE IN MICHIGAN: You have to add 2 more requirements: Talent & Passion.. FROM JACK: Edison's buried at his Glenmont Eastate in New Jersey, if you want to go and talk it over with him.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: It's hard to see how those three essentials could go wrong: especially stick-to-it-ness! I think our older generation has had better "sticking" power than the succeeding ones They seem to want "instant" everything. But new things keep getting invented and improved, so guess they are doing something right!! FROM JACK: I seem to remember hearing some from the generation before ours make the same comments about us.

FROM MOLINER CF: Who can argue with a guy who lighted up our lives? FROM JACK: ....and also made it possible to send out Winning Words (including his).

FROM SG IN TAMPA: These WW remind me of Abraham Lincoln, too. FROM JACK: That reminds me--
speaking of Lincoln-- How many pictures of Lincoln are on a penny?

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: Kind of makes me sick when I hear about kids not getting the education that is their "right". They threw chairs at M.J. when he was subbing in the Detroit schools. It is not education that they were looking for. There are too many of them fighting it all the way--and pouring $$$ into it will not fix the problem. They have to WANT to learn! FROM JACK: Do you have any suggestions?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Winning Words 1/21/11
“So often the enemy of the best is the good.” (Steven Covey) A few days ago, as I was walking through one of the halls of our high school, I saw this Covey slogan printed on the wall in BIG letters. I wish that I had seen these words when I was in high school. I guess it’s not too late to take and apply them in situations today. “Good enough” is not good enough when we seek to do and to be the best ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: That's a lesson I learned from Prof Holcomb, my debate coach. Until then I had
been content to do pretty good. We went to a tournament at Northwestern and came in second out of 82 schools and I was feeling pretty good about myself. The whole trip home Holcomb kept lecturing on how we could have been first if we had given more effort. The unfortunate thing was that he was right. I learned under him to not accept the good if there was a possibility of doing better. FROM JACK: We all need a "coach" who can encourage us to strive for the best and not to be satisfied with just the good.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Going back about 30 years ago in this country there was a chain of Best stores, similar to today's Target and Walmart stores. Best stores are out of business now, apparently because they weren't "best"...and it seems they weren't even "good enough". I have the perception that the U.S. no longer strives to be best school, in creativity, in our national aspirations. There seems to be a lot of "I just want to have fun" spirit out there...the Las Vegas syndrome. Have the country's priorities changed? Or is it my personal cynicism? FROM JACK: Just as "beauty is in the mind of the beholder," so is the concept of what is best is in our mind. We continually need someone to challenge us to be better than just "good." We are privileged if we meet up with that kind of person...and they are in every era.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: Sorry, I don't quite get it. Jack, your messages is one thing I look fwd to each morning - you help people with these writings. FROM JACK: Since you have an interest in basketball, let me explain it in those terms. There are many basketball teams playing the game, and many of them are good. But those teams which win championships are those where the players are not content to be good. They want to elevate their game, so that they are the best. Be the best that you can be! I'm sure you wanted that to be a goal in your business, too.

FROM SF WRITING FROM SOMEWHERE WHERE IT'S WARM: Have you read 'Good to Great' by Jim Collins? That's his whole premise. Really liked it. Check it out! FROM JACK: I checked, and here's what I learned.
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't is a 2001 management book by James C. Collins that aims to describe how companies transition from being average companies to great companies and how companies can fail to make the transition. "Greatness" is defined as financial performance several multiples better than the market average over a sustained period of time. Collins finds the main factor for achieving the transition to be a narrow focusing of the company’s resources on their field of competence.

FROM MOLINER CF: Maybe conjugation says it..."good, better, best" FROM JACK: I didn't know that you excelled in the nuances of language forms. I'll bet your grades were the BEST! MORE FROM CF: I almost wrote "good, gooder, goodest" but didn't want you to think I was doing mockery. Which I am not.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Somewhere I have a poem published in Dear Abby's column "Good enough is not good enough"...saying essentially this very thing. Also the saying, "Good, better, best. Never quit until the good is better, and the better, best!" I think of the parable Jesus told of the seeds, being sown in fallow or weedy ground. I gave a devotional on that, pointing out that the "weeds" could very well be our involvement in many worthwhile activities, or at least innocuous ones, which prevent us from having time for the works of
faith...Good, but not BEST! May we have the wisdom to know the difference, eh?! FROM JACK: I have stuff like the Dear Abby poem. Now, if I just knew where to find it. My filing system isn't the best.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winning Words 1/20/11
“A brave heart and a courteous tongue…They shall carry thee far through the jungle, mailing.” (Rudyard Kipling) In arriving at a definition of “manling,” I settled on “the common folk,” like you and me. RK reminds us of the value of being brave and being courteous at the same time. My favorite poem of his is, “Recessional.” Do you remember it? “Lest we forget; lest we forget.” ;-) Jack

RECESSIONAL by Rudyard Kipling

God of our fathers, known of old— Lord of our far-flung battle line—
Beneath whose awful hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies— The Captains and the Kings depart—
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget!

Far-called our navies melt away— On dune and headland sinks the fire—
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe—
Such boastings as the Gentiles use, Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust In reeking tube and iron shard—
All valiant dust that builds on dust, And guarding calls not Thee to guard.
For frantic boast and foolish word, Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord!

FROM RI IN BOSTON:! Hallowed words that strike deep in the heart. Those majestic verses somehow evaded me all these years. Thanks (as always) for revealing another gem. FROM JACK: Kipling wrote this in 1897 recognizing the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. "Lest we forget" seems to be a reminder that God is the ultimate ruler.

FROM MR IN MICHIGAN: Your Winning Words seem to hit right on the mark with me SO often. When you're working on "a brave heart" as hard as you can, sometimes "courtesy" is hard to remember' I must look up the poem & refresh my memory! FROM JACK: "Courtesy" is always good to practice when dealing others, even when some choose to be discourteous. The "Recessional" poem is on the blog. If you want to look up another good one, Google "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost.

FROM MOLINER CF: "Manling" is too esoteric for my computer dictionary. Also doesn't show up on Spellcheckl. Definition, please. FROM JACK: Read again my commentary on the quote. Also, JS in his response to day (posted on the blog) give his definition. "Little man" might be the literal meaning, but that can be confusing in my mind.

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: I was in the checkout line at the grocery store yesterday and let someone go ahead of me. They acted as if I did some marvelous thing! People are incredible! FROM JACK: Groceries cost something, but it doesn't cost anything to be courteous....and look what you get in return.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: I would think that "manling" means "young male" is not a sin to be a male and to be different from the female of the species. FROM JACK: Do you translate the word or the thought?

