Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/30/08
“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.”
(A.A. Milne) Now I know what I’m going to do today. I going to attack a couple of piles of stuff on my desk and create some excitement. In seminary days, my roommate and I were like Oscar and Felix. I don’t think that either of us has changed. Messy desks tend to stay messy. I’ll let you know if I find any treasures. ;-) Jack

FROM VETTE BOB IN MICHIGAN: Never though of it that way before ??????

FROM MOLINER, B.G.: Todays "Winning Words"touched a nerve. It reminded me of a a saying that I had framed and kept on my desk at Temples, which decribed my desk. " Those of you who keep a neat desk, will never know the thrill of finding something thought lost foreverMy desk at home is still the same way. Old habits are hard to break.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: At least your messages aren't messy - they're usually very good. I enjoy opening them first thing.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: If you find any leftover $100's just let me know. I have a plan for them! :-) My area is usually clean, in fact, mostly all the time. However, my scrapbook room leaves a lot to be desired! This quote really tickled me because I love discoveries!

FROM E.D. IN AZ: I find that only when my desk is 'disorderly' (generally the case), i am productive in my research. Books, papers, articles, scrap notes with ideas, all mean that thoughts are flowing and i'm thinking. I like to think that my work space represents 'compiling thoughts' rather than 'compiling messes'

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/29/08
“You learn something every day if you pay attention.”
(Ray LeBlond) I hesitate to say that LeBlond’s words appear in a book: The Best Liberal Quotes Ever. But Plato, Abe Lincoln, Mark Twain and Dan Quayle are there, too. See, you what learn by reading Winning Words. Keep your eyes and ears (and mind) open to learn something new today. BTW, what does the word, liberal, mean to you? ;-) Jack

FROM JACK: It's unfortunate that in today's political debates between the Red and the Blue, the liberal and conservative, we have lost sight of where the word, liberal originated. It comes the the Latin, liber, which means free and not slave. Liberal stresses individual rights and freedom of thought. The Magna Carta was based on liberal thought. Many who first came to America did so because of their belief in liberalism. Liberty is a word that traces its meaning back to the Latin...fre and not slave.

FROM K.B. IN MICHIGAN: I am trying to pay more attention--sort of the old adage Talk less-listen more.

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Calvin has been feeling better today. Not another episode like yesterday. Though every time I let him out I checked all around on the ground to see if there was anything odd in our yard. He should be due for a checkup at the veterinarian soon, we always get a card from Dr. Chang about this time, and we'll be describing the symptoms to her to see what she thinks. It's really hard to see an animal suffering. Hard to see a person suffering. One never seems to be able to get a callous against feeling. Your Winning Words today certainly brought out a flurry of thought-provoking responses and some chuckles as well. You have a neat idea in this Winning Words, plus also your thoughts cradling them. I think it all births community. It's interesting to watch it happen.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: One may also learn something if NOT paying attention, often to one's detriment. I think "liberal" means generous, which can include the willingness to explore and tolerate points of view that go beyond our own personal preferences.

FROM PR B.G. IN MICHIGAN: Open-minded; willing to admit that I don’t know it all and need to be open to new discoveries.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Liberal is a way of looking at things and a life-style and is the opposite of conservative.....somewhat. They have actually switched meanings, as has the Red State and Blue State. People have to be very careful not to pigeon hole too quickly. The hatred in politics is frightening. Hopefully, we can move past that and get to the issues together. I like the quote. As my grandma used to say, "If you aren't learning you aren't living!"

FROM D.C. IN KANSAS: My preference is to be described as "open" or "closed." One can be conservative or liberal, but being "closed" is not my liking.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I learned somewhere along the line to be very careful when listening to liberals!!!

FROM FISH PIANO IN MICHIGAN: I, too, have a very messy desk and the top of my piano is the same.Hopefully, both of us will find some surprises.When Dave was alive he used to say my filing system was by geological strata!!!!!!!!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Yeah, and I found a dental bill that was six months old.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I'm Felix, my dauhter is Oscar --- unfortunately for me it's her house

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: My mother once said to me,"keep your mouth shut or you will let people know how dumbyou are", so I need to think about your question.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/28/08
“If dogs have a heaven, there’s one thing I know…Old Shep has a wonderful home.”
(Red Foley) A confirmation student came to class on the day that her dog died. She asked if her pet would be in heaven. I made the mistake of giving her a theological answer. Maybe I should have used Red Foley’s words. What do you think? I have a book in my library: Will My Dog Go To Heaven? (How to answer your child’s religious questions) Chapter 32: “What is the Goal of Christian Training?” ;-) Jack

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: It's not a question of "will there be?". It's more like "will we be able to contain the magnificent essence of what they are?". The day I buried my mom, I went for a walk and came across a guy playing with a puppy on his front lawn. In spite of my sadness, I stopped and laughed at the delightful scene. The puppy was being exactly what God made it to be.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: My reply would have been something like, "absolutely, one God, one universe, one heaven, for all God's creation." Then I would have reviewed my notes from a great college course I took in World Religions.

FROM JACK: In cas you're interested, here's the link to Old Shep, sung by the composer, Red Foley.

