Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 11/6/07
“Good friends are like angels. You don’t have to see them to know they are there.”
(Irish Saying) Angel is from the Greek word, angelos, meaning a messenger from God. Isn’t it great to have people like that in our lives? With the computer, I don’t have to see you to know that you are there. ;-) Jack

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: Angel Jack, thanks for your daily visit!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: God blesses us with wonderful friends who uplifted us, sustain us, cry with us, laugh with us and love us. What a better gift??? Thanks for being there with your "Words" each day. I look so forward to them...you are a good friend!

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: I am here. ;o) I am lucky to have lots of angels in my life including you.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: we call them earth angels. they walk among us-some we recognize as friends-some are just there watching and waiting.

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: thanks for being an angel to me...wherever you are!!


Anonymous said...

Your Winning Words, Pastor Freed, and your own comments, as well as Miriam Woolbert's daily scripture and also the daily prayers from the ELCA and Henri Nouwen's daily meditations help me to know the computer is an instrument for good. Always a joy to know you are there each morning!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been blessed by many angels in my life, sometimes working overtime!! Thank you for being one of them.