Thursday, August 17, 2017

Jack’s Winning Words 8/17/17
“Aim to live so that you don’t look back and think, ‘How happy I was then, if only I’d realized it.’”  (Gretchen Rubin)   A study shows that 18-year olds are the happiest.  An older George Burns sang, “I wish I was 18 again.”  Is that your wish?  When was the happiest time in your life…and what made it so enjoyable?  An app, Happify, shows how to build happiness into your life.  A positive attitude works, and so does exercise and good nutrition.    ;-)  Jack

FROM DMF:  I think it would be fun to be 18 again, as long as I could keep the knowledge I currently have!====JACK:  That would take all the fun out opening a Christmas package when you already know what's inside.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  The happiest time of my life was when I was three years old.   What a wonderful to do things and not a responsibility in the world....a much loved time ====JACK:  That's the way it is in the Old Folks' Home, too.  Do what you want to do, and no responsibilities, either!====JOHN:  But, in the Old Folk's Home, there is no loving mother to comfort you when you need that.====JACK:  Do you remember singing, The Old Fol;ks At Home? ...especially the verse: All 'round the little farm I wandered, When I was young 
There many happy days I squandered, Many the songs I sung  When I was playing with my brothers, Happy was I  Oh, take me to my kind old mother, There let me live and die

FROM TARMART REV:  When was the happiest time in your life…and what made it so enjoyable?  Yesterday, because I was here to enjoy it!!====JACK:  One of my favorite Beatles' songs is, Yesterday.  I like it, even though it describes a longing to change a yesterday.  There are times when I've wanted to do that.  However, you yesterday seems to have been a keeper.

FROM MY LAWYER:  Nice memory.  I remember him well; and the song, too.====JACK:  To be able to go back and recall is to be able to go back and relive (sort of).

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Loved the song you included today! Yes High School and College years are special, fun and carefree for the most part., but every age has its perks; The years when I still had my husband were the happiest, and raising four great kids, a satisfaction!  Life goes by on the fast track, as you look back, doesn't it?!====JACK:  I remember being on church youth group hayride.  Patty June had invited two of her friends as guests...two goofy girls who looked alike, acted alike and were the life of the party.

FROM SS:  This year has been my happiest...can't wait to see what next year might bring! Thank you for reminding me what blessings have been in my life so far!====JACK:  You don't need the Happify app when you are already aware of life's blessings.

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