FRPM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Just a couple of minutes before I read your Winning Words, I was reading Miriam Woolbert's e-mail of scripture here and just basking in the thought that God's covenant was between Himself and all creatures. Last night Calvin, our dog, had some kind of a problem--we were wondering if he had had a slight stroke or if he had eaten something outside--even if he had eaten something poisoneous. He seemed like he was drunk, had trouble standing, finally got over to the couch where he could lie down like he usually does and then, after a bit, seems to be all right again. I'm not leaving the house today so as to be able to keep an eye on him until we are more sure he is OK. But whatever the problem was I prayed cryingly for God to be his Shepherd, to be with him even though he might be walking through the valley of the shadow of death, to prepare a banquet for him in front of his enemies, to annoint his head with oil, to make his cup runneth over, that surely goodness and mercy should follow him all the days of his life and he shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Jerry and I grew up on farms and our dogs and cats were always outside. You know when people keep their pets inside, it seems like a different relationship develops. God knows something about us wherever we go and whatever we do and the longer I live and experience life and the longer I read the Bible I keep finding out that there is something in There to cover every emergency and situation and just wonderfully thankful that God told Noah and his family to bring all those animals into his ark-house like Jerry and I are doing with Calvin and Luna and wonderfully reassured that God's covenant is with them too. So thankful today. Nice to read your Winning Words today and I will be very interested in all the responses

FROM J.N. IN MICHIGAN: I heard a line years ago that goes with today's Winning Words, "If dogs can't go to Heaven, I don't want to go there."Theologically, we're in trouble with that, but to any heart-sick dog lover in mourning, I understand. Once heard someone say that only loving dogs are close to God's love.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Do dogs have a soul? Therein lies the answer. JACK'S RESPONSE: Who's to say?

FROM M.T. IN PENNA: You gave a good example of something I would sum up this way: A really good answer responds to needs; not just to the words in the question. Thank you for Winning Words! I enjoy this little treat each day. Here's something that I remembered just this morning. I heard it when I was in the throes of late teenage angst about a girl. In trying to get her interested in me, I was trying way too hard. I don't who originally said this, but it eased my mind: "A flower can die from too much water, as easily as from not enough." P.S. She never became my 'girlfriend', but we did become friends.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: all dogs go to heaven. there is a sweet film to prove it! THE FILM: it is called,"all dogs go to heaven". it was out in the late 1980's or early 1990's, an animated tale of the afterlife of dogs.
heaven can't be proven and while we're at it... if a tree falls in the forest and noone is there to hear it...does it make a noise?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: When my friend's dog died unexpectedly, they asked her if Rags went to Heaven. She told them, being a good Christian, of course not....they (dogs) don't have souls. Her girls were heartbroken. I wished she would have told them about the sparrow or this quote. God loves all He has made and I can't believe His doesn't remember each and every little creature in His vast universe. Whether they go to Heaven or not is not the question, but He surely loves them all....and His love would encompass the wonderfully loving furry animals named "dog."

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: My answer to that question has always been "I hope so. But you know that is up to God. What I know of God is that he is willing to save human beings who are willful and have wrecked a good part of God's world. I would guess that gives dogs, etc. a pretty good shot at it."

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .......GREAT ONE......someone asked me a few years ago "why did you marry again after all of these years?" ...and my response was, "because my dog died." His name was Shep and for over a decade, Shep and I were inseparable. I inherited him when he was four. He was a tri-color Collie, pet therapy, show dog and a constant companion at home and on long walks. He even had a bed in my room. He weighed 107 lbs, and hardly fit in my car, so was not a good traveller. But when at home, I was certainly not living alone. Thanks for that Winning Word. As for "heaven", I'm not so sure, but wherever I wind up , I expect Shep to be there. That's how faithful he was.

FROM J.B.: As a dog lover, I'd like to think there will be dogs in heaven to continue to bring joy to people as they have for so many years. God has given us so many wonderful things to enjoy in this world, but in heaven we probably will not be quite the same as we are here. I'm sure God in His infinite wisdom has, as always, a perfect plan.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: To glorify Christ and serve Him by the choices we make.

FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: Al Rogness once noted that if your eternal happiness is somehow contingent on having your favorite pet in heaven, it will there. I liked his comment.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I think Red's answer is sufficient. It is reassuring and non-committal. Sounds much like a politician's answer to questions they get...

FROM ANON: Interesting how dog salvation gets twice the traffic as questions of human salvation. When I saw the question this morning I figured it would create a lot of conversation.
I think Matthew 7 or wherever the verse is about the wide path and narrow gate is a bigger problem. It would be ashamed for us to be elsewhere while Fido was in heaven. Of course my little Dachshund, Harriett, is so cute God is going to want her back, regardless of his canine policy.

FROM J.B. IN MI: A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the s cenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?' 'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered. 'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.' The man gestured, and the gate began to open.'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked. I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?' 'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.' 'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog.'There should be a bowl by the pump.' They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree. What do you call this place?' the traveler asked.'This is Heaven,' he answered. 'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.''Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.''Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?''No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'

Friday, April 25, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/25/08
“It’s pathetic to hear mosquitoes cough.”
(Old Swedish Expression) The late Krister Stendahl used this quote, saying that we sometimes get so caught up in defending the Bible that it kills the joy in reading it and practicing it.. Yes, we often pay so much attention to coughing mosquitoes that we miss what’s really important. And it’s not just with regard to the Bible. ;-) Jack

FROM G.G. IN INDY: so true, so's like..."I could be SO happy if only those darn mosquitos would stop coughing!"

