Winning Words 5/31/12
“It ain’t as bad as you think; it will look better in the morning.” (Colin Powell) This is the first of the General’s Thirteen Rules of Leadership. It’s an attitude. No matter how difficult or impossible the situation, a good night’s sleep will often put things into a different perspective. In the military, Powell learned that a winning attitude increases the possibility of solving a problem. “It’s an attitude, not a prediction.” ;-) Jack
FROM BLAZING OAKS: "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all." (Emily Dickinson) Sometimes all we can hope for is that we'll feel more hopeful tomorrow! Usually things are not as bad as they seem at first, and we are given the strength (and wisdom) to deal with the situation(s) Powell has discovered. Good words to remember!////FROM JACK: As Annie sings....
The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
A way!
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Attitude is everything. Even though things hurt or are tough, with the right atitude, you can overcome the problem.////FROM JACK: I saw a television interview with some 100-year-olds (and older). A doctor's comment was that a positive attitude adds years to life. ////OUTHOUSE RESPONSE: Well, I'm positive that doctor's correct! (I will tell you, my great grandma also had a little glass of wine before bed too. Couldn't hurt.)
Commentary on quotations from a variety of folks. Some famous....and some not. To receive Jack's Winning Words via email, copy the link at the end of this message, paste it into your web browser address, and complete the sign-up form.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Winning Words 5/30/12
“In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.” (Colin Powell) In his book, “It Worked For Me,” Powell lists some common sense rules that have worked for him. I’ve read that some people are giving the book as a graduation gift.. Those starting a career can benefit from the advice of a proven leader. In reality, it’s the General’s way of making public his system of values. ;-) Jack
FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: That's an interesting quote.////FROM JACK: It's from an interesting book reflecting the thoughts of an interesting person.
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: i was just taking to a friend of mine about this very thing. those who matter will be by her side no matter!////FROM JACK: Your song for today...."That's What Friends Are For."////MORE MARY: my t-shirt today reads..."i get by with a little help from my friends". my song for the day i spoke to my friend was ..."all god's creatures have a place in the choir".
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Sounds a little cynical to me.////FROM JACK: I guess I focus in on "We know our friends and our friends know us." That kind of focus keeps me from being cynical.////PFC RESPONSE: I envy your ability to focus on the positive. I guess I analyze too much.////FROM JACK: "When you go through life, make this your goal: Keep your eye on the donut and not the hole."
FROM BLAZING OAKS: A neat turn of phrase. It sounds like a worthwhile read...I'll ck. our library, Just ck'ed our The Lower River by Theroux, which sounded like a neat adventure. SO thankful to have so much good reading material!!! I read in your blog that someone has had 41 holes-in-one!! Unbelievable, and I have yet to have my first! As they say, life is not fair...:-) Bill had a hole-in-one at the Pastor's Retreat one year, and won the Course prize of a quanity of Beer! Being a teetotaler, he allowed as how a new car, or truck would have been more appreciated! HA!////FROM JACK: For my ACE, I got a case of Absorbine Jr.
“In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.” (Colin Powell) In his book, “It Worked For Me,” Powell lists some common sense rules that have worked for him. I’ve read that some people are giving the book as a graduation gift.. Those starting a career can benefit from the advice of a proven leader. In reality, it’s the General’s way of making public his system of values. ;-) Jack
FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: That's an interesting quote.////FROM JACK: It's from an interesting book reflecting the thoughts of an interesting person.
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: i was just taking to a friend of mine about this very thing. those who matter will be by her side no matter!////FROM JACK: Your song for today...."That's What Friends Are For."////MORE MARY: my t-shirt today reads..."i get by with a little help from my friends". my song for the day i spoke to my friend was ..."all god's creatures have a place in the choir".
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Sounds a little cynical to me.////FROM JACK: I guess I focus in on "We know our friends and our friends know us." That kind of focus keeps me from being cynical.////PFC RESPONSE: I envy your ability to focus on the positive. I guess I analyze too much.////FROM JACK: "When you go through life, make this your goal: Keep your eye on the donut and not the hole."
FROM BLAZING OAKS: A neat turn of phrase. It sounds like a worthwhile read...I'll ck. our library, Just ck'ed our The Lower River by Theroux, which sounded like a neat adventure. SO thankful to have so much good reading material!!! I read in your blog that someone has had 41 holes-in-one!! Unbelievable, and I have yet to have my first! As they say, life is not fair...:-) Bill had a hole-in-one at the Pastor's Retreat one year, and won the Course prize of a quanity of Beer! Being a teetotaler, he allowed as how a new car, or truck would have been more appreciated! HA!////FROM JACK: For my ACE, I got a case of Absorbine Jr.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Winning Words 5/29/12
“I baptized him with his own blood.” (Chuck Gregoire) Michelle Githen’s father was killed in the Vietnam War. Gregoire was holding him when he died. At the time of his death, Rich Githen had a baby daughter, Shelley. She contacted his buddy, Chuck, and he told her of the baptism on the battlefield. I heard this story during the Washington, DC, Memorial Day Concert. Memorial Day is for remembering. ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Powerful testimony.////FROM JACK: The "picture" is imbedded in my mind.
FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: Hm.////FROM JACK: In Luther's Catechism, we read: "Baptism is not water alone..."
FROM BLAZING OAKS: HOW INTERESTING! BILL WAS IN JUST ONE BATTLE, ABOARD THE NAVY CARRIER THE NEW JERSEY, BUT HE OFTEN TALKED ON MEMORIAL DAY OF HIS H.S. FRIENDS AND FELLOW ATHLETES WHO DIDN'T MAKE IT BACK FROM WW II. NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO MARRY, RAISE A FAMILY, FOR FURTHER EDUCATION AND PROFESSION, ETC. LIKE THIS YOUNG WOMAN, SOME NEVER GOT TO SEE THEIR CHILDREN. WHAT A SACRIFICE; WAR TRULY IS HELL ON EARTH!! REMEMBERING IS THE LEAST WE CAN DO!////FROM JACK: The following is by Judith Voirst and was sent by Marlyn Hodson. "I've had my share of necessary losses, and dreams I know no longer can come true. I'm done now with the whys and becauses. It's time to make things good, not just make do. It's time to stop complaining and pursue the pleasures of an ordinary life."
FROM SS IN MICHIGAN: I saw the same tribute on Detroit Public TV. It was a very moving piece.////FROM JACK: Baptism is sometimes taken for granted. Rich Githen's will always be in my mind.
FROM PH IN MINNESOTA: to also remember the futility of war.... which we never seen to fully grasp... ////FROM JACK: "The answer is blowin' in the wind."
FROM MW IN MICHIGAN: We watched that program too; it was beautiful. Jim says that other than the National Anthem, the program was from another year, because there was threatening weather in the area. Well, we hadn't seen it and really enjoyed it.////FROM JACK: The song which followed the story was, " Pie Jesu." I wonder if your choir has sung it?
FROM RS NEAR ORLANDO: When I see older ex GI's i look closely to see if they R in fact old buddies who now have changed physically as I have. But I never see anyone I knew in the service. Yep lots of memories. ////FROM JACK: I heard recently from an old buddy (though we weren't in the service). He plays golf regularly and has shot 41 holes-in-one. Did you ever play golf, or were you too busy milking cows?
“I baptized him with his own blood.” (Chuck Gregoire) Michelle Githen’s father was killed in the Vietnam War. Gregoire was holding him when he died. At the time of his death, Rich Githen had a baby daughter, Shelley. She contacted his buddy, Chuck, and he told her of the baptism on the battlefield. I heard this story during the Washington, DC, Memorial Day Concert. Memorial Day is for remembering. ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Powerful testimony.////FROM JACK: The "picture" is imbedded in my mind.
FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: Hm.////FROM JACK: In Luther's Catechism, we read: "Baptism is not water alone..."
FROM BLAZING OAKS: HOW INTERESTING! BILL WAS IN JUST ONE BATTLE, ABOARD THE NAVY CARRIER THE NEW JERSEY, BUT HE OFTEN TALKED ON MEMORIAL DAY OF HIS H.S. FRIENDS AND FELLOW ATHLETES WHO DIDN'T MAKE IT BACK FROM WW II. NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO MARRY, RAISE A FAMILY, FOR FURTHER EDUCATION AND PROFESSION, ETC. LIKE THIS YOUNG WOMAN, SOME NEVER GOT TO SEE THEIR CHILDREN. WHAT A SACRIFICE; WAR TRULY IS HELL ON EARTH!! REMEMBERING IS THE LEAST WE CAN DO!////FROM JACK: The following is by Judith Voirst and was sent by Marlyn Hodson. "I've had my share of necessary losses, and dreams I know no longer can come true. I'm done now with the whys and becauses. It's time to make things good, not just make do. It's time to stop complaining and pursue the pleasures of an ordinary life."
FROM SS IN MICHIGAN: I saw the same tribute on Detroit Public TV. It was a very moving piece.////FROM JACK: Baptism is sometimes taken for granted. Rich Githen's will always be in my mind.
FROM PH IN MINNESOTA: to also remember the futility of war.... which we never seen to fully grasp... ////FROM JACK: "The answer is blowin' in the wind."
FROM MW IN MICHIGAN: We watched that program too; it was beautiful. Jim says that other than the National Anthem, the program was from another year, because there was threatening weather in the area. Well, we hadn't seen it and really enjoyed it.////FROM JACK: The song which followed the story was, " Pie Jesu." I wonder if your choir has sung it?