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: It's been a few years since Rudyard Kipling...The Tumult and the shouting dies, The captains and the Kings depart, Still stands thine ancient Sacrifice: An humble and a contrite heart! Lord of hosts, be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget...:-) His poem "Invictus" "If you can keep your head, while all about are losing theirs...You'll be a man, My son. Is often on graduation cards. (which I send!) It's an astute and self-confident person who can be passionate about a cause or point-of-view, and yet remain respectful and courteous to those who disagree! And an even braver one who can admit he/she had changed his/her mind after weighing the matter! This quote is a good one to keep in mind! FROM JACK: It seems as though you still have the faculty of memory. Isn't there a saying that those can't remember are doomed to make their past mistakes over again....or something like that?

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I remember. Also "If" FROM JACK: I had forgotten that "IF" was by Kipling, too.
IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winning Words 1/19/11
“I can live two months with a good compliment.” (Mark Twain) How about giving a compliment to the first person you meet up with today…and note their reaction? Mark had his finger on the pulse of America. BTW, what’s your reaction to the new edition of Huckleberry Finn which replaces the “n” word with “slave?” Twain is known for attacks on racism, but I don’t think he’d approve of the revision. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: I can remember when the "n" word was used on a regular basis. I am glad that it is gone but I doubt if the word "slave" conveys the meaning of what Twain was saying in Huck Finn. FROM JACK: BTW, you always send thoughtful and interesting responses to my Winning Words. I can remember when the letter "h" was used instead of "hell." Now, the word, hell, seems commonplace. Some things have a way of reversing themselves. I'd be interested to know what words or letters of today will be "no nos" in the future. Do you have some thoughts on this?

FROM CS IN WISCONSIN: I believe some of this ‘political correctness’ is going too far. Why do they think that they can change history because they change a word or words in books or ban them from libraries? This is how generations to come will know how much we have grown or not by being allowed to read all kinds of books, watching old films, news reels, etc. We read about it also where they want to change things in our Bibles that God is a “she”. I just did a Bible study from “Lutheran Woman “ and the authors made reference to “some people envision God as a male entity, others relate to God in different ways. Male dominant language aside”… Cannot men be nurturing, caring, loving individuals without making them feminine? Thank you for making us think about things that we cannot change from the past and hopefully make us think about being better more caring people today-to everyone! FROM JACK: Part of our problem is a language problem. If our theology sees God as a non-gender Spirit, we have no descriptive word, if "it" is not acceptable. I see "him" as simply as a language form. I see no problem changing some hymn wording in order to make it inclusive. For example, "Good Christian friends rejoice" doesn't compromise the hymn in my mind. Other changes seem to be stretching the point for the sake of "political correctness." Back to Huck Finn....I think it's valid to ask, "What would the author think?"

FROM RI IN BOSOTN: Twain's book Huckleberry Finn has been considered a children's book, but it deals with adult issues. For me the situations in the story became much more explicit when I read the book again for a college English class. Maybe the book should be delayed for study until high school level classes. Just in principle I don't think an author's writing should be changed to suit public opinion. FROM JACK: Was the book ever "banned in Boston?" Book banning and book alterations and book burning are like people who try to get rid of a puddle on the floor by stomping on it. I don't thin that I suffered, because I read Huck Finn before I reached high school. That experience simply inspired me to read other books, like those written by Booth Tarkington.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Among young black people I hear language that seems to bind them together, when you're fighting the enemy of prejudice and stereotyping and devaluing and just looking and judging on the surface of things, seems like people say things and do signs that are aimed at taking away the brutal power of words used by people who want to put down. I believe Twain probably was more in tune with both niggers and slaves than some people whose highest aim is to be politically correct. I still have a lot of trouble with hearing the "F" word and wonder what people really think about sex in our American society. There may be more emotional and physical abuse than we'd ever like to acknowledge. Thanks for your WW. We need to talk about these things. FROM JACK: Thanks for "telling it like it is." You have pointed out that this is more than a discussion about whether to use a "letter" instead of a "word."

FROM WATERFORD JAN: If every disparaging nickname for every group of people is removed from all literature, which is large-scale censorship, is that really what should happen? That would have to include the word "Honky" as well. I have been told by some "Black" friends that the "N" word is used among the Black community. There are many words that should not be used in polite company, and we can't control that, but we can rise above name-calling and not use words that should not be used as nouns or adjectives. A recent
commentary about Mark Twain's writing cited the character Jim as the "good guy." That is also the case in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom was a hero. I suspect that some of the criticism of Twain's book comes from the use of one word, and not from people who have actually read the story in its entirety.
FROM JACK: Since today's WWs was about the value of giving someone a compliment, I want to compliment you on your response. I find it interesting that all of the responses so far have related to something that wasn't in the quote. I must have touched a nerve. MORE FROM JAN: You provide thought-provoking quotations and we respond to your question instead. I agree about a compliment generating good feelings. I often pretend to put a gold star on someone's forehead for some deed they've done or words they've said. It never fails to cause a smile, especially after they realize I'm not trying to hit them. FROM JACK: You mean you actually carry a pack of gold stars with you?

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: No revision. Let us go forward in our thoughts and actions. FROM JACK: No revisions, except for life, once in a while.

FROM FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA: I agree with you. Same for “Money for Nothin’” which I’m sure you’ve heard about. But I might feel different if I had a different history. I was thinking yesterday about the movie “Blazing Saddles”, which savagely satirized whites but with language that certainly was not politically correct. Or Blues Brothers, where Cab Calloway’s character said “What’s one more old “n” to the Chicago Board of Education?”
FROM JACK: The movies don't seem to bother with just a letter, standing for a word. "Gone With the Wind,"
for example. Clark Gable could have said, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a d---!"

FROM DC IN KANSAS: Didn't MLK use the n-word in his "I Have a Dream" speech? FROM JACK: I recall hearing him refer to Negroes, but I would have to research the "n" word. BTW, did you know that the "Dream" speech was first given in Detroit? MORE FROM DC: No! You sure know a lot!!! I expect he probably used "negroes" and not "niggers." But I hestiate to use even "negroes."

FROM MOLINER CF: I'm surprised at Mark. Ever heard of a BAD compliment?( I know; that's not your point.) I don't approve of the revision either, but that doesn't make me a racist. The expression was a product of the time. That time has passed but history remains. FROM JACK: A bad compliment is one where a person praises, and then qualifies it. "You gave a good response to today's Winning Words, but you could have done better." I'm just using this as an example. You always give an erudite commentary. MORE FROM CF: Thank you for the qualified compliment. I can always depend on you. FROM JACK: You just reminded me of a phrase that you don't hear much anymore....A backhanded compliment.

FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: I couldn't agree with you more. My son and I just read HF this past year and reading it aloud, it's hard to say the N word with such consistency but Twain has a disclaimer in the preface about all of his vernacular and says that the manner of speaking depicts regional nuances that are important to the characters and the book. That said, I still loved Little Black Sambo and I don't care what color…as a child, I just wanted him to scoot away from the tigers and think about my pancakes. FROM JACK: I couldn't agree with you more. Upon researching the Sambo name, I can see why some might consider it to be in the came category as the "n" words. Sometimes we think we know more than we do. MORE FROM BBC: Fascinating…I did not know it was a slur, nor that it originally connoted a person of mixed race with no negative or nasty implications. You learn something new every day and I often learn that something from your blog. Thanks!