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Hm................... gotta think on this one........... Does that also mean that we can be so heavenly concerned that we're no earthly good?

FROM MOLINER C.F.: If a mosquito coughs in the forest, does it make a noise?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: One of the strangest expressions I have ever heard!!! The Bible is very simple and hidden messages. Do do tend to get caught up in the most unimportant aspect of life don't we? Let's put the emphasis on the important ones this weekend! Blessings everyone!

FROM J.T. IN MICHIGAN: Jack, this reminds me of a talk that Fr. Len Crobot gave some 30 years ago. He referred to things we do as "pole vaulting over an ant hill."

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: Huh? Methinks some expressions are better left in Sweden!?!
MORE FROM J.C.: I found Stendahl's article. It's self-indulgent and frivolous, not WW-worthy material at all. Perhaps it's better suited for SUPERCILIOUS WORDS, where most arrogant liberal THINKING belongs.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Thank you Krister Stendahl. I appreciate your help in catching the important facts and solutions.
MORE FOM B.S.: I worked on a farm owned by Eunice and Pat Sandin, Eunice was a childhood friend of my mother, and daughter of Grandpa Carl and Grandma Hammer. Eunice didn't know how to cook very well but her mother was a better cook and baker than my mother. I earned $2.00 a week for about a 92 hr week in the summer, and a 56 hr week during school days. So I had $2.00 a week for my ride to Wilmot every day, and for the hot lunch, and a 5cent ice cream from Hageman's Drug Store at lunch time, except when Mz Bessie Barnes let us dance students borrow her equipement, so we could practice our dance steps during the noon hour. I am glad the Good Lord shared "Youth" with me during those years. But they didn't teach me Swedish.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/24/08
“The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.”
(Ben Stein) This quote is a continuation of the thought process on Saving the Environment. What kind of a planet do we want? What kind of person will lead us in making the changes that are necessary? How much consumerism are we willing to forego? The first step is always the hardest. Not to decide is to decide. ;-) Jack

FROM MKH AT THE FD: Sometimes these babies really hit home!!! Have a great day!!
MORE FROM MKH: Peace not too much to ask? Tee Hee Hee!!

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Aomost contradicts yesterdays Winning Words, doesn't it?
MORE FROM J.S.: What you said at the end contradicts what you said at the beginning. You want more than what you have. You want a different President. So do I. I am not satisfied with a President who is fouling up our country and I will strive to make it different. I can't buy into that one from yesterday because it would tell me to be satisfied with GWB. Jesus wasn't too satisfied with the way things were going either. So he climbed on a cross and changed them. I vote for that kind of change.....

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Have you seen the Ben Stein movie, Expelled? Thought provoking.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Obama said it best. "America is the greatest country on this planet. Please join me in changing it." (paraphrased but correst in its interpretation)

FROMCWR IN B'MORE:........the key, it seems to me, is our capitalistic excesses, our over indulgences, and our refusal to accept that the "justice" (ala Marcus Borg) segment of Jesus' "love, JUSTICE, and peace" is a direct reference to money.....remember that "the WAY", the first followers of the "risen Christ" , was a communal group, a "kabbutz", "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"...........sound familiar...... Karl Marx. Nobody promised Christians a "rose garden"..... and as "Jesus people" , as people who give, it means giving until it HELPS.....the whole global environment, not only the climate and global warming, but our very "soul", as a person of "God" , is at stake..........."What kind of Planet DO we want?"

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often. John Henry Newman MORE FROM J.L.: LOVE Ben Stien...he has it right....but be VERY careful what you want as you may get it! Beware! By flimsy attempts to "save" the planet, we just may destroy it. MORE FROM J.L.: I love to read the WW's. They do get you thinking and I like to read what the others think. It's extremely interesting to read the comments because sometimes they are so far from what I was thinking about the quotes. Which is just wonderful. I'ts always good to listen (read) different comments and ideas because you just might have missed the boat! :-) Keep sending those WW's!

FROM B.D. IN MICHIGAN: 'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough'. May I ask what that means?'. She began to smile. 'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone'.. She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. 'When we said , 'I wish you enough', we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them'. Then turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory. I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting. I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.

FROM PR A.W. IN ILLINOIS: Reminds me of first line of the book "How to be a Millionaire". FIRST YOU WANT TO HAVE A MILLION." Al W. Guess I never wanted it bad enough.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/23/08
“Happiness is wanting what you have.”
(Susan Ager bought a tile with these words on it) In her Free Press column she goes on to say that longing for stuff breeds misery. She sees a similarity between Bobby McFerrin and the Dalai Lama. Do you see it? Susan also mentions an organization, Center For a New American Dream, whose motto is “More fun, less stuff..” ( This sort of reminds me of Dorothy’s words in The Wizard of Oz: “There’s no place like home.” ;-) Jack

FROM A.S. IN MICHIGAN: Having "stuff" makes life more complicated as we age I think.It takes more thought,time and energy just to deal with the every day things in life,leaving less for "stuff". Speaking of stuff is your train interest centered in steam or diesel or both;I started a steam collection but stopped(too much "stuff"). Love the sounds of both steam and diesel!

FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: all advertising is designed to do one thing: make us feel unsatisfied with what we have and desirous of what we don't have. we can never be contented according to Madison Ave.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I've always enjoyed Susan Agars columns. The more so as I had both of her Grandma's in the nursing home in Livonia that I worked at. I enjoyed seeing her parents visit them and then get some of her insights from columns that she wrote. Such an interesting life I have! (Being an observer of the human scene!)