FROM RS NEAR ORLANDO: When I see older ex GI's i look closely to see if they R in fact old buddies who now have changed physically as I have. But I never see anyone I knew in the service. Yep lots of memories. ////FROM JACK: I heard recently from an old buddy (though we weren't in the service). He plays golf regularly and has shot 41 holes-in-one. Did you ever play golf, or were you too busy milking cows?
Friday, May 25, 2012
Winning Words 5/25/12
“Just because you can’t be everywhere and do everything doesn’t mean you can’t be anywhere and do anything.” (Madeline Albright) M, former Sec’y of State, started to write a book about the difficulty of making moral decisions and discovered that her parents had given her up as an infant to a Christian family to protect her from the Holocaust. She was raised as a Catholic and did not learn of her Jewish heritage until in her late 50s. Talk about situational ethics and moral choices…. ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I'm reading a book "Jewish Pirates on the Caribbean" It's about how many Jews fled Spain and Portugal at the end of the 15th century, during the Spanish Inquisition and became pirates attacking and plundering the Spanish fleet while forming alliances with other European powers to ensure the safety of Jews living in hiding. The book is full of stories about "converted" Jews and non-converted Jews settling in the New World. Extraordinary WW today. Glad for this period of time and people like Madeline Albright and her parents and the caring community's story. I bet her adoptive parents made good choices too in what they taught her. Just thinking that.////FROM JACK: One of my favorite books in JFK's "Profiles in Courage." Many people today are probably making courageous decisions that we'll never read about.
FROM HONEST JOHN: When you are a young pastor, you want to heal the world. When you find out that you can't do that, don't despair and do nothing. Do your part and leave the big picture up to the Lord.////FROM JACK: I agree with you. Further, I think that it's a matter related to an attitude more than it is to age. People who have faith and enthusiasm, no matter how old they are, can make a difference. I have a book on my shelf with the title, "You Can Still Change The World." Now that I've pulled it off the shelf, I'm going to read it again.
FROM LP IN MICHIGAN: wow////FROM JACK: WOW is what some people on Antiques Road Show say when they are told the "value" of an item that they thought was worthless. Maybe that's what we'll say when God reveals to us the value of some decision or someone.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: I met her when she was touring promoting her book (Read My Pins) about the pins she worse as Secy of State and at a meeting of foreign relations folks when she was promoting one of Clinton’s works. She’s an amazing and reflective woman and I admire her so much. Thanks for sharing.////FROM JACK: Life turns out to be the choices we make. I'm blogging the info about her "Pin" book.
READ MY PINS (Amazon commentary on Albright's book): Before long, and without intending it, I found that jewelry had become part of my personal diplomatic arsenal. Former president George H. W. Bush had been known for saying "Read my lips." I began urging colleagues and reporters to "Read my pins." It would never have happened if not for Saddam Hussein. When U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright criticized the dictator, his poet in residence responded by calling her "an unparalleled serpent." Shortly thereafter, while preparing to meet with Iraqi officials, Albright pondered: What to wear? She decided to make a diplomatic statement by choosing a snake pin. Although her method of communication was new, her message was as old as the American Revolution—Don't Tread on Me. From that day forward, pins became part of Albright's diplomatic signature. International leaders were pleased to see her with a shimmering sun on her jacket or a cheerful ladybug; less so with a crab or a menacing wasp. Albright used pins to emphasize the importance of a negotiation, signify high hopes, protest the absence of progress, and show pride in representing America, among other purposes. Part illustrated memoir, part social history, Read My Pins provides an intimate look at Albright's life through the brooches she wore. Her collection is both international and democratic—dime-store pins share pride of place with designer creations and family heirlooms. Included are the antique eagle purchased to celebrate Albright's appointment as secretary of state, the zebra pin she wore when meeting Nelson Mandela, and the Valentine's Day heart forged by Albright's five-year-old daughter. Read My Pins features more than 200 photographs, along with compelling and often humorous stories about jewelry, global politics, and the life of one of America's most accomplished and fascinating diplomats.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Reminds me of the quote"I am only one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something...etc. what an interesting blog on Madeline's pins! I hadn't thought of her in years! I am a great one for jewelry (surprise...Ha!) or a flower on my lapel...She was indeed a neat lady, very intelligent, and this is a worthy quote! So I'll get busy!!
“Just because you can’t be everywhere and do everything doesn’t mean you can’t be anywhere and do anything.” (Madeline Albright) M, former Sec’y of State, started to write a book about the difficulty of making moral decisions and discovered that her parents had given her up as an infant to a Christian family to protect her from the Holocaust. She was raised as a Catholic and did not learn of her Jewish heritage until in her late 50s. Talk about situational ethics and moral choices…. ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I'm reading a book "Jewish Pirates on the Caribbean" It's about how many Jews fled Spain and Portugal at the end of the 15th century, during the Spanish Inquisition and became pirates attacking and plundering the Spanish fleet while forming alliances with other European powers to ensure the safety of Jews living in hiding. The book is full of stories about "converted" Jews and non-converted Jews settling in the New World. Extraordinary WW today. Glad for this period of time and people like Madeline Albright and her parents and the caring community's story. I bet her adoptive parents made good choices too in what they taught her. Just thinking that.////FROM JACK: One of my favorite books in JFK's "Profiles in Courage." Many people today are probably making courageous decisions that we'll never read about.
FROM HONEST JOHN: When you are a young pastor, you want to heal the world. When you find out that you can't do that, don't despair and do nothing. Do your part and leave the big picture up to the Lord.////FROM JACK: I agree with you. Further, I think that it's a matter related to an attitude more than it is to age. People who have faith and enthusiasm, no matter how old they are, can make a difference. I have a book on my shelf with the title, "You Can Still Change The World." Now that I've pulled it off the shelf, I'm going to read it again.
FROM LP IN MICHIGAN: wow////FROM JACK: WOW is what some people on Antiques Road Show say when they are told the "value" of an item that they thought was worthless. Maybe that's what we'll say when God reveals to us the value of some decision or someone.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: I met her when she was touring promoting her book (Read My Pins) about the pins she worse as Secy of State and at a meeting of foreign relations folks when she was promoting one of Clinton’s works. She’s an amazing and reflective woman and I admire her so much. Thanks for sharing.////FROM JACK: Life turns out to be the choices we make. I'm blogging the info about her "Pin" book.
READ MY PINS (Amazon commentary on Albright's book): Before long, and without intending it, I found that jewelry had become part of my personal diplomatic arsenal. Former president George H. W. Bush had been known for saying "Read my lips." I began urging colleagues and reporters to "Read my pins." It would never have happened if not for Saddam Hussein. When U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright criticized the dictator, his poet in residence responded by calling her "an unparalleled serpent." Shortly thereafter, while preparing to meet with Iraqi officials, Albright pondered: What to wear? She decided to make a diplomatic statement by choosing a snake pin. Although her method of communication was new, her message was as old as the American Revolution—Don't Tread on Me. From that day forward, pins became part of Albright's diplomatic signature. International leaders were pleased to see her with a shimmering sun on her jacket or a cheerful ladybug; less so with a crab or a menacing wasp. Albright used pins to emphasize the importance of a negotiation, signify high hopes, protest the absence of progress, and show pride in representing America, among other purposes. Part illustrated memoir, part social history, Read My Pins provides an intimate look at Albright's life through the brooches she wore. Her collection is both international and democratic—dime-store pins share pride of place with designer creations and family heirlooms. Included are the antique eagle purchased to celebrate Albright's appointment as secretary of state, the zebra pin she wore when meeting Nelson Mandela, and the Valentine's Day heart forged by Albright's five-year-old daughter. Read My Pins features more than 200 photographs, along with compelling and often humorous stories about jewelry, global politics, and the life of one of America's most accomplished and fascinating diplomats.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Reminds me of the quote"I am only one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something...etc. what an interesting blog on Madeline's pins! I hadn't thought of her in years! I am a great one for jewelry (surprise...Ha!) or a flower on my lapel...She was indeed a neat lady, very intelligent, and this is a worthy quote! So I'll get busy!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Winning Words 5/24/12
“The silver lining is, when you think life is falling apart, it’s falling into place.” (Rays of Light) Marcus Ray has written a book designed to help people develop positive attitudes. Today’s quote is from that book. Marcus was an All-American football player at the Univ of Michigan. He writes that even successful people struggle to stay positive. The only non-positive about him is that he now lives in Columbus, Ohio. ;-) Jack
FROM JL IN MICHIGAN: Love this. Will probably put it in my newsletter one day.////FROM JACK: Before the advent of computers and the "save" file, I used to save my "stuff for future use" in a cigar box. Have you ever seen a cigar box?
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: How true those words are. We have just returned from the four day graduation ceremonies of our youngest Orlando granddaughter from Georgetown University. The weather was absolutely beautiful for all of the indoor and outdoor activities. Two of the three speakers were very optimistic and uplifting in spirit.It is great to see the young people start on their careers.////FROM JACK: 2 out of 3 is pretty good. A baseball player who makes a "hit" 1 out 3 times is considered to be a star. I think that commencement speakers often get an undeserved bad rap...2 out of 3 times.
FROM DR PAUL: You are a very funny guy!!!!////FROM JACK: Some people "get" it, and some don't. I put some things into WWs for my own amusement.
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Curious... why do we seem 2 lean toward the negative? No one has 2 make him/herself see the "bad side." ////FROM JACK: I'm not a psychologist, but people and their actions/reactions have always interested me. God's gift to us of "free will" allows us to choose between being positive or negative. Most of the time, we swing back and forth. In my life, my choice is to accentuate the positive. Your choice is up to you. "Why" is an interesting word.
