Thursday, May 16, 2013

Winning Words 5/16/13
“Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them, but none are fun when you set about retiring them.”  (Ogden Nash)  Ogden was born in Rye, NY.  It seems apt for a wry poet.  I didn’t know that he was a descendant of Gen. Nash, for whom Nashville was named.  He’s right, when he says that being in debt is no fun. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is worth reading again. Lk 16:19-31.  Remember the poor!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM WALMART REV:  It took my son, Joseph, five years working through a systematic plan and with the help of his parents to retire a $15,000 debt and a car he no longer could afford payments on...a lesson of a lifetime and has set in order a desire in him to never se that happen again. "Life's tough lesson we all have to endure!"====JACK:  I think that God allows "teaching mistakes" also.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Well, Ogden, I remember it felt pretty good when we retired the mortgage debt on our first little house.  Nevertheless, I believe the best feeling is when you acquire anything without going into debt to pay for it.  It's better to be unencumbered...with material things or debt.  Material things can be a serious hindrance.  I remember from the Bible, the wealthy man asking Jesus, "what must I do to have eternal life?" and Jesus told the man to sell everything he had, give the money to the poor, and then follow him.  But the man loved what he had too much, and he apparently believed he needed all that stuff more than the poor needed his money.  There are quite a few people "out there" these days who won't think twice about buying a $200 shirt, but don't give a dime to the destitute.====JACK:  I was impressed when my grandson gave a dollar to a "beggar" when we walked out of Comerica Park, after watching the Tigers play.  Sometimes the young can teach the old.

 FROM WATERFORD JAN:  Your comment about the wry poet from Rye, NY caused a laugh and reminded me of something from college.  We called groaner puns "two-thirds of a pun--p u" and one of my roommates who was mathematically challenged misspoke and said "three-fourths" of a pun.  I like the variety of sources you use for your Winning Words--from the Bible, ancient philosophers, humorists, political leaders, etc.--it's always mental stimulation.====JACK:  Ogden Nash used humor to teach serious lessons.  I sometimes do that, too.

 FROM DL IN OREGON:  Often we are poor at remembering (and helping!) the poor.====JACK:  Our pastor closes each Sunday worship service with these words..."Go in peace.  Remember the poor."  I like that reminder as I leave.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  My favorite of his is, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."====JACK:  Which did you choose?

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Ogden Nash was a master of wry wit!  As old Ben F. intoned, "A penny saved is two-pence earned",,,oops! It seems a little harder to save these days and for College Grads to retire their student loans. O.N. knew whereof he spoke!====JACK:  In my first parish there was an elderly lady who was a shut in.  She could only speak Swedish, and I only knew a little of that language.  She always wanted me to tell the story of..... den rike mannen och Lasarus.

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