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: I have not read the Free Press in years and Agar was not a favorite of mine when I read it. But I do agree with this quote. Being satisfied with what one has brings great peace and comfort.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: we were so happy to get what we needed, to getsome thing we wanted took a lot of engineuity explaining, but to little effect, we didn't have the money, except when the children pointed out they didn't have as many exercizing toys such as wagons, trikes, scooters, etc. as the kids across the street whose father operated a whore house. nuf sed. Bob. sure there are times when U must bite the bullet and respond to the children. It's too bad the economy isn't turned around and give new families the money they need and the old folks don't need as much.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/22/08
“Our beautiful world is facing many crises. It’s not a time to pretend everything’s good.”
(Dalai Lama) On Sunday afternoon I saw and heard the Dalai Lama give a lecture at the University of Michigan on “saving the environment.” He spoke of the need for all of us, across the world, to work together on this project. We can’t go on ignoring that which is happening around us. When Ben was a little boy, a flight attendant asked him where he was from. His serious reply was: “Planet Earth.” He had it right. ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Every day there are so many simple ways by which each of us can contribute to saving Planet Earth. If only we could get everyone to make a serious commitment to participate. By dealing with it now we may at least be able to maintain the status quo. As we begin to lose more species and natural resources, the spiral downward just accelerates, and it won't be a comfortable ride.

FROM SDG IN TAMPA: The quote in the Tampa Tribune today about the Dalai Lama with the headline "Lighten Up. People" is "Many sufferings are the result of cherishing one's own self-interest. You must cherish others in the same way you cherish your own body." My own experience on Earth Day was when Les and I happened to fly up to Washington D.C. the day after Earth Day had been celebrated on the Mall, and I had never seen so much trash strewn over a single location in my life. That must have been sometime in the 80's.

FROM G.G. IN INDY: from the mouths of babes ......"For the Beauty of the Earth, for the Beauty of the Skies"

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: “How easily we could reform a nation, if everyone would see to his own reformation.” Samuel Smiles circa 1859 If everyone would sweep the street in front of their home soon the entire nation would be clean. It takes individual(s) action to make progress on reformation. If reformation comes it must come by innovation (new fuels and systems) and change of individual actions. Not by preaching and taxation and regulation. Idiotic ideas like banning .39 cent light bulbs for $4 mercury-laden so-called compact fluorescent bulbs is nothing more than a tax on the poor as are increased calls for ethanol dramatically increasing food prices for all of us. Both the bulb ban and the ethanol push have the unintended consequences of increasing exactly what the propose to solve.

FROM MOLINER, LFP: How cool you got to hear the Dalai Lama!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: A group of young boys practice their skateboarding in our cul-de-sac. They leave their water bottles, chip bags etc., on our lawns. I approached one of them one day and was talking to him. They are actually all nice guys. I asked them about leaving their trash around, and they apologized, and so far so good. But one of their comments really struck me. He said, "The planet's doomed anyway...that's all we hear on the news!" And they all agreed....why should they bother...they were doomed! THEY are the next generation!!!! The news is we are doomed, from "toxic waste", "global warming", "pollution", "glacial melting", "holes in the Ozone", "acid rain", etc etc etc. We should research the different scientists...not the "forecasters of doom" or the sensationalists. Yes, I believe we should respect, take care of and be smart about our planet as it is the only one we have....but we have to keep it in perspective and be intelligent not hysterical!

FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: These "words" just mess me up because they take my head out of my daily routine (that's not a bad thing) and reinforce the notion that there's more to life than simply survival. That is so good for me...

FROM A.S. IN MICHIGAN: Claudia,Tim ,Lisa and the kids were there also.They were happy for having the opportunity to see and hear him!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/21/08
“There is always the mystery.”
(Stephen Elkins-Williams) Science is a way of thinking that holds all material things as tentative. Imagine a circle. Inside is all the stuff we can verify. The infinite area outside of the circle represents the unknown, the mystery. As the circle enlarges, the infinite is still the infinite. Religion helps us organize our thoughts about the mystery. Today’s quote is from a recent article in USA Today. Let me know if you want more. I love a mystery, Don’t you? ;-) Jack

FROM JFREEDSTER: I was expecting to see a Dalai Lama quote

FROM P.B.: I have long believed that though science can not verify faith, still there is nothing incompatable between the two.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: iris dement sings a great song entitled, "let the mystery be". you should look it up.

IRIS SINGS: Sounds like "more" to me. I like organizing the infinite and infinite. My mind is too small to encompass much.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I must be a slow learner. I am totally occupied by the inner circle. I don’t particularly like mysteries or fiction. If I consider the scope of what is known—against what I don’t know—I think I can stay pretty busy. As the circle enlarges at an exponential rate it’s doubtful I may ever see the edge.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Life is becoming more and more a mystery to me....where did I leave my's a mystery....why did I come into this's a mystery....where is the remote.....once again, a mystery....did I mail that letter....infinite mystery.....etc etc is a mystery!

FROM MOLINER, A.E.: You are dating yourself stating you enjoy "I Love a mystery" Wasn't that on Tuesday evenings on WLS Chicago on the Philco Radio? The Shadow Knows, as does Jack Armstrong, and Captain Midnight. I doubt if Tom Mix and Orphan Anne can Recall.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: "I Love a Mystery" sounds like an old radio show. Surely you are too youmg to remember that.