FROM DR J IN OHIO: are you making sure I read to the bottom of your messages? I DO! ;-) Columbus isn't so bad!////FROM JACK: I figured that I would hear from you. It's not that Columbus or Ohio are so bad, it's the "attitude" of some of those fans of that school down south.
FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: This is just what I was looking for this morn :-)////FROM JACK: That's why Marcus titled his book, "Rays of Hope." The words are meant for people like you...and me as we look for hope in this world around us. There are other "rays" in the book, too.
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: I believe it. God is a just-in- the-nick-of-time God. I just wish He could get my empty mfg. building sold.////FROM JACK: Maybe you should reread your book. Which reminds me...I still have a few marked places in my copy that I want to comment on. Maybe one of these days you'll get a call from me.
FROM SPARTAN JS: The other non-positive is.......he didn't play for the SPARTANS!////FROM JACK: We are who we are because of the decisions we make...and some luck, too.
“The silver lining is, when you think life is falling apart, it’s falling into place.” (Rays of Light) Marcus Ray has written a book designed to help people develop positive attitudes. Today’s quote is from that book. Marcus was an All-American football player at the Univ of Michigan. He writes that even successful people struggle to stay positive. The only non-positive about him is that he now lives in Columbus, Ohio. ;-) Jack
FROM JL IN MICHIGAN: Love this. Will probably put it in my newsletter one day.////FROM JACK: Before the advent of computers and the "save" file, I used to save my "stuff for future use" in a cigar box. Have you ever seen a cigar box?
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: How true those words are. We have just returned from the four day graduation ceremonies of our youngest Orlando granddaughter from Georgetown University. The weather was absolutely beautiful for all of the indoor and outdoor activities. Two of the three speakers were very optimistic and uplifting in spirit.It is great to see the young people start on their careers.////FROM JACK: 2 out of 3 is pretty good. A baseball player who makes a "hit" 1 out 3 times is considered to be a star. I think that commencement speakers often get an undeserved bad rap...2 out of 3 times.
FROM DR PAUL: You are a very funny guy!!!!////FROM JACK: Some people "get" it, and some don't. I put some things into WWs for my own amusement.
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Curious... why do we seem 2 lean toward the negative? No one has 2 make him/herself see the "bad side." ////FROM JACK: I'm not a psychologist, but people and their actions/reactions have always interested me. God's gift to us of "free will" allows us to choose between being positive or negative. Most of the time, we swing back and forth. In my life, my choice is to accentuate the positive. Your choice is up to you. "Why" is an interesting word.
FROM DR J IN OHIO: are you making sure I read to the bottom of your messages? I DO! ;-) Columbus isn't so bad!////FROM JACK: I figured that I would hear from you. It's not that Columbus or Ohio are so bad, it's the "attitude" of some of those fans of that school down south.
FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: This is just what I was looking for this morn :-)////FROM JACK: That's why Marcus titled his book, "Rays of Hope." The words are meant for people like you...and me as we look for hope in this world around us. There are other "rays" in the book, too.
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: I believe it. God is a just-in- the-nick-of-time God. I just wish He could get my empty mfg. building sold.////FROM JACK: Maybe you should reread your book. Which reminds me...I still have a few marked places in my copy that I want to comment on. Maybe one of these days you'll get a call from me.
FROM SPARTAN JS: The other non-positive is.......he didn't play for the SPARTANS!////FROM JACK: We are who we are because of the decisions we make...and some luck, too.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Winning Words 5/23/12
“Life is hard by the yard, but by the inch, it’s a cinch.” (Unknown) This truism is found in many sayings. “The longest journey begins with a single step…Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” Can you think of others? The thought behind these wise-words is that when we are faced with difficult issues, we can often solve them by simply breaking them up into smaller manageable problems. ;-) Jack
FROM SL IN TEXAS: Thank you for yet another appropriate reminder, I needed it!////FROM JACK: As the song goes, "On Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus."
FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: One day at a time...////FROM JACK: You're right! I just sent that same advice to today's first WWs' responder.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: I think the same attitude is implied in the words "A stitch in time saves nine."////FROM JACK: Your quote is attributed to a reverend..Thomas Fuller who lived in the 18th century. It might be even older than that, but who knows, and who cares?
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: A friend's mom, a psychiatrist, can knit the most colorful & intricate Fair Isle sweaters. She uses her "Gestalt of Knitting" theory - she concentrates on only the row she is knitting.////FROM JACK: Your comment led me to read about knitting...which I ordinarily wouldn't do. I had never heard of Fair Isle. Now, I know where it is. I also can see why a psychiatrist would be interested in Gestalt knitting.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Interesting...if I had to guess about the source I would have said Ben Franklin. ////FROM JACK: You could have guessed, A. Lincoln, Mark Twain or Anon.
FROM PC IN MICHIGAN: Life is a puzzle: put it together one piece at a time.////FROM JACK: 500 piece jigsaws are what I like. The big ones with many pieces are too frustrating. I guess that's the way it is with some of life's puzzles.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: If you can't lift the bucket, empty it one teaspoon at a time.////FROM JACK: What's in the bucket, or doesn't that matter?
FROM BLAZING OAKS: "Don't let what you CANNOT do interfere with what you CAN do". John Wooden. You have to start somewhere! I love this quote: You can deal with almost anything in small increments, day by day!////FROM JACK: The Parable of the Sower and Seed is one of my favorites.
FROM PASTOR PAUL: when moving a stack of lumber, take just one board at a time. or as Ronald Reagan like to say, "hard work never killed anyone but why take the chance?"
FROM AW IN ILLINOIS: A new twist in my life is that I close each day with this prayer: "Well, dear Lord, if you have something for me to do, then wake me up in the morning. And if not, I am ready to go home." Each day has become an adventure as I expect and look for the special reason why I was given another day. And the adventures are there.////FROM JACK: You've turned your life into a "one day at a time" experience. That's all that any of have. When we realize's a cinch.
“Life is hard by the yard, but by the inch, it’s a cinch.” (Unknown) This truism is found in many sayings. “The longest journey begins with a single step…Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” Can you think of others? The thought behind these wise-words is that when we are faced with difficult issues, we can often solve them by simply breaking them up into smaller manageable problems. ;-) Jack
FROM SL IN TEXAS: Thank you for yet another appropriate reminder, I needed it!////FROM JACK: As the song goes, "On Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus."
FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: One day at a time...////FROM JACK: You're right! I just sent that same advice to today's first WWs' responder.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: I think the same attitude is implied in the words "A stitch in time saves nine."////FROM JACK: Your quote is attributed to a reverend..Thomas Fuller who lived in the 18th century. It might be even older than that, but who knows, and who cares?
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: A friend's mom, a psychiatrist, can knit the most colorful & intricate Fair Isle sweaters. She uses her "Gestalt of Knitting" theory - she concentrates on only the row she is knitting.////FROM JACK: Your comment led me to read about knitting...which I ordinarily wouldn't do. I had never heard of Fair Isle. Now, I know where it is. I also can see why a psychiatrist would be interested in Gestalt knitting.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Interesting...if I had to guess about the source I would have said Ben Franklin. ////FROM JACK: You could have guessed, A. Lincoln, Mark Twain or Anon.
FROM PC IN MICHIGAN: Life is a puzzle: put it together one piece at a time.////FROM JACK: 500 piece jigsaws are what I like. The big ones with many pieces are too frustrating. I guess that's the way it is with some of life's puzzles.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: If you can't lift the bucket, empty it one teaspoon at a time.////FROM JACK: What's in the bucket, or doesn't that matter?
FROM BLAZING OAKS: "Don't let what you CANNOT do interfere with what you CAN do". John Wooden. You have to start somewhere! I love this quote: You can deal with almost anything in small increments, day by day!////FROM JACK: The Parable of the Sower and Seed is one of my favorites.
FROM PASTOR PAUL: when moving a stack of lumber, take just one board at a time. or as Ronald Reagan like to say, "hard work never killed anyone but why take the chance?"
FROM AW IN ILLINOIS: A new twist in my life is that I close each day with this prayer: "Well, dear Lord, if you have something for me to do, then wake me up in the morning. And if not, I am ready to go home." Each day has become an adventure as I expect and look for the special reason why I was given another day. And the adventures are there.////FROM JACK: You've turned your life into a "one day at a time" experience. That's all that any of have. When we realize's a cinch.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Winning Words 5/22/12
“Don’t mess with Jesus!” (Window Sticker) I was following a car with that sticker in the back window. I wondered, “What’s that mean?” So, I did my “Google” research. There was a movie with a tough Latino character named, Jesus. “Don’t mess with him.” Stephen Colbert ended a satirical commentary with the warning, “Don’t mess with Jesus.” Isn’t it good that Jesus is willing to “mess” with us? ;-) Jack
FROM JB IN MICHIGAN: Yes with all of our faults, he continues to come back to us, in fact he never leaves us. ////FROM JACK: What a friend we have in Jesus, all our messes and griefs to bear!
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Good thing you did your homework...and got the right "Jesus" for the advice quote! Otherwise if might be construed as coming from an atheist.....Just got back from my sister-in-laws funeral service, and was glad for the hope we have in Jesus; Don't know that you'd call that "messing" with him; thank goodness for a personal relationship with the one who prepares a place for us!
