Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 8/22/18
“There’s nothing greater in the world than when somebody on the team does something good, and everybody gathers around to pat him on the back.”  (Billy Martin)  When I was in the process of changing from a Cubs fan to aTigers fan, Billy Martin was hired to be the Detroit manager.  Billyball was exciting.  It was 2 years until his scrappy personality got him fired.  He was a player’s player, blue-collar, working class.  He played the game that way, too.   ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I've seen Cubs (and others, too) give a comrade a fanny or shoulder pat
in empathy, when they have an error or K, too. The Tigers mauled the Cubs last night...hoping we do better tonight, but they are in a batting slump again.. My bridge game went well today, so some positives in play! :-)===JACK:  I don't seem to care as much anymore if MY team wins or loses.  I take that back.  I DO care if the Univ of Michigan teams win or lose.  A follow up to the hockey team razzing the opponent's goalie...When an opposing player scores a goal, the spotlight shines on the scorer's parents and the fans yell,,,"and your parents are ugly, too."  Baaad!

FROM JB IN OLV:  Love it!===JACK:  Everybody loves a pat on the back...even pastors.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  wonder if it helped to drink some Billy Beer (Carter's brother) while watching Billyball??===JACK:  One of Billy's problems was alcoholism.  It was a stumbling block for him, as it is for too many people.

FROM GF:  I remember Billy Martin so well!===JACK:  I think that Sparky was my favorite manager.  I think that Gardy is doing a good job with the non-all-star players that he has.===GF:  Same here, though I like Jim Leyland a great deal.===JACK:  I had forgotten to put Leyland on my list of favorites.  My granddaughter was the first female physical therapist intern for the Tigers when he was the manager.  She has only good words to say about him.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  He was a tortured man who could have been so much happier if he confronted his disease of alcoholism.===JACK: Janis Joplin sang,  “What Good Can Drinkin’ Do?”

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