FROM KZB IN COLORADO: Hi! This is well-written (probably because I agree with it!) Ha! This is my favorite part: "As we use science to expand our knowledge, the circle gets bigger. Because its circumference represents the boundary between the known and the unknown, a bigger circle makes us aware of more mystery. Every scientific discovery raises new questions. The mystery, being infinite, is never diminished. Infinity minus one is still infinity."

FROM J.T. IN MINNESOTA: Sounds like "more" to me. I like organizing the infinite and infinite. My mind is too small to encompass much. I continue to appreciate your WW.

FROM MOLINER A.E.: Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present! Live and savor every moment...this is not a dress rehearsal!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/18/08
“Don’t worry about tomorrow. God is already there. (Also read Jeremiah 29:11)”
(Unknown) I came across this quote when I was recently in Minnesota. I know some people who are going through some difficult times. Perhaps you do, too. This would seem to be good advice for them. In fact, it’s good advice for all of us, isn’t it? ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I love this quote! How wonderful to know God is there before us always! I know quite a few who are suffering either with health, family issues, money problems, etc. And I plan on sending this quote to them! It's a very uplifting thought!

FROM SDG IN TAMPA: That is definitely the way you have to live-one day at a time. Some are much harder than others. When things are calm, the best is to enjoy each day. In Moline my relatives had gathered over 20 at a brunch which was great, and then we visited two who were in the hospital with pneumonia and one who was at home and who was unable to attend because she had had her leg amputated. But it was great to see everyone. I count my blessings every day.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Who worries about tomorrow? At our age, we need to worry about today. But then God's here too.

FROM KZB IN COLORADO: This is a great one. I have started my Stephen Ministry to an elderly woman, and this will be a great thing to share with her. :)

FROM D.M. IN MICHIGAN: Thanks for consistently helping me to see light! Very recently my husband lost his mother and one of his closest friends. I'll share your quote. It is most inspiring. JACK'S RESPONSE: When my mother was dying in a nursing home (a two-week stay), one of the workers came into the room and opened the window. My sister asked why he was doing this. He replied that in his country, it was the custom to do this in order to let the spirit of the dying person escape and unite with the Spirit of God.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/17/08
“Time is but the stream I go fishin’ in.”
(Thoreau) I’m not into fishin’ for fish, but I do like to hook on to new ideas. Last Sunday the preacher mentioned “The Sandwich Generation.” I hadn’t heard that expression before. These are the parents who have young children to care for, and they’re also responsible to care for their aging parents. You can learn stuff if you go fishin’ for it. ;-) Jack
QUESTION: Do you remember The Banana Man and would like to see him again?

FROM B.D. IN MICHIGAN: I like to fish also, but for food.

FROM M.A. AND RAY IN MICHIGAN: We must be older then you, as we don't remember the banana man - at least not today!!!!

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Your opening quote and your end question reminded me of a striking story I read years ago. If you can find it, read J. D. Salinger's short story "A Perfect Day For Bananafish." JACK'S RESPONSE: Now, that's an interesting story.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: The "Banana Man" was very appealing. Or did I slip up? JACK'S RESPONSE: This reminds me of the girl who said about a blind date:"He was the apple of his mother's eye, but he wasn't appealing to me."

FROM MOLINER A.E.: "I will make you fishers of men, if you follow me." (Jesus Christ) Amen!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: There was nothing like sitting on the banks of the AuSable in front of my parent's house and fishing for trout! Then the DNR designated fly fishing only, and catch and release....and the landowners gave the stretch of river the name of "The Holy Waters". My dad's name was Chappel and his next neighbor were the Blessings! How about that? MORE FROM J.L.: We watched a few programs and the Captain and Mr. Greenjeans was one of our favorites!

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: The Banana Man? --- that's a new one for me.

FROM J.G. IN MINNESOTA: We belonged to a small group, at church, called "The Sandwich Generation" for awhile. Now the group is divided because it became too large and new names have been chosen.
We do not know The Banana Man.

FROM MOLINER LFP: I've heard this "sandwich generation" term lately, as well. Has there ever been a generation that wasn't a "sandwich generation"?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/11/08
“I like the saying, ‘Life is hard, but God is good.’”
(Tony Dungy) I can imagine that he spoke this to his football team when some were complaining about hard workouts. He had a way of connecting the present circumstance with what he learned from his parents when he was growing up. Is there something that comes to mind for you? ;-) Jack
BTW…1) I’ll be gone for a few days next week. 2) Some of you may not be getting WWs, because of spam filters. Check to see if my mailings are listed as “safe.”

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: sometimes life is hard and sometimes it isn't. God is always good. It doesn't depend on the "situation."

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Oneday we were making hay ( the old fashioned way ) and itstarted raining, O I thought, Quick get this hay to the hay mow before it gets wet, so I took the reins and said giddy up to the team. And Uncle repremanded me, he said "work faster".

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/10/08
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
(Jeremiah 29:11) From the time that he was a child, Tony Dungy’s mother taught him to read and appreciate the Bible. Who was to know that a passage like this one from Jeremiah would be able to help him endure some of the really difficult times in his life? Have there been Bible verses or other writings that have helped you to endure? ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: During my eight years of elementary school we studied the Bible and memorized many verses. All of them were pertinent to various aspects of life, the trials we would face, and the hope those Biblical references offered. Over the years those verses have come back to me repeatedly, and provided the support, comfort and strength that kept me going.