“Don’t mess with Jesus!” (Window Sticker) I was following a car with that sticker in the back window. I wondered, “What’s that mean?” So, I did my “Google” research. There was a movie with a tough Latino character named, Jesus. “Don’t mess with him.” Stephen Colbert ended a satirical commentary with the warning, “Don’t mess with Jesus.” Isn’t it good that Jesus is willing to “mess” with us? ;-) Jack
FROM JB IN MICHIGAN: Yes with all of our faults, he continues to come back to us, in fact he never leaves us. ////FROM JACK: What a friend we have in Jesus, all our messes and griefs to bear!
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Good thing you did your homework...and got the right "Jesus" for the advice quote! Otherwise if might be construed as coming from an atheist.....Just got back from my sister-in-laws funeral service, and was glad for the hope we have in Jesus; Don't know that you'd call that "messing" with him; thank goodness for a personal relationship with the one who prepares a place for us!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Winning Words 5/21/12
“2002 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up” (Cyndi Haynes) The title of Cyndi’s book caught my attention. One of her suggestions was to read the fable of the ant and the dove. That Aesop knew how to tell stories. When you do something to help another, that act has a way of making your own life better, and when your life is better, you are happier. If, on this Monday, you’re looking for a happier week, help someone out. ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: Win...Win!////FROM JACK: You've got that right.
FROM THOMAS IN MICHIGAN: Thank you, I always need inspiration.////FROM JACK: Writing Winning Words is something that cheers me up. Responses, like yours, give me inspiration.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Didn't Jesus say, "I am the way?"////FROM JACK: People does always follow the GPS lady's suggestions, so recalculations often have to be made.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Sounds like a good book; Being busy "doing for others" sure does take your mind off of yourself. Keeps your world from getting too small, as well! Another cheerer-upper (did I make that word up?!) is to get outside and enjoy the beauties of nature in this beautiful Spring weather..a garden, the golf course, a country side ride... ////FROM JACK: You could probably make your own list of 2202 Ways.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Good words today!
“2002 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up” (Cyndi Haynes) The title of Cyndi’s book caught my attention. One of her suggestions was to read the fable of the ant and the dove. That Aesop knew how to tell stories. When you do something to help another, that act has a way of making your own life better, and when your life is better, you are happier. If, on this Monday, you’re looking for a happier week, help someone out. ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: Win...Win!////FROM JACK: You've got that right.
FROM THOMAS IN MICHIGAN: Thank you, I always need inspiration.////FROM JACK: Writing Winning Words is something that cheers me up. Responses, like yours, give me inspiration.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Didn't Jesus say, "I am the way?"////FROM JACK: People does always follow the GPS lady's suggestions, so recalculations often have to be made.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Sounds like a good book; Being busy "doing for others" sure does take your mind off of yourself. Keeps your world from getting too small, as well! Another cheerer-upper (did I make that word up?!) is to get outside and enjoy the beauties of nature in this beautiful Spring weather..a garden, the golf course, a country side ride... ////FROM JACK: You could probably make your own list of 2202 Ways.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Good words today!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Winning Words 5/18/12
“If you learn from defeats, you really haven’t lost.” (Zig Ziglar) In the presidential election of 1968, Humphrey ran against Nixon. Who was the winner and who was the loser? We are quick to judge success by the numbers. ZZ was a motivational speaker and helped many listeners realize that success can be measured in a variety of ways. Oh, BTW, did you know that Zig’s given name was Hilary? ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: The whole country lost when LBJ took us into the conflict in Vietnam....then we lost again when we were thrust into that Iraqi business....we have become way too militaristic.////FROM JACK: If only hindsight could be foresight....but life doesn't work that way. The little IF is a mighty big word. Yesterday, someone suggested that I look up Kipling's poem, "If." I'm glad that I did.
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: GREAT one today Jack!!////FROM JACK: It's always great when you can see defeat turned into ultimate victory. Good Friday, followed by Easter, is a perfect example.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: No wonder he preferred Zig!////FROM JACK: I've always liked Johnny Cash's song, "A Boy Named, Sue." I have a book, Remarkable Names of Real People. Some examples: Hugh Pugh, I.C. Shivers, Shanda Lear, Memory Lane, Pearl Harbor. Do you remember Christ Kapantus?
FROM CJL IN OHIO: What did you do in all those philosophy classes?////FROM JACK: As I studied philosophy, I learned that a question begets an answer which begets a question which begets an answer..... So, I continue to ask questions, and along the way, I think that I learn some things.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Malcolm Forbes says "Failure is success if you learn from it"...Another take on that. There are many measures of success: In a Father's Book of Wisdom, it says, "Success is best measured by how far you've come with the talents you've been given." We aren't all equally endowed, so that is a good measure, right?! Hilary was a popular English man's name earlier in history...
FROM RG IN ARIZONA: Nixon won, and the country eventually developed a trust in the "powerful" establishment's corruptibility. After the exposure of Nixon's narcissism, everyone else who also demonstrated their lust for power and delusional immunity from rules, laws, and moral decency, fell prey to the continuing onslaught of news-worthy investigation. Our "heroes" were continuously exposed and summarily thrown from the Parthenon in which we had placed them. Scandal has become the norm; until now, Congress cries foul when the Secret Service behaves poorly, when John Edwards lies and cheats, and consider it their duty to investigate whether or not baseball players take drugs! Talk about hypocrisy! We have all lost. ////FROM JACK: I think that we now have more "tools" that allow us to see hypocrisy. Each generation has had its share.
“If you learn from defeats, you really haven’t lost.” (Zig Ziglar) In the presidential election of 1968, Humphrey ran against Nixon. Who was the winner and who was the loser? We are quick to judge success by the numbers. ZZ was a motivational speaker and helped many listeners realize that success can be measured in a variety of ways. Oh, BTW, did you know that Zig’s given name was Hilary? ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: The whole country lost when LBJ took us into the conflict in Vietnam....then we lost again when we were thrust into that Iraqi business....we have become way too militaristic.////FROM JACK: If only hindsight could be foresight....but life doesn't work that way. The little IF is a mighty big word. Yesterday, someone suggested that I look up Kipling's poem, "If." I'm glad that I did.
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: GREAT one today Jack!!////FROM JACK: It's always great when you can see defeat turned into ultimate victory. Good Friday, followed by Easter, is a perfect example.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: No wonder he preferred Zig!////FROM JACK: I've always liked Johnny Cash's song, "A Boy Named, Sue." I have a book, Remarkable Names of Real People. Some examples: Hugh Pugh, I.C. Shivers, Shanda Lear, Memory Lane, Pearl Harbor. Do you remember Christ Kapantus?
FROM CJL IN OHIO: What did you do in all those philosophy classes?////FROM JACK: As I studied philosophy, I learned that a question begets an answer which begets a question which begets an answer..... So, I continue to ask questions, and along the way, I think that I learn some things.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Malcolm Forbes says "Failure is success if you learn from it"...Another take on that. There are many measures of success: In a Father's Book of Wisdom, it says, "Success is best measured by how far you've come with the talents you've been given." We aren't all equally endowed, so that is a good measure, right?! Hilary was a popular English man's name earlier in history...
FROM RG IN ARIZONA: Nixon won, and the country eventually developed a trust in the "powerful" establishment's corruptibility. After the exposure of Nixon's narcissism, everyone else who also demonstrated their lust for power and delusional immunity from rules, laws, and moral decency, fell prey to the continuing onslaught of news-worthy investigation. Our "heroes" were continuously exposed and summarily thrown from the Parthenon in which we had placed them. Scandal has become the norm; until now, Congress cries foul when the Secret Service behaves poorly, when John Edwards lies and cheats, and consider it their duty to investigate whether or not baseball players take drugs! Talk about hypocrisy! We have all lost. ////FROM JACK: I think that we now have more "tools" that allow us to see hypocrisy. Each generation has had its share.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Winning Words 5/17/12
“Baseball is like church. Many attend, but few understand.” (Wes Westrum) Wes grew up in “Lutheran” Minnesota, so he must have been familiar with church. He also knew about baseball, having been a major league player and manager. I like today’s quote, because I’m both a baseball fan and a church fan. I know something about both “games,” but I also know that there’s much I don’t know about them. ;-) Jack
FROM HY YO IN MICHIGAN: I've never heard this quote before. Good one!////FROM JACK: I wonder is baseball is like the House of Representatives?
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I always wonder why so few people, in our church, attend Bible study. Maybe it's because they heard these WW and believe it's all so lofty they won't be able to understand--no matter what they do so they just come to church like this. In my opinion it's "Few understand what the other people are really thinking about theologically." Intriguing WW.////FROM JACK: Sometimes it's just a matter of finding our own comfort zone. Sometimes it's..."Don't confuse me with the facts." We need to celebrate our own learning opportunities.
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: Today Rick and I are going down to the Tiger/Twins game. I am going to wear my Mother's Twins cap. I wonder if I will be booed. Oh well!////FROM JACK: With due respect to your beloved mother, I hope the Tigers cream Gardenhire and those Twins.
FROM ED IN ARIZONA: My grandma understood both...very, very well.////FROM JACK: The truly knowledgeable person (like your grandma) realizes that there is still much to learn, especially with regard to religion, since the Bible is not to be used in the same way as the baseball rule book.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What don't they understand? The rules...the game??? Strange quote.////FROM JACK: The both situations. There's a game within the game.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: There's always room to learn more, isn't here?! Vince Lombardi once said, "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field." I guess that covers both Church and Baseball. et all. We continue to strive....////FROM JACK: I seem to recall a quote: "Education is what happens after we know it all."
