Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 8/6/08
“Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you’re really strangers.”
(Mary Tyler Moore) My wife and I have been married over 50 years, and there are still strange things that we occasionally learn about each other. Today, try to learn something new about a person who’s close to you. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER G.S.: just got back from a 10 year-old g'son trip. Got to know him better - but he still does some strange, wonderful things.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Some strangers are strange all of the time and all strangers are strange some of the time, but all strangers are not strange all of the time. Abe Lefstein.

FROM J.L. IN MI: At breakfast this morning, Gary told me something about his dad (who died when Gary was 18) that I had never known. What a perfect quote for today. I shall endeavor to learn something new about someone else today also.

FROM E.A. IN MI: I make OUR time together at 56 years and you are absolutely correct.

FROM A.McC. IN MI: We lost a friend in February whom we had known for thirty -eight years. When I read Roger's obituary, I realized how much I did not know about him. It would have been good to talk to him more about his life. He was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula and we were born and raised in Manhattan. His Family was Finnish and ours, Irish. He was Lutheran and we are Catholics. We had many grand discussions.
He had often spoken of his Dad, Emil. His Mom would make beans for the family, all boys, and his Dad would get the meat. This came up because my husband often makes beans and our friend was one who enjoyed them. He and his wife were at our home eight weeks before he died. Something made me ask his mother's name and he said "Amanda". Your words today brought all this to mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talked to my mother-in-law today and somehow we got on the subject of how even old people still change and so I told her what your Winning Words were today. They just came into the discussion so naturally. She shared with me that Iowa has a Homemakers Program which is how she gets the woman who comes in to clean her apartment. There are even nurses available to come in to give her a bath, etc., when she will need that kind of help. I thought she had just hired the cleaning woman on her own. Very relieved that this is a whole organization dedicated to the needs of the elderly and disabled. Now I won't be harboring so many thoughts that she should really go into assisted living. I learned something about Iowa's progressive policies to keep people out of nursing homes today--this is new--just in the last few years. Thank God for the telephone so we can keep learning these things.