Friday, October 22, 2010

Winning Words 10/22/10
“Never let what you cannot do stop you from doing what you can do.” (Stephen Pierce—Internet Marketer) No, it’s not another proverb, but it could be. Pierce has been successful at what he does, because he follows his own advice. The proper focus is necessary when taking good photos. It’s also important as we look for direction in our life. “What can I do?” Think about it. Work at it. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I am having difficulty joining with people for a "prayer evening" and also for a devotional Bible study. One woman totalled her car (fortunately she herself wasn't hurt), another woman and her daughter got caught up in appointments and couldn't get to the church on time, a person who is struggling with where to get his shelter and I were the two left who were able to pray together. But, by cell phones, we all in fact did do some praying together and we all take comfort in knowing that, wherever we are, we are kept together in the Holy Spirit. In fact, praying and doing Bible study are the two activities that I firmly believe are united for individuals and corporate bodies because we are never alone when we do them--God Himself is always with us and that makes it a group whatever the heck happens materially and physically and geographically to us. Thanks for these WW and helping us with encouragement. FROM JACK: Where there's a the saying goes.

FROM IE IN MICHIGAN: Great saying!--another version I like to quote is "Never let your education get in the way of your intelligence".. FROM JACK: I've known several intelligent people who didn't have a college degree, let alone a high school diploma. An interesting question: What is intelligence?

FROM SH IN ILLINOIS: My husband, Steve, lives by these words each day. The ALS that is destroying his body certainly has taken many things away from him, but he will tell anyone that he has a full life. Though he has more legitimate excuses than most everyone, he never misses a day of work (from home). While he can no longer express himself through his music and French horn, he writes. He educates people about his disease, meets with state legislators, does public speaking gigs, etc. Eventually, those things will stop, too, but he'll find other ways to serve and use his life. He is my constant reminder to never take a day for granted. I still sometimes fall short of that, but then I am gifted with a new day to do better. If you woke up today, it is a great day filled with opportunities. Do what you can. Do what you love. Because you can. FROM JACK: Your response caused me to go back and reread the quote. Talk about "bones" taking on "flesh and blood." We take so many things casually until casual doesn't do it anymore. Thank God for the heroes in our life...and for the strength that he gives to the heroes.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I like this WW, I can not do so many things if I dwelled on them I would never do anything. FROM JACK: And just look at the things you have done in your lifetime...son, education, husband, father, author, songwriter, handyman, etc. I like Paul's words: "I can do all things through (Christ) who strengthens me."

FROM MOLINER CF: The Special Olympics is a classic example of this philosophy. FROM JACK: Look at how much good can come out of a good idea. The first International Special Olympics Summer Games were held in Chicago in 1968. Anne McGlone Burke, a physical education teacher with the Chicago Park District, began with the idea for a one-time Olympic-style athletic competition for people with special needs.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: It's so easy to get caught up with the lack of ability! We must keep plodding along trying hard to do that which we can. And try to do the best with what we can do! FROM JACK: ...and we need to give ourselves a pep-talk once in a while, too.

FROM MW IN ILLINOIS: For the not so smart one from Grayslake, does PLSNTENQ say, please & thank you????? FROM JACK: Who says you're not smart?

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Reminiscent of the saying, "I cannot to everything, but I can do something, etc" And the something I can do, I will do! It is better to do a little, even when the needs are overwhelming, than to do nothing...Most of us would not be in ministry, if we were not 'doers', right?! I like your saying today. FROM JACK: I like this one for the clergy: "Practice what you preach!" I also like the Nike ad: "Just do it!"


Anonymous said...

I am having difficulty joining with people for a "prayer evening" and also for a devotional Bible study, modelled on guidance our previous Pastor left with us. One woman totalled her car (fortunately she herself wasn't hurt), another woman and her daughter got caught up in appointments and couldn't get to the church on time, a person who is struggling with where to get his shelter and I were the two left who were able to pray together. But, by cell phones, we all in fact did do some praying together and we all take comfort in knowing that, wherever we are, we are kept together in the Holy Spirit. In fact, praying and doing Bible study are the two activities that I firmly believe are united for individuals and corporate bodies because we are never alone when we do them--God Himself is always with us and that makes it a group whatever the heck happens materially and physically and geographically to us.
Thanks for these WW and helping us with encouragement.
S.H. in MI

Suzheronemus said...

My husband, Steve, lives by these words each day. The ALS that is destroying his body certainly has taken many things away from him, but he will tell anyone that he has a full life. Though he has more legitimate excuses than most everyone, he never misses a day of work (from home). While he can no longer express himself through his music and French horn, he writes. He educates people about his disease, meets with state legislators, does public speaking gigs, etc. Eventually, those things will stop, too, but he'll find other ways to serve and use his life. He is my constant reminder to never take a day for granted. I still sometimes fall short of that, but then I am gifted with a new day to do better. If you woke up today, it is a great day filled with opportunities. Do what you can. Do what you love. Because you can.