“Baseball is like church. Many attend, but few understand.” (Wes Westrum) Wes grew up in “Lutheran” Minnesota, so he must have been familiar with church. He also knew about baseball, having been a major league player and manager. I like today’s quote, because I’m both a baseball fan and a church fan. I know something about both “games,” but I also know that there’s much I don’t know about them. ;-) Jack
FROM HY YO IN MICHIGAN: I've never heard this quote before. Good one!////FROM JACK: I wonder is baseball is like the House of Representatives?
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I always wonder why so few people, in our church, attend Bible study. Maybe it's because they heard these WW and believe it's all so lofty they won't be able to understand--no matter what they do so they just come to church like this. In my opinion it's "Few understand what the other people are really thinking about theologically." Intriguing WW.////FROM JACK: Sometimes it's just a matter of finding our own comfort zone. Sometimes it's..."Don't confuse me with the facts." We need to celebrate our own learning opportunities.
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: Today Rick and I are going down to the Tiger/Twins game. I am going to wear my Mother's Twins cap. I wonder if I will be booed. Oh well!////FROM JACK: With due respect to your beloved mother, I hope the Tigers cream Gardenhire and those Twins.
FROM ED IN ARIZONA: My grandma understood both...very, very well.////FROM JACK: The truly knowledgeable person (like your grandma) realizes that there is still much to learn, especially with regard to religion, since the Bible is not to be used in the same way as the baseball rule book.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What don't they understand? The rules...the game??? Strange quote.////FROM JACK: The both situations. There's a game within the game.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: There's always room to learn more, isn't here?! Vince Lombardi once said, "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field." I guess that covers both Church and Baseball. et all. We continue to strive....////FROM JACK: I seem to recall a quote: "Education is what happens after we know it all."
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Winning Words 5/16/12
“The World is My Cloister” (John Michael Talbot) If you’re wondering how someone finds their true calling in life, read Talbot’s book, “The World Is My Cloister.” The one-time rock star became a monk, trying to see the world as God sees it and to reflect that vision back to others. He writes that the peace of God can be found in many places, not only in a monastery. JMT found his peace in helping people in need. ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: When I was still active as a full time pastor, I loved going into the empty sanctuary and having my morning devotions almost felt like I was a monk....except my prayers were often about how I could fulfill my role as husband and father...////FROM JACK: I've read that the purpose of becoming a monk or a nun is so that you can make God the center of your life. Each of us has to choose where we want to put God in our life.
ROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: We sing his songs in church all the time and I never knew he was the one that made them popular. You always surprise me with your winning words. You’ve really read the book and enjoyed it? I will add it to my list.////FROM JACK: First, I was attracted by the pun in the quote. Then I was intrigued by a rock star who became a monk. Talbot's book is on my "to read" list. I added another this morning..."Sweet Heaven When I Die" by Jeff Sharlet. I can order them online from our great WB Library.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Gee, where have I been? This name does not even ring a bell for me! I'm going to see if my library can get that book for me...I like his punny sense of humor! I'm too social and family-oriented to have a monk's life appeal to me, but do cherish my quiet times, and the Lake setting is the perfect place for that!////FROM JACK: Taylor is one of the most popular composer of modern songs used in the Catholic Church (and many other churches, too). You must have heard/sung this one.
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord,
if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my word to them.
Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
FROM CL IN SANTA BARBARA: If I haven't mentioned it before, The Will of God as a Way of Life by Sittser is a great book that had a big impact on my own search for God's direction 13 yrs ago.////FROM JACK: I see that Sittser is from Whitworth Univ and has written books on the subject of spirituality. How the will of God affects one's life certainly is a spiritual issue. Isaiah 6:8 is the verse that led me to consider the pastoral ministry as my vocation.
“The World is My Cloister” (John Michael Talbot) If you’re wondering how someone finds their true calling in life, read Talbot’s book, “The World Is My Cloister.” The one-time rock star became a monk, trying to see the world as God sees it and to reflect that vision back to others. He writes that the peace of God can be found in many places, not only in a monastery. JMT found his peace in helping people in need. ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: When I was still active as a full time pastor, I loved going into the empty sanctuary and having my morning devotions almost felt like I was a monk....except my prayers were often about how I could fulfill my role as husband and father...////FROM JACK: I've read that the purpose of becoming a monk or a nun is so that you can make God the center of your life. Each of us has to choose where we want to put God in our life.
ROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: We sing his songs in church all the time and I never knew he was the one that made them popular. You always surprise me with your winning words. You’ve really read the book and enjoyed it? I will add it to my list.////FROM JACK: First, I was attracted by the pun in the quote. Then I was intrigued by a rock star who became a monk. Talbot's book is on my "to read" list. I added another this morning..."Sweet Heaven When I Die" by Jeff Sharlet. I can order them online from our great WB Library.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Gee, where have I been? This name does not even ring a bell for me! I'm going to see if my library can get that book for me...I like his punny sense of humor! I'm too social and family-oriented to have a monk's life appeal to me, but do cherish my quiet times, and the Lake setting is the perfect place for that!////FROM JACK: Taylor is one of the most popular composer of modern songs used in the Catholic Church (and many other churches, too). You must have heard/sung this one.
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord,
if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my word to them.
Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
FROM CL IN SANTA BARBARA: If I haven't mentioned it before, The Will of God as a Way of Life by Sittser is a great book that had a big impact on my own search for God's direction 13 yrs ago.////FROM JACK: I see that Sittser is from Whitworth Univ and has written books on the subject of spirituality. How the will of God affects one's life certainly is a spiritual issue. Isaiah 6:8 is the verse that led me to consider the pastoral ministry as my vocation.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Winning Words 5/15/12
“The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.” (Socrates) I’ve read that 90% of our planet’s life is in the sea and that most of it remains to be studied. A doctor told me that relatively little is known about how life works. Frank Sinatra sang a song about how little is known about love. Do you remember Sgt. Schultz in “Hogan’s Heroes?” His tagline was, “I know nothing.” I can relate to that on many levels. ;-) Jack
FROM TRIHARDER IN MICHIGAN: Dan, my son, is in Pakistan. He just got there ago and reports, "My head hurts realizing how much I already know about Pakistan and that by the time I leave (in a year)I will know so little." ////FROM JACK: Some people get a headache just trying to find Pakistan on a map. This past year I met a doctor who still makes "emergency" house calls, and he is Pakistani.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I only wish I could have true wisdom and acceptance of the fact that I know nothing. Constantly getting (i.e. buying) books and reading. In fact, I have read some things Socrates wrote. So far, nothing I've ever read has made me comfortable with knowing nothing. From time-to-time personal relationships help so I know from experience it's possible to feel comfortable knowing nothing when being with a person but the experience is not constant and continuous over time. Actually, most of the time I feel like Woody Allen. This is really an interesting WW. Whatever was it that caused you to post them?////FROM JACK: I'm a fan of Socrates, but not a fan of those who think that they have all of the answers...religious, political, societal, and with sports.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We are all in the same boat. I little knowledge can go a long way. Our quest for knowledge should never end...until we meet our Maker. He can fill us in on the stuff we don't know and don't need to know.////FROM JACK: Perhaps we have all we need to Perhaps not knowing all things and having to rely of faith is a good thing. Perhaps there's wisdom in that.
FROM PASTY PAT: Amen, amen!////FROM JACK: I once had a Sunday School Supt who would announce at the end of the SS worship..."We will now sing the Triple Amen."
FROM TL IN HOUSTON: Jack, thank you for th aily foo.////FROM JACK: Either your fingers are stumbling on the keyboard, or you're being funny. Either way, I'm reminded of the old comic strip character, Smokey Stover, a fire fighter whose 2-wheel fire truck was named, The Foo-Mobile."

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: the older i get the truer it becomes.////FROM JACK: "If I only knew then what I know now!" That could be said a year from now, too.
FROM SAINT JAMES: "If I only knew then what I know now!" That could be said a year from now, too.////FROM JACK: The song you're thinking about Is "Say Hey," by social activist, Michael Franti. I believe that it's from the 1980s, but it remain relevant.
FROM MY FLORIST: Often to set the record straight I'll remark "I'm not he the sharpest knife in the drawer" this usually draws out suggestion that might be hampered. Letting someone know that you have lots to learn encourages them to share their own insight and thereby grows the knowledge base.////FROM JACK: The dull becomes more useful when it is sharpened. Good conversation has a way of sharpening the mind.
FROM MEDD-O-LANE: When it comes to knowledge God programed part of our brain such as breathing and the workings of all of our organs, and left the rest of our brain open for us to determine our survival. ////FROM JACK: Free-will is one of the great gifts of God. It keeps us from being robots.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: Good afternoon, Jack. This reminded me of something I read once about the four states of knowledge:
-- to know what we know
-- to not know what we know
-- to know what we don't know, and,
-- to not know what we don't know
I think the fourth state is where people get into a lot of trouble!////FROM JACK: I like it. I think that we've all gone through those various stages. Problems arise when we get stuck and don't move. If I were to get stuck, I'd like it to be with #3.
FROM CJL IN OHIO: Gee! After all that FROM CJL IN OHIO: Gee! After all that reading for WW? I don't believe Socrates relates to you...reading for WW? I don't believe Socrates relates to you...////FROM JACK: I didn't sit in all of those philosophy classes and learn nothing.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I've heard that ignorance is a close relative of yours.////FROM JACK: “Living is Easy with Eyes Closed.” (John Lennon) I try to keep my eyes and ears and mind open to what's going on around me.////PFC: I don't know is on third.////JACK: I relate to the shortstop!
