Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Winning Words 11/25/09
“You say grace before meals. I say grace before a concert, before reading a book, before dancing, and before I dip the pen in the ink.” (G.K. Chesterton) Grace is an interesting word. As a prayer, it recognizes that many gifts are given to us out of love, and not because we deserve them. I’ve never thought to say a prayer before reading a book. I certainly would need to say one before dancing. ;-) Jack

FROM ST IN MICHIGAN: Hello Jack, this one is particularly touching. Gratitude is the most essential ingredient in any recipe. Thank you for sharing not just your words but the "winning words" of others. Healthy and happy holiday to you and your family. FROM JACK: In spite of everything, we are truly blessed.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: I have often wondered why they called the pre meal thanksgiving prayer "grace"? Any answers on that? It seems like a misnomer but may not be. FROM JACK: Yahoo wondered about this and asked its readers. Some responses: is not prayer before eating, but 'thanks-giving' before could be a term families make up for themselves, as we call the remote control of TV, the RC...thanking our 'perceived Benefactor' would be being gracious...ask a starving child. And one, not from Yahoo: An old practice was to pray TWICE at a meal...before eating (the blessing), AND after eating (giving thanks). I suppose that these don't answer your "wondering" directly, but they seem to be to the point.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Besides meals, I say grace before opening my Bible. FROM JACK: A good idea.

FROM JB IN WISCONSIN: You may have used these words at sometime, but I came across them in a magazine yesterday and thought they were great and wanted to share them with you. "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Nice one FROM JACK: Speaking of nice, have a nice Thanksgiving.

FROM MF IN MICHIGAN: I'm going to give it a try, especially before the next time I go dancing,. may help (dancing), can't hurt.

FROM NE IN MICHIGAN: I think this is a particularly good one!! FROM JACK: ...and appropriate for the season.

FROM ML IN MICHIGAN: I thank you for the words of wisdom you so graciously share. FROM JACK: There's that "grace" word again.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: It seems that one could never say too many prayers. Happy Thanksgiving. FROM JACK: My grandsons tell me that some of those "church" prayers could be shorter.

FROM EA IN MICHIGAN: Before dancing: Is that because of beliefs or because of lack of knowledge on how to dance? FROM JACK: Mainly, because no one bothered to teach me, and also because I didn't want to look, "stupid." The two times I tried dancing, without knowing how, I feel (and look) "stupid."

FROM MOLINER CF: I've seen you dance! Even Hail Mary's wouldn't help.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Some things never change. FROM JACK: As Major Bowes used to say, "Round and round she goes...."

FROM CJL IN OHIO: It wouldn't do me any good to pray before dancing! FROM JACK: I thought that you believed in miracles.

FROM MK IN MICHIGAN: Corrine is learning about prayers and has learned to say "God is great and God is good, and we thank Him for our food, Amen" before eating. She recently has been requesting the "table prayer" before bed. It is fun to watch her when we join others for dinner who don't prayer before meals because she'll stop and gasp, clasp her hands together up high, and exclaim "we forgot prayers!".
Happy Thanksgiving! FROM JACK: Soak it all in. These are the best of times.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Chesterton is one of my favorites. FROM JACK: I like what "they" called him...The Prince of Paradox.

FROM JT IN MICHIGAN: Regarding grace before dancing - it's my partner that would need the grace.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: G.K.had great thoughts and a way with words. Pretty funny on your dance grace.

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