FROM YOOPER, PR B.L.: Yep! Exodus 3:7-8a Isaiah 50:4 I Cor. 15:3-9

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Matt 6:34 (anxiety in college), Malachi 3:10 (running a business), Romans 8:28 (business, life), Phil 4:13(getting fired), Isaiah 40:31(heart attack from overexercise), 1John 5:14-15 (life)

FROM D.P.: The verse that immediately came to me was Proverbs 3; 5&6----"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledgehim, and he will make straight your paths." Someone sent me this verse 57 years ago after I had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 65% of my body while in college. That Bible verse nurtured me then, and has continued to guide me throughout my life, including accepting the death of my spouse.

FROM PR C.H. ON CAPE COD: This is one of my favorite verses too!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: This sounds like the original "Positive thinking".

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/9/08
“Blanket rules don’t always fit every individual. I need to treat everybody fairly, but fair doesn’t always mean equal.”
(Tony Dungy) I’m going to finish the week with a few more quotes from Tony’s book. Today’s words were spoken to his football team. Blanket rules don’t fit my style, either. I think that FAIR is a good word. And I lean toward Situation Ethics, too, but that’s another story. ;-) Jack

FROM S.M. IN MICHIGAN: Situation Ethics? Hmmm…what comes first? The situation…or the ethical behavior?

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i like the term situation ethics. JACK'S RESPONSE: A book was published a few years ago with the title: Situation Ethics. It caused quite a stir, because it presented issues as not simply black or white, but as gray. There are nots of gray areas.

FROM N.E. IN S.H.: Awesome quote..........I am printing this one out for my kids! As a parent of 4 very different children, I thank you!

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Situation ethics are unethical!!! JACK'S RESPONSE: It depends on the situation.
AND FROM J.S.: That very sentence demonstrates why it is unethical.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: "What's fair is fair. What's unfair is what happens to me fairly often. Fair enough?" (Couldn't resist the word play, Jack.)
MORE FROM C.F.: "You can be fair to some of the people all of the time and fair to all of the people some of the time, but you can't be fair to all of the peoplle all of the time - Abe Schwartz.


FROM L.H. ON MARCO: What a great message to give to our young people; lets bend the rules; the rules apply to some people, but not to you. What a roll model this guy is! JACK'S QUESTION: Is there a note of sacasm in your answer? AND L.H. RESPONDS: I guess my reaction is shock that you might agree with what that guy is saying. He doesn't believe in right and wrong; only what he believes is fair, and what is fair is what he feels at the time and it may not apply to everyone.

FROM PR CJL IN OHIO: This I want to hear... JACK'S RESPONSE: Read the blog.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i have to read the book. many situations require discernment. do you read much deepak chopra? you'd like him. love, a fellow think-to-harder

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Irene sez"especialoly when you are dealing with the grandchildren"

MORE FROM B.S.: great thought. there is more to football than what origianlly hits the eye.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/8/08
“Talent is God-given; be thankful. Praise is man-given; be humble. Conceit is self-given; be careful.”
(Dave Driscoll) NFL coach, Tony Dungy, quoted this in his book, Quiet Strength. I hope the players and the coaches in last night’s NCAA championship basketball game follow that advice. The players showed talent, and they were praised. Now they have to be careful. So do we all. Congratulations, Jayhawks! ;-) Jack

FROM IRMAGIRL, J.B.: I read Tony Dungy's book too. I admire him and think he is such a fine human being.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Sounds great, something to read over several times.To imprint on one's mind.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/7/08
“Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.”
(Unknown—Sent by C.F.) I never learned to dance, but I have always enjoyed watching people jitterbug, polka and do the chicken dance. More importantly, my faith has been strengthened by watching those who’ve been able to dance in the rain. Have you known people like that? ;-) Jack

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: It is interesting how our lives mesh. Yesterday I mowed part of our lawn in the rain. I would have mowed more but my wife gave me negative vibes instead of encouraging me to work faster. The pain in my hips was duled by a full Vicodin tablet, and was tolerated because the flowering weeds in our lawn were dissappearing with every pass of the mower. So we had some negatives and positives, and I am certain my blood sugar dropped. However it did start raining ferocously, and the Good Lord sent lightning, so I stopped, to wait out the storm. This activity is hard on shoes , bad on shoes. but thanks for the E-mail, it brings back so many, many memories. I am crying. I am truely sorry to find out you don't dance. If we had known, I think we would have driven down to your house and taught you. Mz Bessie Barnes was my savior, she taught us dancing at Wilmot for 10cents an hour, and she developed the transformation that led to tremendous joy and inspiration. Dancing was more than an art form, it was a participation in a culture handed down by our forefathers. It was a successful entry into a socialized world, it was a real blessing. Hey, and it was great exercise and you could hold a chickie in your arms. Wow, what memories.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .....good one Jack. I'm trying to do that.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i took some of my first dancing lessons in the rain! i also learned to look for the rainbows as the sun peeks through. the sun always peeks through-sooner or later. thanks to god and earth angels!