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I read once that all the knowledge we acquire in a lifetime, is not more than one grain of sand in all the Oceans and Beaches in the world...but we all know more than we did a few decades ago, and let's keep learning until the end!! Upward and Onward! :-)////FROM JACK: One of our Winning Words readers was intrigued by the encyclopedia when he was a young boy. He decided to read all of it starting with Volume A. He was so interested in the article on the Arabic language that he decided to learn Arabic...which he did. I don't know if he ever got to Volume B, but he's one of the smartest people I know...and a good pianist, too.
“The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.” (Socrates) I’ve read that 90% of our planet’s life is in the sea and that most of it remains to be studied. A doctor told me that relatively little is known about how life works. Frank Sinatra sang a song about how little is known about love. Do you remember Sgt. Schultz in “Hogan’s Heroes?” His tagline was, “I know nothing.” I can relate to that on many levels. ;-) Jack
FROM TRIHARDER IN MICHIGAN: Dan, my son, is in Pakistan. He just got there ago and reports, "My head hurts realizing how much I already know about Pakistan and that by the time I leave (in a year)I will know so little." ////FROM JACK: Some people get a headache just trying to find Pakistan on a map. This past year I met a doctor who still makes "emergency" house calls, and he is Pakistani.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I only wish I could have true wisdom and acceptance of the fact that I know nothing. Constantly getting (i.e. buying) books and reading. In fact, I have read some things Socrates wrote. So far, nothing I've ever read has made me comfortable with knowing nothing. From time-to-time personal relationships help so I know from experience it's possible to feel comfortable knowing nothing when being with a person but the experience is not constant and continuous over time. Actually, most of the time I feel like Woody Allen. This is really an interesting WW. Whatever was it that caused you to post them?////FROM JACK: I'm a fan of Socrates, but not a fan of those who think that they have all of the answers...religious, political, societal, and with sports.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We are all in the same boat. I little knowledge can go a long way. Our quest for knowledge should never end...until we meet our Maker. He can fill us in on the stuff we don't know and don't need to know.////FROM JACK: Perhaps we have all we need to Perhaps not knowing all things and having to rely of faith is a good thing. Perhaps there's wisdom in that.
FROM PASTY PAT: Amen, amen!////FROM JACK: I once had a Sunday School Supt who would announce at the end of the SS worship..."We will now sing the Triple Amen."
FROM TL IN HOUSTON: Jack, thank you for th aily foo.////FROM JACK: Either your fingers are stumbling on the keyboard, or you're being funny. Either way, I'm reminded of the old comic strip character, Smokey Stover, a fire fighter whose 2-wheel fire truck was named, The Foo-Mobile."
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: the older i get the truer it becomes.////FROM JACK: "If I only knew then what I know now!" That could be said a year from now, too.
FROM SAINT JAMES: "If I only knew then what I know now!" That could be said a year from now, too.////FROM JACK: The song you're thinking about Is "Say Hey," by social activist, Michael Franti. I believe that it's from the 1980s, but it remain relevant.
FROM MY FLORIST: Often to set the record straight I'll remark "I'm not he the sharpest knife in the drawer" this usually draws out suggestion that might be hampered. Letting someone know that you have lots to learn encourages them to share their own insight and thereby grows the knowledge base.////FROM JACK: The dull becomes more useful when it is sharpened. Good conversation has a way of sharpening the mind.
FROM MEDD-O-LANE: When it comes to knowledge God programed part of our brain such as breathing and the workings of all of our organs, and left the rest of our brain open for us to determine our survival. ////FROM JACK: Free-will is one of the great gifts of God. It keeps us from being robots.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: Good afternoon, Jack. This reminded me of something I read once about the four states of knowledge:
-- to know what we know
-- to not know what we know
-- to know what we don't know, and,
-- to not know what we don't know
I think the fourth state is where people get into a lot of trouble!////FROM JACK: I like it. I think that we've all gone through those various stages. Problems arise when we get stuck and don't move. If I were to get stuck, I'd like it to be with #3.
FROM CJL IN OHIO: Gee! After all that FROM CJL IN OHIO: Gee! After all that reading for WW? I don't believe Socrates relates to you...reading for WW? I don't believe Socrates relates to you...////FROM JACK: I didn't sit in all of those philosophy classes and learn nothing.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I've heard that ignorance is a close relative of yours.////FROM JACK: “Living is Easy with Eyes Closed.” (John Lennon) I try to keep my eyes and ears and mind open to what's going on around me.////PFC: I don't know is on third.////JACK: I relate to the shortstop!
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I read once that all the knowledge we acquire in a lifetime, is not more than one grain of sand in all the Oceans and Beaches in the world...but we all know more than we did a few decades ago, and let's keep learning until the end!! Upward and Onward! :-)////FROM JACK: One of our Winning Words readers was intrigued by the encyclopedia when he was a young boy. He decided to read all of it starting with Volume A. He was so interested in the article on the Arabic language that he decided to learn Arabic...which he did. I don't know if he ever got to Volume B, but he's one of the smartest people I know...and a good pianist, too.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Winning Words 5/14/12
“Removing stress from your life is as easy as ABC.” (Three Minutes a Day) Monday is sometimes a “stress day” as people look forward to what lies ahead. In my reading I came across these ABC help-suggestions. Attitude—Associate with those who have positive attitudes. Breathe—Calm down. Start with slowing the rate of your breathing. Choice—Choose to control what you can. Why not give it a try? ;-) Jack
FROM RG IN ARIZONA: This makes sense from the perspective that all distress or "pressure" is self-inflicted. It is all based on that which one places his or her importance.////FROM JACK: Your response reminds me of the poem, Invictus, by William Henley, which contains the line, "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the foul clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Great one for me this morning. I start rehab again for my sciaitic nerve problem. It is going to help me, I'm sure. But the ABC's will help!////FROM JACK: We each have own own boat to row. We have our own sciatic nerve to calm. "It's a easy as ABC," is sometimes easier said than done.
FROM SAINT JAMES: That's a good one, especially the "C" part.////FROM JACK: It also falls into the "B" part which says, "Calm down."
FROM PASTY PAT: Another one of those 'perfectly timed' WW's!////FROM JACK: Always Being Convenient. At least, trying to...
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I am working on it... thanks!////FROM JACK: That's a positive statement amd a good start.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: You hit one out of the park again. You are now the world's all time batting average leader.////FROM JACK: Ty Cobb, of the Detroit Tigers, is the all-time career batting champion at .366. That's a really good hitter.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I find it certainly lessens stress, if you can see the humorous side to situations. My twin had a real knack for that, and I've tried to cultivate it. I laughed out loud when Greg Spitzer told of taking his mom to the Dr., and she listed all her ailments, "I have a lot of health issues,...Crohn's disease, thyroid problems, high cholesterol, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. But I have one saving grace: I don't drink."
The Dr. nodded understandingly: "You should." Ha! Maybe a glass of wine isn't the answer, either, but keep that sense of humor! ABC is good advice! cheers!////FROM JACK: I like a doctor with a sense of humor, but I also want him/her to know his/her beeswax.
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: Thanks Jack…needed this. I should have read it FIRST….hectic Monday.////FROM JACK: One reason why I get up at 5 am, is to send out Winning Words so that people like you might read them FIRST, before going off to work. Another reason...I'm naturally an early riser.
FROM DS IN MICHIGAN: You have no idea how perfect this was for me today. Thanks////FROM JACK: Sometimes I feel like I'm the sower in the parable told by Jesus. Some of my seed falls on rocky ground, some falls among the thorns, some gets trampled on the pathway, and some falls on good soil and takes root.
“Removing stress from your life is as easy as ABC.” (Three Minutes a Day) Monday is sometimes a “stress day” as people look forward to what lies ahead. In my reading I came across these ABC help-suggestions. Attitude—Associate with those who have positive attitudes. Breathe—Calm down. Start with slowing the rate of your breathing. Choice—Choose to control what you can. Why not give it a try? ;-) Jack
FROM RG IN ARIZONA: This makes sense from the perspective that all distress or "pressure" is self-inflicted. It is all based on that which one places his or her importance.////FROM JACK: Your response reminds me of the poem, Invictus, by William Henley, which contains the line, "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the foul clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Great one for me this morning. I start rehab again for my sciaitic nerve problem. It is going to help me, I'm sure. But the ABC's will help!////FROM JACK: We each have own own boat to row. We have our own sciatic nerve to calm. "It's a easy as ABC," is sometimes easier said than done.
FROM SAINT JAMES: That's a good one, especially the "C" part.////FROM JACK: It also falls into the "B" part which says, "Calm down."
FROM PASTY PAT: Another one of those 'perfectly timed' WW's!////FROM JACK: Always Being Convenient. At least, trying to...
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I am working on it... thanks!////FROM JACK: That's a positive statement amd a good start.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: You hit one out of the park again. You are now the world's all time batting average leader.////FROM JACK: Ty Cobb, of the Detroit Tigers, is the all-time career batting champion at .366. That's a really good hitter.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I find it certainly lessens stress, if you can see the humorous side to situations. My twin had a real knack for that, and I've tried to cultivate it. I laughed out loud when Greg Spitzer told of taking his mom to the Dr., and she listed all her ailments, "I have a lot of health issues,...Crohn's disease, thyroid problems, high cholesterol, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. But I have one saving grace: I don't drink."
The Dr. nodded understandingly: "You should." Ha! Maybe a glass of wine isn't the answer, either, but keep that sense of humor! ABC is good advice! cheers!////FROM JACK: I like a doctor with a sense of humor, but I also want him/her to know his/her beeswax.
