Thursday, October 28, 2010

Winning Words 10/28/10
“All I can tell you is what I think.” (Elena Kagen, during her confirmation hearing) I’ll be gone for a few days for a granddaughter’s confirmation. Confirmation is a time for young people to express what it is that they believe with regard to their religious faith. A teen-ager doesn’t have all of the answers, nor do any of us. We can be thankful if there have been those who have helped us in the thinking process. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: Good morning, Jack! There is one other thing I can tell you besides what I think -- that is, what I believe. FROM JACK: So, you think you believe? Ha! Now, that's something to "think" about. I like what the man said to Jesus: "I believe. Help my unbelief." Thinking and belief go together. It's pretty early in the morning to be philosophical...and theological, too.

FROM SL IN MICHIGAN: You have given us a wonderful variety this week, thank you. I still remember my confirmation; such a special time in my life. You must be proud and happy for your granddaughter. I will be here waiting for my shot of inspiration when you get back! FROM JACK: There are passages in life. In my opinion, confirmation is one of those times. Can you think of others?

FROM TS IN MICHIGAN: I'm reminded that there probably are children who do know all of the answers. Oh, for a childlike faith, although I do realize that this childlike faith keeps being challenged as children grow older. FROM JACK: I've found that children sometimes give me answers that help with my adult questions. "Let the little children come unto me...for such is the Kingdom of God."

FROM MOLINER CF: Teenagers may not have all of the answers, but they are smart enough to ask questions. FROM JACK: Too often they've been told to sit down and shut up. If we would only be smart enough to listen, we might learn something.

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: words to live by. happy proud confirmation. i know a young man who is confirming this sunday. his family is so proud. i remember that day for each of my children. it was significant. oh, and i remember my own. significance and proud parents were also involved!
FROM JACK: ....and the beat goes on.

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