FROM JL IN MICHIGAN: Editing the book maybe makes young black children feel a little better about themselves when they are at a young age. But, someday, they will be exposed to photos, which cannot be edited, showing "colored only" at drinking fountains; and much more. History is history, good and bad. That's my take. FROM JACK: Anyone who tries to rewrite history has a never-ending task. How about those who re-interpret and rewrite laws? MORE FROM JL: Interpretation of laws is the constitutional job of the judiciary. Over years and succeeding generations, those interpretations may change. Example: Endless
arguments over the Roe v. Wade decision and whether it should be overturned. As for laws, these are written by legislative bodies and must be prospective in nature. Otherwise, I agree, history can't be re-written.

FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: I believe we need to keep the integrity of the words, as long as they don't need to be translated from another language, for all literature, such as Shakespeare and Mark Twain. People can't revise history, though they may try in their own minds. Yes, the "n" word is offensive; it was offensive to slaves and free black persons at the time Twain wrote the story. But, some of the things in Shakespeare's plays were also offensive -- he was a pretty bawdy playwright sometimes -- and we don't touch his stuff! I'm not a fan of the King James version of the Holy Bible, but I respect the integrity of that era in "allowing" it to call speech-impaired persons "dumb" -- which has a whole different meaning in today's vernacular. We learn about the perspective of another era or another culture by keeping those words in the context in which they were written; and hope that a later generation will not change or delete what we write and publish today "at will". FROM JACK: I remember reading about a respected biblical theologian who was asked which was the best translation of the Bible. He replied that he uses about eight. The operative question in all of this is: "What do you mean?" When preachers preach, they are attempting to explain the meaning of words. It's a never-ending task as generations come and go.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: I agree. Leave Twain stand as written. Politically correct can often be shallow. FROM JACK: ....and I suppose you don't want anyone messing with the wording of your sermons after your gone, either! MORE FROM CWR: ....right on. Preaching is "for the moment" and moments evolve. That's why it is difficult to "recycle" them maybe, but don't mess with the original. Keep that within time context. With Twain......maybe a "current" preface to explain Twain's historic context would be helpful....and protect "virgin" ears from the raw historic context within which Twain wrote.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I don't approve of the revision either. Censoring literature doesn't sound American to me. FROM JACK: In reading to my young children, I sometimes "revised" the story that was written. Did you ever do that? I'm not saying that this applies to rewriting Huck Finn; it's just a memory I have. MORE FROM LIZ: I used such instances as "teaching moments" when they came up. But I get what you're saying. There are some things I just plain avoided-- Bambi, for one. (As did my mother with me.) My friend, Karen, who has two kids with autism, renamed "Dumbo" "Jumbo" with a big, fat marker to every page. We have our own styles, but we all do our best! FROM JACK: Karen is a wise and caring mom. This world needs more like her.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I taught Huckleberry Finn to my Lit. students, and the N word was always understood to be the language of that time...never a problem! I don't think they should mess with a classic, and Mark Twain would NOT be pleased! :-( A leader of a workshop I took challenged us once to give 3 sincere compliments day. It makes you more observant when you are looking for something to compliment, and they are always much appreciated. A very positive thing to do: and always to receive a compliment graciously, as well. Some folks seem to think they have to refute your good words to them, in the name of modesty or humbleness! A simple "Why, thank you!" with a smile is sufficient. Or maybe a humorous acquiescence! :-) I appreciate the thought you give to sharing Winning Words with us! SINCERELY! FROM JACK: I can't remember when a Winning Words quote and "observation" received as much feedback as today's. Thanks for your comment. Good, as always.

FROM BF IN MICHIGAN: Not sure the word change affects the story; but the consideration is noteworthy.
FROM JACK: True, the story does not hinge on that word; the issue, for some, is whether or not an author's words should be altered. And, for what reason, is yet another issue. Thanks for your response.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: You're right, and neither do I. It's too bad the way we take the uncomfortable out of what we have. I guess it's one way of protecting our self against it! FROM JACK: There's a problem in becoming too comfortable. I once read this quote: "A certain amount of fleas are good for any dog."

FROM JT IN MICHIGAN: I agree with you regarding the changing of Twain's language. The "n" word is one I've never used and find very offensive but I don't think an author's work should be changed. What one writes reflects the place, time and culture of when it was written. If it is not what he wrote it is no longer Mark Twain's. FROM JACK: But, what are your thoughts on receiving and giving compliments?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winning Words 1/18/11
“The discontented man finds no easy chair.” (Ben Franklin) BF’s birthday was yesterday (1706). He’s known for his pungent proverbs and short sayings. Liesa sent a few to me last week which she found while looking for other stuff.. Based on today’s quote, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ben had a “Type A” personality. He’d probably enjoy the Porgy & Bess song, “I can’t sit down.” Are you like that? ;-) Jack

I CAN'T SIT DOWN - From Porgy & Bess
I can't sit down
Oh I can't sit down
I gotta keep a goin' like the flowin' of a song
Oh I can't sit down
I guess I'll take my honey an' her sunny smile along

Today I am gay an' I'm free
Oh just a bubblin,' nothin' troubblin' me
Oh I can't sit down
I can't sit down

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Isn't it wonderful God gave us these men who began this great nation? Can you imagine it being born today?'s too scary even to think about. Most of the first fathers had to be type "A" and committed to their calling! My parents loved their Almanac and got one from one of us kids each year at Christmas for as long as I can remember. (Gosh, I must be contented because I love my Lazy-Boy!) FROM JACK: "Sayings from Poor Richard's Almanack" is a book that I keep near my computer. The Bible's there, too, along with the dictionary.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I have had trouble "switching gears" since my Mother passed. I am being reminded of that by people around me. As I was cleaning up after the holidays there was only one Dove candy left in a dish that I wanted to put away so I ate it. The message that was on the wrapper was "It is okay to slow down". I thought that was pretty amazing! FROM JACK: I'm sure that your mom would say, "It's OK to move on." The Dove "message" is a good one, too. Mmmmm. Good candy.

FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: I often wonder how different things would be if he were here with us now. FROM JACK: Did you mean GOD or MLK?

