Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 8/14/18
“You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”  (Albert Einstein)  Einstein’s daughter has shared her father’s thoughts on Love, contained in letters sent to her.  “Love is an extremely powerful force in the universe, which science cannot explain.  It is Light, enlightening those who receive and give it.  It is Magnetic, enabling people to be attracted to each other.  It is Power, bringing out the best in people.  It is God, everything that gives meaning to life.”   ;-)  Jack

FROM KB IN HL:  Another one of my favorites. “Favorites “ are one that stay with me for a very long time.===JACK:  You're a favorite, too.  Thanks for the good work you did that helped so many people.

FROM  SF:  WOW!===JACK:  Is that what Gary said when you accepted his proposal?

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Science has its realm.    Religion should let it have its say in that realm.  (The Evangelicals have not learned to do this).   However, the spiritual world is another realm...even tho the two work in harmony in many areas).   Science must leave that realm to others....the little people with briefcases under their arms have not learned to do this.===JACK:  It sounds as though Albert was a philosopher as well as a scientist as well as a dad.  The concept that we are all of one world became most evident to me when I saw the picture of Earth as taken from the Moon. That happened 50 years ago.  We are all equal as passengers on Spaceship Earth!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  HA! What a neat turn of phrase! Having read a couple of biographies
about him, I wondered how his children fared! He didn't always make the greatest personal decisions, but this quote is so good; I plan to incorporate it into my S.S. lesson this week: He  was a deep thinker for sure. Love DOES give meaning to life: How fortunate we are to discover that first-hand! ===JACK:  Einstein was human, also!  It might be interesting to make a list of love songs that you have sung...including "The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell..."  I think that the S.S. might enjoy adding to the list.  Together, you could sing, "Jesus loves me."===OAKS:  It's been awhile since I''ve song that old John Peterson "love" song; It's a good one! We've sung the Golden Agers Jesus loves me...Jesus loves me this I know, tho my hair is white as snow...etc. :-)

FROMSTARRY KNIGHT:  I like this one!! I hope to find that someday ....with someone I want to be with...forever :)===JACK:  Someone has said, "Fall in love, head first."  In other words, use your brain when you're considering "that someone."

FROM BB IN CHGO:  New to me – thanks for sharing!===JACK:  Usually we shortchange someone when we fail to  look at their total being.  Einstein had a love affair with Lina...that was the name of his cherished violin.  He was more than a physicist!===BB:   Again, I had no idea.  We always hear about Mozart and babies and the relation between music and math.  Apparently Einstein is another great example.  Last night I saw Tiniarwen, a Taurig band from Africa ….will try to write more about them later.  Fascinating!===JACK:  Yes, the more we examine the lives of people (like you and Albert) the more fascinating they become.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Awesome words!  He hit the nail on the head!===JACK:  Leave it to a physicist to connect gravity with falling in love.


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