FROM MOLINER L.P.: I'm doing my darndest to dance in the rain. Is it ok to use my umbrella?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: One of my favorite memories of my parents, were watching them dance together. They both loved to danced, and danced very well...they flowed across the floor. We had many many family parties down our basement and dancing was something we always did as an extended family. And they always encouraged us to dance....ESPECIALLY in the rain....some of my best memories!

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Wednesday we are going to have a Memorial Service for Alice. She lived at the Health Care Center, on a ventilator and a feeding tube. She was under the care of a legal guardian and there has been hardly any information given out about her death. She danced in the rain and, because she showed a person could dance in the rain even with very limited abilities, a lot of us have learned not to be so afraid of the rain. These are the reflections my intention is to share at the Memorial Service that I passed to her Pastor to see if they made sense to him and, since the Winning Words for today ask if we know someone who danced in the rain, it is my pleasure to pass them on to you too, honoring the memory of Alice.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: How do you live without dancing in the rain? What is the option? Crawling in a hole and dying there?

FROM PR F.M. IN WISCONSIN: One of the blessings in being a pastor is meeting a lot of people who have danced in the rain. I recall the president of a parish I served 20 years ago as interim pastor. She was a very devoted teacher, a great mother and wonderful wife, but in addition to attempting to provide leadership in a young parish whose pastor had just left his wife and two children, Carol was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After church, on a Sunday when I had used the 23rd Psalm as the text, Carol came up to me and thanked me for the sermon - I had spoken of mountain top days, days at the banquet table, days down in the valley and days which were common - like walking on level ground. Carol said, my life for the recent past has been mainly in the valley - but for me, even days on level ground are mountain top days! Just one of many folks I have come to know and love who knew how to dance in the rain.

FROM MOLINER A.E.: Gene Kelley? I'll try tonight as it is gonna rain.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: I just wish my parents were still alive, and Unc John and Aunt Laura, They preached this all their lives, and hope fully I listened ( most of the time ). It worked.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/4/08
“We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinium physics, ruled by Frankensteinian logic.”
(David Russell) I think that this quote correctly describes the world around me. This leads me to ask: Was the Frankenstein monster, good or bad? Is the world good or bad? A somewhat unrelated question…Did you see the Mel Brooks’ movie, Young Frankenstein? ;-) Jack

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: No, but people keep telling me I need to rent and watch it!

FROM N.W. IN MICHIGAN: We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinium physics, ruled by Frankensteinian logic and run by buffoonian politicians.

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: Yes, and do you remember Marty Feldman's Character? Walk this way! Now that was funny!

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: excellent.....

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: poor frankenstein-a product of his environment. when treated with kindness and dignity he reflected those characteristics. when treated with hated and fear, well you know what happened. lesson learned? be kind to all you meet.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: "...and uplifted by Bernsteinian music." Sure did see Young Frankenstein...I've always been interested in science. FROM JACK: > Every time Frau Blücher's name is mentioned, horses are heard > whinnying as if afraid of her name. Many viewers mistakenly believe > that Blücher means "glue" in German; however, Blücher is a well-known > German surname.[4] The German term for glue is der Kleber, or tierischer Leim for animal glue. > Brooks suggested in a 2000 interview that he had based the joke on the
> erroneous translation, which he had heard from someone else.

FROM PHILOSOPHER J.S. IN MICHIGAN: We live in a world where our understandings are changing by the minute. At least before Copernicus et. al., people knew what was going on. Now we look into the great abyss and see nothing. Does that leave us with Sartre or Kierkegaard? I'll take the leap of faith. God is the Only One a person knows from beginning to end. Only the Lord is with us before birth and after death and for everything in between.

FROM S.G. IN MICHIGAN: I absolutely love "Young Frankenstein"!!!!! Gene Wilder is a favorite.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: The Frankenstein monster knew no better....good or bad? He would have no idea as he was never taught either concept. The world is bad and good.....would you say there were more good people than bad? I would....but the "good" seldom make the daily news. Young Frankenstein was hilarious!!!

FROM MR. HANEY'S DAUGHTER: Like this one too!

FROM S.A. IN VEGAS: Frankenstein is what we create when we think we can do it (whatever it is we create) without acknowledging it originates from God. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Luther acknowledged free will, only to the extent that it was not a good thing.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: It's a good world. It just happens to have some bad people in it. I thought the Monster was rather handsome. But most people thought he was ugly, thus bad. I've known some bad pretty people. Takes all kinds I guess.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/3/08
“Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.”
(Alfred Montapert) One of my friends begins each day by quoting the verse: “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Today, I’m going to quote that verse and turn over to the Lord whatever problems I have….and eat a bowl of oatmeal. ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Every time I turn a problem over to the Lord, He says "Now get off your butt and go do something about it."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: As you get older often you can find high-fiber problems to chew on.
The Old Fashion Oats are the best, with a bit of honey no milk, maybe a bit of real butter.

FROM S.S. IN MICHIGAN: Thanks. I needed these words today.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: What would life be without problems??? Boring, I'm sure, but it would be nice to try it for a few days! :-) Have my oatmeal everyday! Cheers!

FROM G.G. IN INDY: I already had my I'll go about the business of rejoicing!

FROM S.G. IN MICHIGAN: Good morning! It's a beautiful blue sky day. I am teaching today.

FROM N.E. IN S.H.: I read this right after my son sent me a text message telling me he got a speeding ticket last night for 19 mph over the limit! I'm choking on breakfast!


