Monday, June 21, 2010

Winning Words 6/21/10
“The man with a toothache thinks everyone happy whose teeth are sound. The poverty-stricken man makes the same mistake about the rich man.” (GBS) I seem to remember a fable in which everyone’s problems are put into a huge pile, and each person is invited to pick one of them. In the end, each picks his own. Even after hearing the fable, most of us still focus in on our toothache. Do you happen to have a dental appointment today? Mine is in a couple of weeks. ;-) Jack

FROM MW IN ILLINOIS: Laughed when I read your email about teeth. I had to have a root canal & received
the crown last Thursday. Rich has an appointment with his Endontist this morning, in preparation for implants. And I will be going in for my knee replacement tomorrow morning. So today will be training sessions for Dick on how to use the washing machine etc. FROM JACK: My teeth and knee feel

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Here is a story relating teeth and poverty: In ancient Japan, the samurai personified strength and endurance. Their prevailing attitude was to never show they were weak. They were devoted to protecting the noblemen, and in return depended on the noblemen for food and shelter. If a samurai's master died, leaving him unsupported materially, the samurai had to fend for himself until he found another master to support him. To suppress any image of need while traveling the bi-ways searching for a place to serve, a toothpick in their mouth would give the impression that they had just eaten, concealing that they were in fact impoverished. FROM JACK: Here's some information relating to toothpicks. Toothpicks used to be made in Merrill when I was a pastor there. My sister recently gave me a pack of bacon-flavored toothpicks.

FROM MV IN MICHIGAN: My dad always used to tell me the fable of the problems in a huge pile. Thanks for the memory FROM JACK: The longer you live, the more memories you accumulate.

FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Yes I do - fillings at four! FROM JACK: Dental work and even poverty aren't what they used to be...unless you're the one in the situation.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Somehow I have always had nice dentists, beginning with Dr. Hinman in Moline, who charged one dollar to clean teeth, to Nassau, to Ann Arbor, and now Tampa, who is very young, in his fifties. Having learned from Mother and Dad's experiences, it is always easier to have young doctors and dentists at our age. Unfortunately, my dentist here just sent a letter stating that he has been battling cancer of the esophagos since September with chemo, radiation, and surgery.He needs prayers. FROM JACK: Old age has it's set of problems; in fact, at any age, we don't know what problem is around the corner. Take each day as it comes, is the old saying.

FROM CL IN ILLINOIS: Being a poetry nut I am reminded of the E A Robinson poem "Richard Cory". We never quite know the paths of others FROM JACK: Ohhhhh, I hadn't seen that one. But now, having read it, I see that it fits.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I laughed when I read the words....I can't begin to tell you how many times I have heard how "bad" rich people are, especially in church. And I laughed again because who can define "wealthy"? Making $5,000 a year in a lot of countries is wealth. FROM JACK: In the USA, those making above $250,000 are classified as rich. But what is the value of health, happiness and freedom from worry?

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Is this from George Bernard Shaw, supporter of Stalin, and selective eugenics? Perhaps a clever playwright but against most everything I believe including private property rights. He called a men like me that would buy a property and rent it for profit an exploiter of the poor. Shaw is credited with saying the masses are too stupid to vote, he believed “supermen” presumably like himself would be able to fix everything by not allowing the poor and stupid to vote. Today in the oddest of twists his kind pander to the poor and the ignorant to sell them back their own blood. FROM JACK: Why don't you really say what you think? To me, the GBS initials are merely an identifier. If they weren't there, you might have a different reaction to today's WWs. MORE FROM JON: My daughter was looking over my shoulder and said, “I wouldn’t send that.” Perhaps she was correct. But I figure we are able to speak clearly to each other. I think
character matters a great deal and I do not think much of my fellow Irishman GBS. FROM JACK: I have a wise daughter, too.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: June 28 for me and I am just happy to have all my teeth. Milk and no junk food during the depression years gave me a healthy start. FROM JACK: Fluoride helps, too, and so do new dental procedures.

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