Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Winning Words 6/22/10
“If you’re looking for perfection, look in the mirror. If you find it there, expect it elsewhere.” (Malcolm Forbes) Whenever I see a Forbes magazine, I always look in the back for the usual page of quotes on a particular subject. Someone once gave me a whole book of Forbes quotes. Today’s WWs are a reminder to be more understanding of those around us, and to be more humble, too. ;-) Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Today's WW are both witty and wise...admonishing me without condemning me. I'll be considering those words later this morning when I shave. Forbes' comments about human nature may be more valuable than his advice about monetary wealth. FROM JACK: Your opinion seems to say that Malcolm isn't perfect, either.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Our pastor was talking about aging and looking and looking at the man in the mirror. I was thinking of the mirror in my mind; how I'd like to be the man I see in that mirror--not the old guy standing here. In my mind I seem to carry a vision that is discordant with real mirrors. FROM JACK: What is a "real" mirror? BTW, I didn't know that you could get "fun-house" mirrors for bathrooms.

FROM DMF IN MINNESOTA: Does this mean, “I’m perfect, so everyone else should be?” FROM JACK: It means that if you see yourself as perfect, you will expect to see you wife and children as perfect, too.

FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: Another magazine that has quotes on a particular topic is Sun. It is a privately published mag that is supported by readers and has no ads in it. The articles and photos are by amateurs as well as people who make their living in it. Sometimes the stuff is not to my taste but I appreciate a forum for amateurs. FROM JACK: Your comment caused me to Google it. The next time you see it, send me some quotes you think are interesting.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: HA! Not likely to find perfection in our mirrors, are we/! That SHOULD make us more tolerant , for sure. FROM JACK: Sometimes it takes more than a mirror to make one tolerant.

FROM INDY GENIE: I've been thinking....we might all be better off if we looked in the mirror and saw perfection....and then looked at each other and saw perfection. It's possible we'd go easier on ourselves and therefore be easier on each other! FROM JACK: Possibly or probably?

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