Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jack’s Winning Words 1/28/15
“My life isn’t perfect, but I am grateful.”  (Unknown)  Very few people (if any) can say that life has gone perfectly for them.  “Into each life some rain must fall.”  In that case, help might be found in another song, “Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day.”  Our attitude toward certain situations can make a big difference.  When we pray, asking God to remove burdensome problems, let’s not forget to include a prayer of thanks for the blessings that are ours.    ;-)  Jack

FROM TARMART REV:  I just buried a good friend of many years who would often say, "It doesn't get any better than this!" in answer to the question, "How's it going today?" I commented at his funeral after using the old saying so often used at funerals:
“Imagine stepping onto a shore and finding it Heaven.
Imagine taking hold of a hand and finding it's God's hand.
Imagine breathing new air and finding its celestial.
Imagine feeling invigorated and finding its immortality.
Imagine passing from storms and tempest to an unknown calm.
Imagine waking up and finding it home.” -- "Yes, Butch!! It doesn't get any better than this!"
====JACK:  The "old" saying that you used at Butch's funeral is "new" to me.  Positive words for a positive person...

FROM JE IN MICHIGAN:  I have so many blessings .. Including your WW!! Thank you for your jolts into reality!!====JACK:  If we were to list the assets in our life and, then, the liabilities...the balance sheet for me and you and lots of others would show a more than healthy profit.

FROM MV IN MICHIGAN:  My Dad used these two phrases quite often. They remind me of him. ====JACK:  In tribute to your dad, see if there are situations in which you can "speak" these phrases today.  They're good ones.====MV:  These phrases were sung to a tune as well. They were part of songs.====JACK:  Hum me a few bars.====MV:  Joe’s, Fred’s. Tom’s! Just a few bars.

FROM PEPPERMINT MARY:  the soul would have no rainbow, had the eye no tear.====JACK:  Imagine what it must have been like for Noah to see the rainbow.  ====MARY:  ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... ====JACK:  Translate that into Hebrew for me.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Good one.====JACK:  As events transpire today, see if there are occasions when you can say to yourself (or out loud), GOOD ONE!

FROM BLAZING oAKS:  Grateful for life, for you said in your blog, most of us show healthy profits in burdens vs blessings! Loved the funeral words of TarmartRev, too. Hadn't seen that particular "old words", and it is comforting to meditate on.  The sun is shining brightly here today. Good one!!====JACK:  I'll bet you know the words and can sing the songs..."Into each life some rain must fall" and "Let a smile be your umbrella."  Do it now!

FROM HCC CHUCK:  AMEN to that.====JACK:  Isn't it interesting how intensely we pray when things aren't perfect...and how we seem to put it in "cruise control" when the crisis has passed?

FROM ANON:   Thanks for today's WW! It came to the right place at the right time to reinforce my basic belief and practice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for today's WW! IO came to the right place at the right time to reinforce my basic belief and practice.