Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 8/30/18
“The least I can do is speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.”  (Jane Goodall)  It’s not only the chimpanzees who need an advocate.  There’s a “silent minority” in our country who don’t have access to the “perks” of the privileged.  MLK spoke up for the garbage collectors.  I knew a man who cut toenails for the indigent in a Chicago hospital.  Who’s the “Jane” who will say that we need better education for all children and better health care for all people?   ;-)  Jack 

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  As Marshall Field once said, "Goodwill is the only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroy." There will always be' someone who speaks for those who have no voice, and do for those who cannot do for themselves, and they are heroes to those who know them! (Like your friend, who cut toenails!) My husband was often involved in some dirty or distasteful jobs, for those who could not afford work done. Our church had a registry of skilled workers in many fields, who could be called upon to help when needed, and  many mentored young men who had been in trouble with the law, to learn a trade such as plumber,or electrician, or construction worker to earn a decent living. Bill's years growing up working in Oaks & Sons construction (his dad's business) gave him lots of know-how!  In the ministry, no  talent goes unused! :-)

FROM THE SHARK:  I always do Jack, always.===JACK:  The world needs more people with opinions/actions like that.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Everyone!  We all have access to our lawmakers and policy makers.... our politicians!  All of their names are easy to find and easy to access!  Speak up!  Write letters!  Call and be heard!  Most of all VOTE! ===JACK:  Have you ever known or talked to one of your candidates personally?

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