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: Thanks Jack…needed this. I should have read it FIRST….hectic Monday.////FROM JACK: One reason why I get up at 5 am, is to send out Winning Words so that people like you might read them FIRST, before going off to work. Another reason...I'm naturally an early riser.
FROM DS IN MICHIGAN: You have no idea how perfect this was for me today. Thanks////FROM JACK: Sometimes I feel like I'm the sower in the parable told by Jesus. Some of my seed falls on rocky ground, some falls among the thorns, some gets trampled on the pathway, and some falls on good soil and takes root.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Winning Words 5/11/12
"Sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.” (Ellen DeGeneres) Robert Burns, in his poem, “To a Louse,” says that to see ourselves as others see us is a gift of God. Sometimes that gift is a wife or a husband. A friend who lives overseas occasionally will write and describe how the USA is perceived in that place. I don’t always like it, but I guess Ellen is right. ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: We were just talking about this in Bible study Monday night. About how Jesus said there are really only 2 commandments--to love God and to love our neighbor but then when we thought about that "love is kind, love is patient, does not demand its own way" forth we started realizing that we might think whatever situation we're in with whomever is quite justified and righteous but the other person might be seeing us as impatient, unkind, controlling, etc. I guess Ellen is right too.////FROM JACK: It's always nice to see Winning Words through your eyes. You seem to capture the idea and relate it to your life.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: I like Ellen's comment. From most of the things I've seen about her, I've generally had a perception of wacky humor, but it's good to hear something serious from her. Perhaps I should just observe her in other contexts to judge her more accurately.////FROM JACK: As with most comedians, you have to read between the lines in order to get the message. In our own lives, we are are who we were. For me, I've found Ellen to be more than a jokester, just as you are more than an architect, and I am more than a pastor.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: "Sometimes, others are wrong." Song, You Might be Wrong, inspired by a famous politician, by Paul Thorn. Looking through the "eyes" of others may not be too helpful, if they are wrong. Boxer turned songwriter performer. "Everybody thinks God is on their side."////FROM JACK: It's not a perfect world. One reason why we seek other opinions is because we're not sure of our own, or because we seek validation. Either way, there's the possibility of being wrong. To do nothing could be wrong, too. C'est la vie!////MORE JON: Sometimes, to do nothing is sweet relief to those we think we are "helping." Not always, but sometimes.////JACK: Yes, that's a possibility.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: Very,very interesting ! I am going to remember that today...////FROM JACK: I hope that your memory span is longer than one day. Seriously, it's a better world when people are able to see themselves through the eyes of others.
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Everyone sees everyone differently... who's 2 say whose view is more "right"? ////FROM JACK: There is no right/wrong. The information is subjective, and you take it/give it in that way. Sometimes when someone expresses a viewpoint, you "take it with a grain of salt." If you respect the one who is expressing the view, you take it more seriously. Often we would wish for more black and white in this world, instead of so much gray.////LIZ: Grey is much more interesting! I never pay a whole lot of attention 2 what people think of others bc it is totally subjective.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I read that the closest we ever come to perfection, is when we write our resumes! Ha! I miss my spouse and my twin in regard to getting a candid insight into my behavior! I did have a veteran teacher take me aside once and give me advice, when she felt I was dominating and overshadowing my team of teachers. I never forgot it! Robbie Burns was so right.. Hopefully, with age, comes increased sensitivity as to how we wear with others, or we'd be pretty lonesome!! :-)////FROM JACK: Your use of the word, candid, reminds me of Candid Camera. We laugh at others. I wonder if they laugh at us?
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: I guess that I am not that philosophical. I have never thought about what other people think of me. I just want to do what I think is right. The peer thing was never in my vocabulary. By the way, when I was at Barnes and Noble today, two things struck me. First of all,people were trying to get specific parenting books but they were all out and had to place orders. In our times, Dr. Spock was in, but I never went along with the beginning of his book about permissiveness. But the medical advice was very helpful. Parents need a lot of common sense. Also, one of the most popular little children's books today is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. In our day it was The Little Engine That Could. Do you remember those days? ////FROM JACK: To see ourselves through the eyes of others is meant to be a helpful (not judgmental) thing. I've found that what I see/think can be helped by processing other viewpoints. I still think that The Little Engine is one of the best books written.
"Sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.” (Ellen DeGeneres) Robert Burns, in his poem, “To a Louse,” says that to see ourselves as others see us is a gift of God. Sometimes that gift is a wife or a husband. A friend who lives overseas occasionally will write and describe how the USA is perceived in that place. I don’t always like it, but I guess Ellen is right. ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: We were just talking about this in Bible study Monday night. About how Jesus said there are really only 2 commandments--to love God and to love our neighbor but then when we thought about that "love is kind, love is patient, does not demand its own way" forth we started realizing that we might think whatever situation we're in with whomever is quite justified and righteous but the other person might be seeing us as impatient, unkind, controlling, etc. I guess Ellen is right too.////FROM JACK: It's always nice to see Winning Words through your eyes. You seem to capture the idea and relate it to your life.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: I like Ellen's comment. From most of the things I've seen about her, I've generally had a perception of wacky humor, but it's good to hear something serious from her. Perhaps I should just observe her in other contexts to judge her more accurately.////FROM JACK: As with most comedians, you have to read between the lines in order to get the message. In our own lives, we are are who we were. For me, I've found Ellen to be more than a jokester, just as you are more than an architect, and I am more than a pastor.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: "Sometimes, others are wrong." Song, You Might be Wrong, inspired by a famous politician, by Paul Thorn. Looking through the "eyes" of others may not be too helpful, if they are wrong. Boxer turned songwriter performer. "Everybody thinks God is on their side."////FROM JACK: It's not a perfect world. One reason why we seek other opinions is because we're not sure of our own, or because we seek validation. Either way, there's the possibility of being wrong. To do nothing could be wrong, too. C'est la vie!////MORE JON: Sometimes, to do nothing is sweet relief to those we think we are "helping." Not always, but sometimes.////JACK: Yes, that's a possibility.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: Very,very interesting ! I am going to remember that today...////FROM JACK: I hope that your memory span is longer than one day. Seriously, it's a better world when people are able to see themselves through the eyes of others.
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Everyone sees everyone differently... who's 2 say whose view is more "right"? ////FROM JACK: There is no right/wrong. The information is subjective, and you take it/give it in that way. Sometimes when someone expresses a viewpoint, you "take it with a grain of salt." If you respect the one who is expressing the view, you take it more seriously. Often we would wish for more black and white in this world, instead of so much gray.////LIZ: Grey is much more interesting! I never pay a whole lot of attention 2 what people think of others bc it is totally subjective.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I read that the closest we ever come to perfection, is when we write our resumes! Ha! I miss my spouse and my twin in regard to getting a candid insight into my behavior! I did have a veteran teacher take me aside once and give me advice, when she felt I was dominating and overshadowing my team of teachers. I never forgot it! Robbie Burns was so right.. Hopefully, with age, comes increased sensitivity as to how we wear with others, or we'd be pretty lonesome!! :-)////FROM JACK: Your use of the word, candid, reminds me of Candid Camera. We laugh at others. I wonder if they laugh at us?
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: I guess that I am not that philosophical. I have never thought about what other people think of me. I just want to do what I think is right. The peer thing was never in my vocabulary. By the way, when I was at Barnes and Noble today, two things struck me. First of all,people were trying to get specific parenting books but they were all out and had to place orders. In our times, Dr. Spock was in, but I never went along with the beginning of his book about permissiveness. But the medical advice was very helpful. Parents need a lot of common sense. Also, one of the most popular little children's books today is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. In our day it was The Little Engine That Could. Do you remember those days? ////FROM JACK: To see ourselves through the eyes of others is meant to be a helpful (not judgmental) thing. I've found that what I see/think can be helped by processing other viewpoints. I still think that The Little Engine is one of the best books written.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Winning Words 5/10/12
“Never give up on anybody.” (Hubert Humphrey) I never knew why Humphrey was called, “The Happy Warrior,” until I read Wordsworth’s poem by the same name. You can Google it. HH had strong convictions for what was right. He was a champion for civil rights, a nuclear test ban and humanitarian aid. I wonder how much popular support he would get today by saying, “Never give up on anybody?” ;-) Jack
FROM STORMIN' NORMAN: OK: good words, I will try it.////FROM JACK: Anything that we can do to try and help someone is worth a try.
FROM RG IN ARIZONA: I would suggest that I don't give up on anyone, because I don't really put my Faith in them in the first place. As I write this, I am aware of how cynical that appears. I assume our flaw at the onset, which inevitably proves out in our daily lives. Why use faulty wood to build your house and then be surprised when it breaks apart? It becomes very difficult, especially in today's practices, to heed the voice of one who seems to address a righteous concern from one side of the mouth, while assassinating the character of another from the other side of the mouth. We just call it politics, and demonstrate our approval through our silence or provide defensive rationalizations for the deceivers (politicians). I think a lot of people are passionate about certain ideals --- but misguided just the same. HH was no exception; nor am I --- so don't put your faith in me either!////FROM JACK: I saw Humphrey, first as a human being, and then as a politician. Even though he lost the presidential election to Nixon, I didn't give up on him.
FROM HONEST JOHN: The term "The Happy Warrior" was used by FDR when he nominated Al Smith for Prez in 1924....again he was a champion for the underdog. Humphrey killed himself by backing LBJ's position on the war....////FROM JACK: I would not be surprised to learn that FDR was familiar with Wordsworth. In today's world, many politicians are dependent of speech writers to come up with the quotes. In hindsight, Hubert could have acted differently. Does belief in a friend's view and loyalty to your "boss" count for anything? Granted, each of us is responsible for how we make up our mind.
