Monday, November 02, 2009

Winning Words 11/2/09
“If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” (Muhammad Ali) Ali is best known as a boxer, but I’ve been impressed by the way he uses words. He’s no palooka! I first knew of him as Cassius Clay, named Cassius after the famous 19th Century abolitionist. Ali is a direct descendant of pre-Civil War slaves. His latest fight is with Parkinson’s disease. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: It is a challenge to really admit we are mouldy bread and can still be something transformed and key instruments of transforming others in a Body. Interesting Ali used those particular words, that particular analogy, it's so good with Christianity and also good with Islam? I think he is a Moslem. Thanks for finding those Winning Words, they are encouraging and maybe a lot of us will use them in encouraging others to see themselves in a more hopeful and purposeful light.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I wonder who "they" were? Ali was really special....I was amused by his boxing tactics but they were very successful! He was very colorful both in the ring and out! FROM JACK: I believe that the "they" is a literary device...and I've forgotten what it's called. Son David, whenever his mother would begin a comment with "They say....", would respond, "Who's...They? The Van Patten family?" It's become a standard response in our family to "They say...." statements. Unless the "they" is defined, it is interesting, but has no validity. FROM JUDY: Exactly....they are no one of importance unless "they" are identified. We are
the same in our family!

FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: Love it! What a comparison!

FROM SG IN TAMPA: How true that all is. I remember him at the Olympics a few years ago. It is amazing, too, the progress in fighting Parkinsons. FROM JACK: In a way, he's been more of a value to society since he became afflicted with PD. That's how it can be with mouldy bread. At the Olympics a few years ago????? Try 49 years ago!

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: The next time we get together, remind me to tell you a story about an experience I had with Ali. FROM JACK: How long will I have to wait? It wasn't in the ring, was it?

FROM HAWKEYE GS: He also has Irish ancestors. FROM JACK: As Baron Munchausen used to say, "Vas you dere Charley?"

FROM MOLINER CF: "Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee" is on a par with TR's "Speak softly and carry a big stick." FROM JACK: That's a good comparison.

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