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I must be like that because, at first read I felt chastisement. Didn't occur to me that Ben was referring to himself. If he was, did he feel guilty? or was he content knowing himself so well. Did he find justification for all of his discontentment and feel it was serving him and his country well? I've been too long away from my knitting and reading in my easy chair--good antidotes to discontentment. Maybe Ben
had his options too. FROM JACK: Just like with Goldilocks and the three bears....We each sit in the chair that's most comfortable for us. We are each contented or discontented, depending on life's circumstances.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: Peter Drucker said that, "Managers should be uncomfortable. If they are comfortable, they are not doing their job." FROM JACK: Peter had probably read Ben's Almanack.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I imagine we have all been discontented at some point, and it does make one restless! Good old Ben F. He was a complex and fascinating man. I sympathize with his poor wife, who never seemed to get his attentions for more than a few minutes! He was all wrapped up in his own life and world...I would guess I have the type A personality, multi-tasking and on the go a lot, tho old-age tends to simmer that down! :-) My first and third sons are go-getters, and my 2nd son and daughter (#4) take more after
their laid-back Dad. But all are movers and shakers in their fields...?! Good quote on B.F's! FROM JACK: Ben was a mover and a shaker, but he needed to pay attention to the home front, also.

FROM MOLINER CF: Old proverb: Man who does not land in easy chair finds self on easy street FROM JACK: Is that why you're living on Easy Street?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winning Words 1/17/11
“If the Creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he surely meant for us to stick it out.” (Arthur Koestler) As I was looking for an appropriate quote to use on MLK, Jr Day, this one seemed just right. I remember the time, if not the day, when I first became aware of his “crusade.” In the beginning, not many were willing to march as he marched and to risk, as he risked. But God had a plan. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: History will tell us that the Civil Rights movement began in the 40s and with the reaction to WW II and the economic recovery. It advanced signigicantly in the 50s. I was the first chair of the Civil Rts. Commission at Augustana in the late 50s. My high school was integrated in the 50s and the grade schools shortly thereafter (later 50s). We had a significant number of blacks. The movement reached a crescendo in the 60s and was killed by the liberals in the Vietnam protest movement. All the effort went to the protest. King was a tremendous preacher and leader. He was also a moderate in terms of the way he worked. So many of the present leaders could learn from him if they would only look at him as he really was and not as they would like to see him. FROM JACK: You are one who was willing to "stick out his neck" and to practice what you preached. BTW, you forgot to mention how you were involved in integrating a Swedish church.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: He was a blessing to the USA, but not the man that Booker T. was. FROM JACK:
We are who we are, serving God in the place and time where God has put us. In Sunday School we would sing: " Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light, Like a little candle burning in the night;
In this world of darkness, we must shine, You in your small corner, and I in mine."
It's that way for you and me.....&..... for martin and Booker T.

FROM MOLINER CF: Here are a few things a neck is good for. Can you add to the list?
1. A necktie 2. Turning the other cheek 3. Wringing 4. Holding up head 5. Hanging
6. Displaying Adam's Apple (men) 7. 8. 9. 10.
FROM JACK: Sometimes certain people can be "a pain in the neck."

FROM JFISH IN NOVA SCOTIA: Some Buddhist friends of ours here organized some local support for a school for Burmese refugees—--
I was particularly struck by the unattributed quote: “Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.” FROM JACK: I think that my mind makes this story and quote fit with today's WWs. I particularly appreciated looking at the uTube link which showed the school in action.

FROM MOLINER JT: And he's working hard to repair mine. FROM JACK: Miracles do happen.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Bill, Jan, Hal and I marched with MLK in Chicago., It was ugly! Jan and Hal were serving a South side Lutheran church at the time. We were living in Dixon, IL. We all had the upmost admiration and respect for what he was trying to do! In Elgin, where we served a church of over 1500 members, Bill circulated a petition in the church, for those who would sell, or allow a neighbor to sell their home to a Black family. He was devastated that there were less than a dozen signers. Among the affluent, the Civil rights movement definitely was an uphill battle! However we HAVE come a long way from those times. Like the turtle, one must stick out his neck to go anywhere. :-) FROM JACK: There are still turtles out there. Our community MLK "WALK" had it's 17th anniversary yesterday. I have many. many friends of color. I asked one of my confirmation classes to draw a picture of God. One boy drew a circle face and divided it into four segments. Each segment had a, black, yellow, white.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Winning Words 1/14/11
“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” (Frida Kahlo) I was surprised to learn that FDR is credited with the saying…”When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” His rope included paralysis, the Great Depression, World War 2 and failing health. It’s truly amazing what some people are able to do when adversity strikes. Do you have a story? ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I like the Frida Kahlo quote. Regarding the follow-up: FDR is often credited with the end of your rope line, but so are Jefferson, Lincoln, and Ben Franklin. The first evidence of it in writing is The School Executive 42(1923): [n.p.]. A few years ago when Obama was called out for plagiarizing lines of a speech explaining how a great country is made up great states, counties, cities, neighborhoods, families, and
individuals; Patrick Duvall stepped forward and said the words were from his inauguration and Obama had permission to use them. Yet the words (even the cadence and delivery) were from Dr. Tony Evans, a prominent evangelical preacher from Dallas TX, given in a speech I attended, a Promise Keepers Event in 1994 63,000 men in the RCA Dome in Indianapolis. And of course I have a tape somewhere from Dr. Evans, it is one of his signature rants. It is often very difficult to keep track of these type of things. I think much is credited to Ben Franklin and others, because it 'sounds' like something they would have said. Have a good day sir. We begin a study of Deuteronomy this evening. FROM JACK: The more I hang around with quotes, the more I come to understand that there are very few "original" sayings. The "rope" quote didn't seem right as coming from FDR, but I used it, especially for that reason. I always give some source, even if it's (unknown). I suppose it's the same way with songwriting, both lyrics and music. Deuteronomy will probably be no exception.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: bet I do. FROM JACK: You could write a book, and I'd buy it.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We can and do endure much more than we think we can each and every day! I loved this quote! I wonder if she believed we receive help from above to get through each day! I came across this quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin..."Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man." FROM JACK: I was surprised to learn that she was married to Diego Rivera. Life was storm-tossed for her, and she died at age 46. In her diary she, just before her death, she wrote, "I hope that my end is a joyful one...and that I never come back."

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I am surprised that FDR originated that saying, as well. Having read NO ORDINARY TIME, the Pulitzer Prize winning autobiography of Franklin and Eleanor (fascinating!), i didn't get the idea that he was either religious or philosophical. However, I think it is true that you can find strength to do whatever is required in your life situation. You look back, and wonder how you did it and survived! When I was
teaching full time, directing 5 church choirs, (as well as 3 school choirs, plays. programs and concerts,) raising four children and doing the Pastor's Wife responsibilities, I didn't sleep much, but was able to do it all. And tending My husband (at various times ) through the 9 heart by-passes, another heart attack, and then the final brain tumor cancer, serving on State, Regional and National AB Boards, all were stressful, but the strength was provided, and even a cheerful heart!! So at the end of the day, you look back, and see that you were able to persevere! Amazing! FROM JACK: I doubt that FDR originated the quote, although he may have used it. It sounds as though you had several knots at the end of your rope.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winning Words 1/13/11
“Anyone can become angry. That’s easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way—this is not easy.” (Aristotle – sent by MO) When a friend of mine became angry at someone he’d write a “hot” letter to them, expressing his feelings, and then toss the letter away. Old Aristotle had the right solution…2500 years ago. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: I used to walk around the block and utter nasty things....maybe kick a tree....then come back and get to work... FROM JACK: That's better than kicking the dog and easier than kicking yourself. I get a kick out of your answers, although I'm surprised that you didn't comment on Aristotle. I have a book which lists the strange names that some people have. One guy's name is Asistotle Tottle.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .........good morning! I note that this was sent at 5:35 am. Do you nap? FROM JACK: I usually try to send Winning Words out by 5:15 am, but I slept in today. Does that count for a nap?