FROM S.A. IN VEGAS: Oatmeal...mmmmmmm. Do you use brown sugar or white sugar? My wife has a rule; brown oatmeal gets brown sugar, white cream of wheat gets white sugar. (She's a behaviorist) FROM JACK: Quick with brown sugar, raisins and 2%.

FROM J.T. IN MICHIGAN: I should have had the oatmeal instead of a bagel! I just wanted you to know I will miss being with you and Mary tonight. I hope you have a wonderful evening and look forward to hearing about it.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: YOu can sing "How great thou art" as you turn over your problems to the Good Lord. Now the delicious oatmeal is another problem, it's called "gout". Oatmeal in some quantities can exacerbate gout in some people. Really a lot of fun, it's like walking on broken glass. How lucky you are ole buddy.


FROM D.P. IN MINNESOTA: Well, every day of the week I have oatmeal, but today I had to clean out my fridge, and I had scrambled egg beaters and ww toast. YUK! I'm looking forward to tomorrowwhen I can have my usual oatmeal with walnuts and craisins, plus a smoothie and HOT coffee.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/2/08
“We all know that a smile is a frown turned upside down. Don’t make us stand on our head to see you smile.”
(EMT Sings) Eunice, one of my WWs correspondents, sent this to me recently, and I didn’t have to stand on my head to show my appreciation. Give someone a smile today and see if they respond with a grin. ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Amen! After all, "Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved!"

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: In my childhood, all the people around the town would go to town Saturday nights to do their shopping. Walking up and down the streets, I discovered a little game--smile up at all the adults and see if they would smile back at me. Invariably they did. It was all my own idea.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: My Dad who was very tight always told me..."A smile, a handshake, a hello don't cost a dime. Give them away."

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: You might also like to kow that it takes fewer muscles to smile than frown. Smile and save energy.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: fyi-it takes many more muscles to frown than to smile-physiological fact. when one is aging, one really pays attention to energy dispensed! if i stood on my head, i would be frowning. i still can stand on my head, by the way. perhaps it is from not dispensing the energy on frowns. who knows?

FROM G.G. IN INDY: standing on your head is actually really good for you. FROM JACK: Your sister does it; can you?

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: Verity (our daughter) is at the age where she likes to look at the world upside down. Chris and I wondered (worried): Does a smile look like a frown from upside down? But we just can't force a frown around her.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Smile awhile, la da da dee de do, la la la, la da da de de do, wow what a song.
FROM JACK: Till We Meet Again
There's a song in the land of the lily, Each sweetheart has heard with a sigh. Over high garden walls this sweet echo falls As a soldier boy whispers goodbye:
Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu When the clouds roll by I'll come to you. Then the skies will seem more blue, Down in Lover's Lane, my dearie.
Wedding bells will ring so merrily Ev'ry tear will be a memory. So wait and pray each night for me Till we meet again.
Tho' goodbye means the birth of a tear drop, Hello means the birth of a smile. And the smile will erase the tear blighting trace, When we meet in the after awhile.
Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu When the clouds roll by I'll come to you Then the skies will seem more blue Down in Lover's Lane, my dearie,
Wedding bells will ring so merrily Ev'ry tear will be a memory So wait and pray each night for me Till we meet again.

MORE FROM B.S.: I have a hunch that Mz Eunice, is a Swenska Flicka. I also have a hunch that if you live through a Sweedish winter you would prefer a smile to greet you, even a song. How about a friendly polka?

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Standing on your head is good for you. That's good for your circulation. From a cardiologist we both know!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/1/08
“You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
(A. Lincoln) Many statements (some true and some not true) are attributed to President Lincoln. I know that this one is true, because I was there in Springfield when he said, it. ;-) Jack

FROM M.N. IN MINNESOTA: April Fool to you too!!! Ha!

Wow, we should call the Guiness folks. I think you've got that old lady from India beat! ;-)

FROM S.G. IN MICHIGAN: Clever you are.

FROM YOOPER, B.L.: Yah sure yu betcha. And I vas dere ven your ma ma was born!

FROM JLF IN MICHIGAN: Funny April Fool's joke!!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Boy, you look SO good for your age! Lincoln is my favorite. He's belief in God was unbelievably strong, and he overcame so many of life's obstacles. Plus, he stood by his convictions against much opposition. He saw the greater picture and he had a wonderful way with words. I would have loved to see him like you did! :-)

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Well, I see it's April 1st.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Are you certain that you didn't hear it in Galesburg???

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: I remember seeing you there.

FROM A.J. IN MICHIGAN: Hi Jack, I always thought it came form the Ringling Brothers. Glad you were there to set me straight

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: I'm glad you were there to confirm this. I've always wondered whether I was a fool some of the time or all of the time. Thanks for the insight.

FROM LUCKY DUCK: Thanks for putting a smile on my face once again this morning. My mom used to say this to me as a small child - very fast! Always made me laugh myself silly. But Jack, honestly, don't think I am fooled ! You're not that old!! :-)

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: You've finally confessed your the whole world. So that's why you're voting for McCain. He's but a child. Cheers.

FROM J.T. IN MINNESOTA: Gosh, that you were there is even more impressive than the statement.
I did enjoy the sayings of your mother in law. She must have been a great lady.
Thanks for the WWs. I look forward to them.


FROM D.P. IN MINNESOTA: The bloggers will get you today!

FROM G.G. IN INDY: you can't fool me...I know you were much too young to be out that late.