Friday, July 18, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 7/18/14
“Lasting change is a series of compromises.  And compromise is all right, as long as your values don’t change.”  (Jane Goodall)  To be a successful poker player, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.”  I think Jane would be a good at poker, because as a naturalist, she seems to know when compromise is necessary.  It’s the same with the “game” of life.  When do we hold ‘em and, when do we fold ‘em?    ;-)  Jack

FROM PLH IN MINNESOTA:  wasn't it Kenny Rogers that first used that line in a popular country western song?  hold em and fold em?   have a good day, Jack.====JACK:  You're right.  That song is from a KR album, The Gambler.  There's a book, "God Is a Gambler" by Oliver McCloud.  God is a Gambler. Why else would He put us on this earth with a charge to do right and the temptation not to? Why else would He fling the stars out into space and set them dancing in giant swirls around each other with just a few laws to govern their paths?

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Amen.====JACK:  Compromise?  When all you ever do is "hold 'em," the game can't go on.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I've found that sometimes I make compromises in some situations and am happy to do that because of a strong belief that something more needs to happen between the other person/persons and me and it is God who can orchestrate that leading to our deepest values being realized. There is a time to live and a time to die.....====JACK:  Who wants to work for a "boss" who says, "It's my way or the highway?"  Even little children don't want to play with someone who always wants their own way.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  When Good Friday shows up, holding beats compromise.====JACK:  Even God seemed to compromise when he gave humans free will.

FROM TARMART REV:  ...sure comes into play working out of life at 67 and realizing for the sake of the whole good compromise is a necessity to maintaining honored value and appreciation from those who are to follow...====JACK:  Now, if you were perfect in every way, there would be no need to compromise.====REV:  ...a frayed knot!!

FROM PEPPERMINT MARY:  this  topic has been on my mind lately.  i have given it much thought.  i think that the ability of navigating change and embracing compromise comes after one has acquired the ability to commit.  jane committed herself to a life in nature and compromised herself to the ever changing flow of life around her.  what a woman!====JACK:  I had a chance attend a lecture by Jane when she was in our area a couple of years ago.  True leaders know how and when to compromise.  I like onomatopoeia words.  Intransigence seems to be one of them, but I tend not to like what it represents. 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  Thanks. I needed that!====JACK:  We have two nice maple trees in our front yard.  Their branches sway beautifully, back and forth, in the wind.  If they didn't do that, I'm afraid that they'd break off, and the tree would no longer be beautiful.   

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  Sort of on the same theme is a  joke:  If you are asked to join in a poker game with a bunch of strangers & before  you sit down you're trying to figure out who the "sucker" is, chances are pretty good that it's you..====JACK:  I don't have that problem, because I never learned to play poker.  I don't have the face for it.  Crazy eights is more my style.

FROM TRIHARDER:  Interesting application to Congress.====JACK:  As with many of my Winning Words, there is a point to be made beyond the obvious.

FROM INDY GENIE:  That is a good question to usual, I needed that:)====JACK:  Part of my value system is a recognition that other people have value systems, too, which may be different from mine.  That's where compromise comes in. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've found that sometimes I make compromises in some situations and am happy to do that because of a strong belief that something more needs to happen between the other person/persons and me and it is God who can orchestrate that leading to our deepest values being realized. There is a time to live and a time to die.....
S.H. in MI