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I have trouble with all this angry--right time, right degree, right purpose, etc., when someone I'm related to is angrily disrespecting me, I think mostly because their anger is not really at the right time, right degree, right purpose, etc., it all originates from some other beginning than even something that I did then. Things seem to get blown up all out of proportion until someone stops to think about what someone like Aristotle says about how we need to be aware and reflective in order to deal with our emotions and outbursts. Thanks--Aristotle and you have made me think again this morning. FROM JACK: Even Jesus got angry once in a while. The old preacher, Jonathan Edwards, gave a sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," which had people moaning and screaming and rolling in the aisles, asking for God's forgiveness.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Being upset with someone or some situation is easy. But to become angry is very hard for me. Thing upset me once and awhile but to become really angry doesn't happen often....thankfully. I put things in perceptive; figure out who owns the problem and then figure out if I have any control of the issue or person or situation. This helps me deal with situations and people without getting angry...nearly all of the time. It works. I don't get angry if one of my family members or friends says or does something outrageous but I do control how I react. That's what I try to do. FROM JACK: Are "upset" and "angry" the same thing? Or, is upset a mild form of anger? Some people count to TEN! You have a good suggestion.

FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Good one, Jack! I used to deny my anger, but it just turned inward... I didn't understand that repressed anger could so damage me, but it was a root cause of depression for me. Once I allowed myself to be angry, I was angry ALL the time for about a year! : ) But over time I have learned to recognize when I'm feeling angry, and to DECIDE how to respond, rather than to react. I consider this one of my life achievements, every bit as important as any degree I've earned! Thanks for all u do, Jack! You're a light in this world! FROM JACK: Oftentimes we are simply reflectors of the Light of the World." You are that, too, as you come into contact with the people you serve.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Obviously I love this quote...certainly generates a thoughtful approach toward directing your anger. I think your friend has the right idea...blow off your steam via writing, and discard when you simmer down. Too bad more aren't capable of this sort of restraint! Thanks for sharing good old Aristotle of 2500 yrs. ago. (!) FROM JACK: See? I do use some of the stuff that people, like you, send to me. In fact, it seems to have generated a lot of response.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winning Words 1/12/11
“A will finds a way.” (Orison Swett Marden) This reminds me of a Robert Schuller saying about facing a problem which seems like a mountain. “I will not quit until I go through it, tunnel under it, climb over it, or turn it into a gold-mine.” A daunting problem can sometimes turn into a hidden opportunity. Dr. Marden developed this kind of positive thinking (a will finds a way) over a century ago. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: If that's the case, there is no need for GRACE.... FROM JACK: Grace is in the eye of the beholder. God has "grace" for scholars. And even people who can't explain "grace" can be recipients of it.
MORE FROM JS: Grace is a gift of God and has nothing to do with the eye of the beholder....if that is the case, then the Grace is not depends upon the eye of the beholder....the cross is nothing and nothing real happened there....I don't buy that for a second.... FROM JACK: I agree on Grace as a gift; I'm only saying that because it's God's gift, it can be given to someone who might not understand the concept. It's validity is not based on a theological understanding of it.

FROM PRCWR IN B'MORE: ..........I'm glad that you qualified it with "sometimes" because some problems are unresolvable and the better course is to back off from them.......... FROM JACK: Sometimes we give up without even trying. Gumption is a good word.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: That was interesting--that grace is in the eye of the beholder. We just had a discussion about annointing experiences in our Bible study last Monday. When a person feels like he/she has had an annointing experience from God is it likely people will believe or disbelieve it? And does it matter? You've given me more to ruminate about this morning again. FROM JACK: At one ELCA church that I know of, after receiving communion, the people who want to, can go off to the side to be anointed with oil. I should ask for the reasoning of this, although I think that I know.

FROM MOLINER CF: Now give us the formula for the way to find the will. FROM JACK: Successful sales people have a will. Those with a "won't" usually don't make their quotas. MORE FROM CF: Thanks, Zig. I appreciate your willingness to share.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My prayer is we all have the will to use the Grace given us. FROM JACK: Does our gift of Free Will negate that prayer? Grace....take it or leave it. The choice is ours to make. MORE FROM JUDY: Not at all. We have free will and that is my prayer...that we will recognize and use God's wonderful Grace. But you are correct...the choice ours to make. My prayer is will use it!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Marden is one of my favorite dead authors, he did not write his first book until he was 46 in 1850. He was "America's Samuel Smiles" eventually writing more than 70 books. He founded Success Magazine in 1902 and died in 1924. I made contact with one of his great, great, grandaughters when I was writing my book. Today he would be most comparable to Brian Tracy. A short Bio of Marden is here: FROM JACK: All of us really stand on the shoulders of giants. I'm not ashamed to admit that I borrow ideas. The shame is in not giving credit where it's due

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Good saying to keep in mind...short and succinct! I have a key chain from the Crystal Cathedral with Schuller's saying, "Tough Times don't last: Tough people do." Also succinct. Isn't Orison an unusual name? Maybe not, in the last century! I'd never heard it, or of him, but am sure he must have been a wise and thought-provoking man. Onward and upward with our WILLS! And the best WAY! FROM JACK: The idea of Positive Thinking is nothing new. It existed even before Orison (from French/Latin words for, prayer). Even in the Bible: "I believe; help my unbelief."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winning Words 1/11/11
“One kind word can warm three winter months.” (Japanese Proverb) This morning the temperature on our thermometer is +20 degrees. It may be warmer or colder where you are, but we can make life more pleasant for some people today, if we just go out of our way to say a kind word to them. I read of a man who sends a hand-written thank-you note each day of the year to people who have shown him a kindness. ;-) Jack

FROM DREM IN MICHIGAN: Thank you for your daily inspiration. I look forward to reading your comments and always get an 'a-ha' or a good chuckle. I made a resolution to write 5 handwritten thank you's a week this year, especially to my patients or friends who referred others to me. Such a lost art! By the way, I'd love some warmer temps myself. Looking forward to spring already! FROM JACK: Groundhog Day is the start of spring for me. I've got a couple of >"thank yous" that I need to write. Today seems like a good time to send them.

FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Nice idea... Yesterday I saw a homeless woman standing in the cold at 8 Mile n I-75 overpass. I gave her money, but now that I'm lying in my warm bed this morning in northern Michigan, I wish I would have done more... I pray that she survived the night... May our Father bless and protect all those without a home, and bless especially all those who think that no one ever prays for them! In the name of our Savior, Jesus, who understood well what it meant to be without permanent housing and to depend on the
generosity of strangers, I pray. FROM JACK: The words of Jesus, "Inasmuch as you have done for the least of these, you have done it for me," seem appropriate for what you did yesterday.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Great WW. Especially when people can be afflicted with that sort of depression that occurs when there is less light or it's more gray and snowy outside. The Japanese must have this kind of weather pattern too and what it does to the nerves. But I especially appreciate your own commentary that we "just go out of our way" that kind of make-sense language just inspires me to try to go higher in my thoughts and actions than I would have otherwise. May kindness be spread all over the world today. FROM JACK: Someone greeted me with a kind word this morning, and I said, "Thanks," without realizing that the person had already read today's Winning Words and was putting them into action.

FROM MOLINER CF: I wonder who feels better upon an act of kindness... giver or receiver? It's a win-win proposition. FROM JACK: It's like that with forgiveness, too. Who feels better, the forgiver or the forgiven? Now, we're getting into an area that takes some deep thought.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: This man (365 Thank You notes) was written up in Reader's Digest. A very good article! Yes, a kind word will always be so much appreciated! Another excellent article in this month's Reader's Digest is by a Prof. of Harvard Business School, Clayton M. Christensen, titled "The Bottom Line on
Happiness." I hope my grandchildren can read it!! Anyway, it is cold and snowy here, so maybe a kind word will come along and brighten, (warm) the day and month! :-) FROM JACK: I first remember being introduced to the Digest in high school English class. I haven't read it very often lately. I read about the "thank-you note man" in one of my devotional books.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Recently,I had a discussion with a family member about thank you notes; when appropriate or necessary and when not. Notes are always appropriate and very appreciated. Cheers for that note writer and you, for Winning Words. FROM JACK: I'm wondering. Is a thank-you note a thank-you note if there's not a real feeling of thankfulness. If some says the obligatory, "I'm sorry," is there real sorrow?

FROM SG IN TAMPA: What great idea the thank you notes are. Speaking of weather, we have just returned from a quick road trip up to Birmingham, AL, Asheville, NC, and Washington, D.C. Luckily. we were just ahead of the snow and ice storms, but the coldest it got was 14. It was all very beautiful with the snow on the mountainsides. Also we were able to see the Newseum which was very interesting with many exhibits, including newspapers through history, a memorial to fallen journalists, the unabomber's cabin, the largest collection of Pulitzer Prize photographs, and many others. Now back in Tampa we are expecting freezing weather tomorrow night, but it never lasts long. FROM JACK: Thanks for your "nice" response. Of course, writing has always been a skill of yours. 6" of snow expected tonight here in Michigan.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Winning Words 1/10/11
“You’re gonna make it after all.” (Sonny Curtis – MTM theme) MTM is one of my all-time favorite TV shows. “Perky” Mary was an example of one who was always trying to make the best of difficult situations. “Throwing her hat in the air” was a way of saying, “I can do it. I will do it.” One of the best episodes was when she laughed during the funeral of Chuckles. There was a message in that. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Don't remember that episode but I did watch her program. It was refreshingly and funny! FROM JACK: The "Chuckles" episode is considered to be one of the best of the series.

CHUCKLES EPISODE SUMMARY: The WJM-TV children's clown is killed by an elephant during a parade. The fact that he was dressed as a peanut leaves the newsroom in stitches. The jokes disturb Mary, who
admonishes them for their lack of respect. And then a funeral.... This is one of the most beloved and funniest Mary Tyler Moore episodes and is one of television history’s most famous moments. Not only are the jokes corny and funny, the situation in which Chuckles dies is hilarious, and Mary’s reaction is amusing, against all the laughing. She tries so hard to make them show more reverence for a fallen comrade. This all leads to her own demise at the funeral. As the priest performs the eulogy, he lists all of Chuckles various characters from the show. Mary finally sees the humour and begins to snicker and snort, trying in vain to stop herself from laughing at what should be a very solemn moment. We’ve all been there. Trying desperately to stop laughing in church or during a speech, or anywhere inappropriate. It is very hard once it starts, and we are treated to a virtuoso performance by Mary Tyler Moore. Her snickering and embarrassing attempts to conceal it are priceless! She laughs and looks around innocently, as if she too is attempting to see who is laughing. Finally, she lets out a series of snorts, giggles and a big huge guffaw. She is whimpering from the strain of holding in the laughs, as she listens to the minister tell her that it is ok to laugh, that’s what Chuckles wanted here today, not tears, but laughter. Tears and crying were an insult to him. He encourages her to laugh for Chuckles, and bursts out in sobbing tears! It is without a doubt one fantastic episode, and is one of televisions most memorial moments indeed!

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: I think that was one of the funniest bits of all tv. FROM JACK: This episode is an example of the two masks symbolizing drama...the laughing face and the crying face. According to "Google," they represent the muses of tragedy and comedy Thalia and Melpomene. Thalia is the muse of Comedy in greek drama and is shown as a laughing mask and Melpomene is the muse of tragedy and is shown as a crying mask. These muses are the inspiration for creating art forms, such as tragedy and comedy. They are represented as masks because the actors of Greek plays work masks to represent their characters.

FROM MOLINER CF: Did you ever notice that the "hat" never came down? I think there is a significance in that. FROM JACK: You're probably the only one in the world sees the significance.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: That's my dad's favorite episode, too. FROM JACK: It's a dad thing, I guess.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: You'll have to enlighten me on MTM...I don't recall that TV series. I do agree that a sense of humor and a positive outlook saves the day in most situations. My sister Jan was great at seeing the funny side of almost any situation, and we were the best gigglers, ever. Get us started, and we'd keep laughing until we were wiping tears!! I think if we've made it this far, we ARE going to make it!! FROM JACK: You probably never saw the Mary Tyler Moore Show, Because you were studying in the library.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Too bad she clouded our images of her with a face lift. FROM JACK: I'm usually disappointed when the old folks come back and try to recreate once-popular show. We are the age we are; however, you look pretty good for the age you are...and without a face-lift, too.

FROM PRAW IN ILLINOIS: We are enjoying the DVD's of 5 different seasons of "Mary" and they are as fresh , humorous, and fun today as back in the 70's. Good clean humor too! FROM JACK: Santa Claus must have enjoyed the show, too.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Winning Words 1/7/11
“Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving words of evidence to the fact.” (Mary A. Evans) Mary the poet is better known as, George Eliot. She chose a male pen name, because she wanted her works to be taken more seriously. In the Victorian era, Mary was ahead of her time. I remember reading Silas Marner in the 9th grade and being influenced by the story. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Mary A. Evans was an inspiration to many. She's to be respected. I especially love these Winning Words from a brilliant writer. FROM JACK: George Eliot sounds more refined as a pen name than Outhouse Judy.

