Monday, July 14, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 7/14/14
“It’s so simple really: If you say you’re going to do something, do it.  If you start something, finish it.”  (Epictetus)  Epictetus could have written the song, “No Excuses,” because that was part of his philosophy.  That, too, is part of the Nike slogan, “Just do it!” We all have things “to do.”  I’ve found it helpful to make a priority list, checking off each item with a swoosh as it’s taken care of.  Make that list and, then, Just do it!    ;-)  Jack 

FROM TARMART REV:  I've always told myself if I had to make a list and couldn't remember on my own recount, I was too busy . . . had to change so suddenly in recent years, as I find myself relying more on my phone calendar now to refresh that memory!!====JACK:  I still use a little red datebook, the kind that I've used for years and years....Oops!  Now, where did I put it?

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  On that theme my favorite quote is:  "If you really want to get anything done you'll find a way, if you don't, you'll find an excuse."====JACK:  I liked it when Steve Martin would say, "Well, excuuuuuse me!"

FROM WATERFORD JAN:  My dad used to recite "When a task is once begun, never leave it 'til it's done; be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all."  Dad, however, never believed in "not at all."====JACK:  It seems like people used to quote adages a lot more than they do now.  Do you ever find yourself quoting them to your children?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It's simple enough to say but sometimes very hard to accomplish.  Life interferes with my plans quite a bit.  However, there is always tomorrow..."tomorrow I love ya tomorrow you are only a day away"!====JACK:  There are various kinds of excuses.  Some are valid, but a lot of them are lame.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Oh, so true! (Although Oscar Wilde says "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple")....We need those lists, to get SOMETHING completed each day!  Such a good feeling, if you do finish the task. Tho I smiled (and had to agree!) with humorist Don Herold, "Work is the greatest thing in the world, so we should always save some of it for tomorrow!"   As I age, it becomes easier to leave things for "tomorrow"! :-( ====JACK:  I like the song, Tomorrow.  I suppose it's one of those numbers that you can sing now, even with out the music.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  How true that is.  I have limbs falling off my trees too near the house for comfort.  So now I am getting three estimates for the trimming.  Earlier this summer I had hit a black post, which was a stupid thing to do.  One side of the car was black and I had taken out the side mirror.  The estimates were from $2000 to $50.  That was the first shock  The difference was a complete paint job and taking it all off with a compound and a little paint.  That was a good lesson to learn. ====JACK:  Is that a typo...from $2000 to $50?  On my "to do list" is....Watch the side mirrors when you back out of the garage.  #2: Watch all around when backing out of the parking lots.  #3: Watch for a police car in the rearview mirror.

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