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: That's a good WW...words to live by for sure. FROM JACK: Words are only words. It's action that counts.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Love it. I read Middlemarch last summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. FROM JACK: I'll look into possibly reading it in March.

FROM MOLINER CF: Does this mean that Honest Abe plagiarized? FROM JACK: We all do. Even the Gospel writers took from sources, not named.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I already have one. It's with Ilene and simply has the dates of birth & death. The question is how I live my "dash".... FROM JACK: The "dash" is important to each of us.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: HA! Like "Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Interesting that this quote came from the renowned George Eliot! She was QUITE a gal! Flew in the face on convention, that's for sure, and made a name for herself in the process. I'm sure a 'shocking name" to some!! This quote, with its wry humor makes me think she would have been entertaining company! ,A quote I'll always remember from SILAS MARNER (thanks to little old Fanny Entriken, our Lit teacher a Moline H.S., remember her?) is: "The contempt bred by miopic familiarity". She asked the class what that might mean, and by some stroke of luck, I blurted out, "Not seeing what is around us, because we're so used to seeing it?" And that was pretty accurate, according to her. I never forgot that phrase!! :-) FROM JACK: Yes, I remember Fanny as one of the "old" teachers. She knew her stuff, and, evidently, so did one of her students.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Winning Words 1/6/11
“If only there were a longer time between epiphany and epitaph.” (David Glaser) As I recall some of the Greek language I learned, Epiphany can mean, “Aha, now I get it.” Epitaph means, “Writing on a tombstone.” So, I wish for you and me…a long time between our “aha-moment” and our last breath. BTW, have you given any thought to what you might want written on your tombstone? ;-) Jack

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: George Carlin said that what he wanted was "He was here just a minute ago!" FROM JACK: There are just so many breaths. One will be the last.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Maybe it would be interesting to have a blank tombstone...the grave of the unknown citizen. FROM JACK: Unless we are terribly controlling, someone else determines the wording.

FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: Yes. On my tombstone......GO SPARTANS! (in green, of course) FROM JACK: How about, "GO SPARTANS! GONE JOSEPHINE!"

FROM YOOPER PAT: I always thought it should be something like "She did try " But since I plan to be cremated and have my ashes scattered over the rocks at the edge of Lake Superior at Esrey Park there won't be a tombstone. FROM JACK: How about having some of your ashes should be scattered where Jesus walked? MORE FROM PAT: Wow --- I would never even have considered that! My immediate reaction is I'm not worthy tho that doesn't make a lot of sense since I've walked there.

FROM MOLINER CF: "No dancimg" FROM JACK: That's too bad. You could be dancing with the stars. Have you ever heard (or sung) this song? Dance, then, wherever you may be I am the lord of the dance said he And I lead you all wherever you may be And I lead you all in the dance said he.

FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: How about cheese and pepperoni please! FROM JACK: Pizza needs a "hot" oven. MORE FROM MKH: Seriously how about I will see you on the other side! My Dad always said if something happens I will wait for you on the other side! He is! FROM JACK: Hold on to those words.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Good Winning Words! Actually, the choir had an idea for my tombstone a long time was "She got the notes but never the words". I guess that tells it all. For me, I would just say, "Loved the Lord". I could add a bunch of others I love but they already know! FROM JACK: How about...."She's looking for an outhouse in heaven."?

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH: Interesting. Not sure I want one. If I do, I have given whimsical thought to “How old is the guy that lives in this Place?” One time a friend came to a party at our house, entering through the back yard with a young nephew of his, who after looking at a lot of the play things in the back yard and in our basement, turned to our guest (with whom I was also walking and not yet introduced as the host) and the
young nephew said “How old is the guy that lives in this place?” Time to start thinking about it. FROM JACK: We are the age that is within us. Circumstances do have a way of changing that feeling.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I was just thinking of that yesterday! My all-time favorite (Groucho Marx?) is "I told you I was sick." I'm thinking along the lines of "It was bound to happen sometime..." FROM JACK: There's one in our cemetery which reads: "STILL DANCING IN HEAVEN!"

FROM IA IN MICHIGAN: My goal is to live foreever & so far I'm right on I don't want to waste my money on a tombstone... FROM JACK: If your surviving relatives are like you, they won't waste money on a tombstone, that is, if you die

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: We're trying to figure out where our tombstones should be--should they be in Iowa where most of our families are or here in the Detroit area where probably no one will come to read them and decorate them with flowers, etc., etc., except maybe Brenda will make the trip up once in a while. Actually, we should probably write something catchy that a stranger will wonder about. Hopefully, we still have a little time to think. FROM JACK: There's an old song...."Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think. Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink." Why not have a memorial stone in both places?

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Your words today remind me of the old quote which we have discussed over the years-"Too soon old; too late smart." I hope they remember to put the "e" on my name. FROM JACK: When we bought "a plot" the lady at the cemetery who showed it to us pointed out that it would be by a grave that had a statue on it. "I hope you don't mind that you'd be facing the Virgin Mary."

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Yes, I have a saying that is true for me:
One day My life will end
And if some whim
Should prompt you to review it,
Let her who knew the subject best
Tell you the simplest way to do it.
Then say: Here lies one doubly blest.
Say: She was Happy!
Say: She knew it!
I had my dau-in-law write this in Calligraphy and frame it. It sits on my credenza, and hopefully, when the time comes, my family will have it read as a final comment at my Memorial Service! I tell them often that when my time comes to leave this wonderful Earth, to remember I had a WONDERFUL BLESSED life and knew it! I love this saying today...but those of us blessed with many years, have to bear the losses, as well...that is the hard part.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Winning Words 1/5/11
“The first duty of love is to listen.” (Paul Tillich) I read recently that the average person, after listening to someone talk, recalls 25% of what has been said. We need to improve on that if we are to have better relationships in the home, at work, or wherever. Someone said, “My husband and I had words this morning, but I didn’t get to use mine.” We all need to work at listening, don’t we? ;-) Jack.

FROM YOOPER PAT: Excellent --- I think I will make this my New Year's resolution --- to listen better. FROM JACK: Would you repeat that, please?

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: ...and remember. FROM JACK: Do you find that harder to do nowadays? MORE FROM ML: not when it comes to love, but sometimes other things slip-slide away!

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Yes, work at listening and also not prejudging what I think the conversation is going to be about. Also, when talking, pay attention to my tone of voice and don't be so sensitive of the other's tone of voice. 25% huh? Another good New Year's resolution, trying to get that number higher. FROM JACK: Yes, anticipating what is going to be said does seem to interfere with hearing what is really being said.

FROM PC IN MICHIGAN: Love today's quote! If only we would realize how very true this rings. I'm reading the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom which my husband gave me as a gift for Christmas. Really listening to each other seems to be a common theme we just need to grasp onto..... FROM JACK: It's amazing what we can learn, if we just listen.

FROM MV IN MICHIGAN: I read Paul Tillich in a Contemporary Theological Issues class I had in college. I can’t remember too much of what he said but I do remember the class brought me back to God. Also read Harry Emerson Fosdick and others. FROM JACK: One of the questions Tillich explored was, "What does it mean to be a human being?" Fosdick was "lighter" reading and concentrated more putting faith into action. If we keep our ears and eyes open, we can learn many things and make life more interesting.

FROM MOLINER CF: Say that again. I wasn't listening. FROM JACK: Open your eyes. I was writing, not speaking.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Thankfully, I married a good listener. He is the strong silent type but he listens very good. I am grateful! FROM JACK: "Count your many blessings, name them one by one..." and to have someone who really listens to you is one.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: It's one of the rules of marriage....I hope you're good at it... FROM JACK: I'm always tuned in. Sometimes she needs to turn up the volume.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Might I add the second duty is to GET TO THE POINT. FROM JACK: Sometimes, reading between the lines is hard to do. So is hearing between the words.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: What good words these are by which to live. FROM JACK: Just basic, common sense....which is sometimes rare, these days.

FROM OLE IN MICHIGAN: I'm sorry Jack, what was that again? Just kidding. Your are right! FROM JACK: One of the things AARP members soon get is an ad for hearing aids.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Listening could be a good resolution. FROM JACK: Using the "r" word in another way, listening could be a resolution for many inter-personal squabbles.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Hard to beat Paul Tillich. Also hard to JUST listen without wanting to say something! At least if you are a vocal person. When my father first got acquainted with Bill, (whom he greatly admired on the football field already) he said, "I like Bill. he doesn't say something, unless he has something to say..."
FROM JACK: There are some Winning Words in what you have written. Some preachers could follow that advice. In fact, it applies to all of us.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Winning Words 1/4/11
“To be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” (Zig Ziglar) ZZ’s given name was Hilary Ziglar. He was a successful salesman, but when he decided to become a motivational speaker, he dropped the “Hilary” in favor of “Zig.” He was also a best-selling author. One of his books is titled, “Success for Dummies.” I liked that one. Have you ever heard (or read) him? ;-) Jack

FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Going to see Zig, Laura Bush, Colin Powell & others at an all day seminar this month. Wish you were here as you would love it. FROM JACK: Let me know if they teach you something that you (as a top-notch salesman) don't already know. Knowing you, you'll come away with a new idea.

FROM BATTMAN IN MICHIGAN: Taught myself sales through his books and audio cassettes. Saw him speak once. Amazing guy. FROM JACK: .....and it shows that you paid attention. That's what sales is all about.

FROM MV IN MICHIGAN: I have heard of him and read a book or two of his many years ago. I had an Uncle who was a Dale Carnegie trainer. Carnegie and Ziglar go hand in hand. FROM JACK: Both Dale and Zig inspired me. No matter what our position in life, it's important to know how to win friends and influence people.

FROM MOLINER CF: Went to a Ziggy performance early in my career. Awesome speaker. He played at the Orpheum. FROM JACK: Even though he's about your age, he still travels around giving motivational speeches. Maybe you can get him to come back to Davenport and do a rerun. I remember going to the Orpheum and seeing the movie, "No Time for Sergeants." So funny!

FROM LF IN BONITA SPRINGS: Right now down here you hear a lot about Zig Ziglar. There was a full page ad in the Sunday paper and there are advertisement messages on the radio. He is giving a seminar with a bunch of other people including Colin Powell, Laura Bush, Lou Holz, the CEO of Microsoft etc. FROM JACK: His name rings a bell with the senior crowd. The other names will attract people as well.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Success for Dummies sounds like it would be a good read for most of us!! I haven't read anything by him. FROM JACK: Put one of his books on your "bucket list." Your library probably has some of them. A lot of it is common sense. MORE FROM MO: Isn't it strange how many Men's names have become women's names? When we were growing up Hilary was always masculine...not it is a girl's name. And now we have Morgans, Baileys, Danas, etc. Hilary originally was British. This saying about winning reminds me of a poem that Bill had our boys memorize, when they were athletes:
"If you think your are beaten, your are. If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win, but think you can't, It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost. For out in the world, you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will. It's all in the state of mind! It seemed to work!

FROM CA IN MICHIGAN: Thanks again ! I forwarded this one to our teen grandchildren. FROM JACK: I'll bet your grandchild is already a winner.

FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. John Wooden FROM JACK: Right away, you're back with an appropriate quote from one of the best sources.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Winning Words 1/3/11
“Three simple rules: 1) Do no harm. 2) Do good. 3) Stay in love with God.” (Reuben Job – Retired Methodist Bishop) Rev Bob quoted this in the newsletter of the local Methodist Church. I think that it’s pretty good advice for beginning a happy new year. In one sense, the rules are quite simple, but when we think about them and their implications, we have our work cut out for us. ;-) Jack

FROM KF IN MICHIGAN: My choice for most meaningful 'tip' of the year... :) FROM JACK: Yes, I thought that it was a good one, too.

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: Yes, that sounds simple, but, as we know, "things are not as easy as we think"... FROM JACK: Just take it, one day at a time!

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: My choice also for most meaningful 'tip' of the year. That "do no harm" is a stickler. In this fast-paced hectic lifestyle so many of us have, how hard it is to live a life of self-examination and reflection. Even just good stewardship of our natural resources is a daunting task--you know finding all about what that entails and so forth. Staying in love with God and only counting on His help. FROM JACK: Who defines, good? I suppose, "Love the Lord your God, and love your you love yourself," is a good definition.

FROM MOLINER CF: Rule Four: Don't forget the first three. FROM JACK: Now, you've made it complex.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: How about..."Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let each new year find you a better man". Benjamin Franklin. The same thing only different. FROM JACK: Pretty soon you'll be getting us up to Ten Rules.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: Sounds good to me, and I'd like to follow them. But I cannot keep them all the time --- for sure. FROM JACK: I'm reminded of The Little Engine That Could...."I think I can, I think I can; I know I can, I know I can. You can, if you think you can. MORE FROM HAWKEYE: I wouldn't have started my business in my basement if I hadn't thought I CAN.

FROM JT IN MICHIGAN: I started to read ww just now. I wondered why they seemed so familiar until I realized I had gotten WBUMC newsletter also (and do read it.) FROM JACK: I wonder how long it will be before you discover another one of my sources.

FROM PRDL IN OREGON: Thanks for 2010's valuable "Winning Words". The last two are among the best!
FROM JACK: Thanks for the feedback. First of all, the WWs have to be pleasing to me. It's just like preaching a sermon. Maybe satisfactory is a better word than, pleasing.

FROM DH IN MICHIGAN: This set of rules is not unlike those from Micah.
"He has told you, O man, what is good,
And what God requires of you:
Only to do justice
And to love goodness,
And to walk humbly with God."
Micah 6:8
FROM JACK: I remember being introduced to them in seminary days.