FROM TS IN MICHIGAN: so, before today, when was the last time you mentioned, heard, the name of Hubert Humphrey? Yesterday, I had a meeting/date with a woman from Minnesota who was a MN dem -- Humphrey/Mondale supporter; married (now divorced) a prominent Republican. And we talked about HHH.////FROM JACK: I've referred to him from time to time in Winning Words, not only because he is quotable, but because I admire him as a man. I was able to meet him personally in Wisconsin when he was running for president.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Didn't someone once say "The only thing certain is change". I'm not always really good at never giving up on people but believe deep down that change is inevitable for all of us so there are always a lot more things going on than just what I perceive in any one person at any one discrete period of time. Who would have ever thought that President Obama and probably the whole Democratic Party would be where they are today?!!!! Pretty brave. "Never give up on anybody." "Never give up on a politician????" ////FROM JACK: Never give up on a fellow human being, no matter what their occupation (or lack of one) might be. Easier said than done.
FROM PASTY PAT: Hadn't read this poem before. Hmmmm --- do you suppose it could be made required reading for Congress? Aw heck --- let's make it all govt. officials!////FROM JACK: How about making Winning Words required reading? Just kidding. I do like to give us (me and the readers) something to chew on.
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: Thanks for helping me recall The Mighty Warrior poem as well as prodding my memory to recall that HHH is one on the long list of losers that I have supported in their quest for office. I really enjoyed reading the poem once again Thanks as always.////FROM JACK: Stay tuned for a Zig Ziglar quote next week which relates to winning and losing. Lost in the translation....The Metrodome in Minneapolis was originally called the Humphrey Dome--officially, the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome. I think that some Republicans were behind getting rid of the HHH part.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I'll never forget the Democratic convention when Carter introduced HH as Hubert Horatio Hornblower. And that's kind of what he was.////FROM JACK: You forgot to say that he was a nice and honorable man.
FROM WATERFORD ANNE: I agree. We cannot solve all problems but we must not give up on people. ////FROM JACK: Jesus is our great example. "Go, and sin no more."
“Never give up on anybody.” (Hubert Humphrey) I never knew why Humphrey was called, “The Happy Warrior,” until I read Wordsworth’s poem by the same name. You can Google it. HH had strong convictions for what was right. He was a champion for civil rights, a nuclear test ban and humanitarian aid. I wonder how much popular support he would get today by saying, “Never give up on anybody?” ;-) Jack
FROM STORMIN' NORMAN: OK: good words, I will try it.////FROM JACK: Anything that we can do to try and help someone is worth a try.
FROM RG IN ARIZONA: I would suggest that I don't give up on anyone, because I don't really put my Faith in them in the first place. As I write this, I am aware of how cynical that appears. I assume our flaw at the onset, which inevitably proves out in our daily lives. Why use faulty wood to build your house and then be surprised when it breaks apart? It becomes very difficult, especially in today's practices, to heed the voice of one who seems to address a righteous concern from one side of the mouth, while assassinating the character of another from the other side of the mouth. We just call it politics, and demonstrate our approval through our silence or provide defensive rationalizations for the deceivers (politicians). I think a lot of people are passionate about certain ideals --- but misguided just the same. HH was no exception; nor am I --- so don't put your faith in me either!////FROM JACK: I saw Humphrey, first as a human being, and then as a politician. Even though he lost the presidential election to Nixon, I didn't give up on him.
FROM HONEST JOHN: The term "The Happy Warrior" was used by FDR when he nominated Al Smith for Prez in 1924....again he was a champion for the underdog. Humphrey killed himself by backing LBJ's position on the war....////FROM JACK: I would not be surprised to learn that FDR was familiar with Wordsworth. In today's world, many politicians are dependent of speech writers to come up with the quotes. In hindsight, Hubert could have acted differently. Does belief in a friend's view and loyalty to your "boss" count for anything? Granted, each of us is responsible for how we make up our mind.
FROM TS IN MICHIGAN: so, before today, when was the last time you mentioned, heard, the name of Hubert Humphrey? Yesterday, I had a meeting/date with a woman from Minnesota who was a MN dem -- Humphrey/Mondale supporter; married (now divorced) a prominent Republican. And we talked about HHH.////FROM JACK: I've referred to him from time to time in Winning Words, not only because he is quotable, but because I admire him as a man. I was able to meet him personally in Wisconsin when he was running for president.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Didn't someone once say "The only thing certain is change". I'm not always really good at never giving up on people but believe deep down that change is inevitable for all of us so there are always a lot more things going on than just what I perceive in any one person at any one discrete period of time. Who would have ever thought that President Obama and probably the whole Democratic Party would be where they are today?!!!! Pretty brave. "Never give up on anybody." "Never give up on a politician????" ////FROM JACK: Never give up on a fellow human being, no matter what their occupation (or lack of one) might be. Easier said than done.
FROM PASTY PAT: Hadn't read this poem before. Hmmmm --- do you suppose it could be made required reading for Congress? Aw heck --- let's make it all govt. officials!////FROM JACK: How about making Winning Words required reading? Just kidding. I do like to give us (me and the readers) something to chew on.
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: Thanks for helping me recall The Mighty Warrior poem as well as prodding my memory to recall that HHH is one on the long list of losers that I have supported in their quest for office. I really enjoyed reading the poem once again Thanks as always.////FROM JACK: Stay tuned for a Zig Ziglar quote next week which relates to winning and losing. Lost in the translation....The Metrodome in Minneapolis was originally called the Humphrey Dome--officially, the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome. I think that some Republicans were behind getting rid of the HHH part.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I'll never forget the Democratic convention when Carter introduced HH as Hubert Horatio Hornblower. And that's kind of what he was.////FROM JACK: You forgot to say that he was a nice and honorable man.
FROM WATERFORD ANNE: I agree. We cannot solve all problems but we must not give up on people. ////FROM JACK: Jesus is our great example. "Go, and sin no more."
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Winning Words 5/9/12
“A friend is cheaper than therapy.” (Irish Saying) Gallup researchers have found what they think is a common cause for divorce, obesity, homelessness, unhappiness and stress…there’s a lack of friendship. Of course, there are exceptions, but having a friend can make a difference in life. A book is coming out this week, “Sparky and Me,” which describes how two friends supported one another right to the end. ;-) Jack
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: So true, & friends know friends' history!////FROM JACK: ...and friends let history be history, don't they?
FROM MY LAWYER: Today's blog reminded me of this.
To realize the value of a sister/brother ask someone who doesn't have one.
To realize the value of four years: ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one month: ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby..
To realize the value of one minute: ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one-second: ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE.
Time waits for no one. treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
Remember....Hold on tight to the ones you love!
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: and a friend can be so much more rewarding AMEN and AMEN. ////FROM JACK: A friend seeks no reward, because it's in the friendship.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: "A friend in need is a friend in deed." (That's not a typo) ////FROM JACK: "A friend in need's a friend indeed, A friend who'll tease is better; Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather." (Placebo)
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Old and new friends are both great. Sparky must be of the Reds. ////FROM JACK: Sparky was manager first with the Reds, but spent most of his years leading the Tigers. Do you remember this poem? "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver,
And the other gold."
“A friend is cheaper than therapy.” (Irish Saying) Gallup researchers have found what they think is a common cause for divorce, obesity, homelessness, unhappiness and stress…there’s a lack of friendship. Of course, there are exceptions, but having a friend can make a difference in life. A book is coming out this week, “Sparky and Me,” which describes how two friends supported one another right to the end. ;-) Jack
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: So true, & friends know friends' history!////FROM JACK: ...and friends let history be history, don't they?
FROM MY LAWYER: Today's blog reminded me of this.
To realize the value of a sister/brother ask someone who doesn't have one.
To realize the value of four years: ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one month: ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby..
To realize the value of one minute: ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one-second: ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE.
Time waits for no one. treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
Remember....Hold on tight to the ones you love!
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: and a friend can be so much more rewarding AMEN and AMEN. ////FROM JACK: A friend seeks no reward, because it's in the friendship.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: "A friend in need is a friend in deed." (That's not a typo) ////FROM JACK: "A friend in need's a friend indeed, A friend who'll tease is better; Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather." (Placebo)
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Old and new friends are both great. Sparky must be of the Reds. ////FROM JACK: Sparky was manager first with the Reds, but spent most of his years leading the Tigers. Do you remember this poem? "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver,
And the other gold."
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Winning Words 5/8/12
“Teaching is the profession that teaches all other professions.” (Unknown) Today is Teachers’ Day. I was fortunate to have had good teachers at every level of my education. I can name them. Can you name yours? Did you know…Gene Simmons of Kiss taught 6th grade …Alexander Graham Bell taught deaf mutes …Kris Kristofferson taught English at West Point …Sting taught soccer at a convent? T.G.I.T.D! ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: I come from a family of teachers....mother, two aunts, uncle, both sisters and wife....and I even taught at Augie while I was in sem....the teaching profession is an honorable one and an important one...God bless them all////FROM JACK: Your Uncle Carl was one of my "best" high school teachers.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Didn't know about Sting but that sounds like fun! I'd love to see the nuns...I'm sure they loved it. Believe it or not, I am a Gene Simmons fan. I don't care for his music but I like him. I had a lot of teachers but I can't remember all of them. You are to be commended! A big thanks to all those Sunday school teachers out there too!////FROM JACK: Thanks for reminding me of the great S.S. teachers I had...from the first to the last. I am still in e-mail contact with some of the kids I taught in Sunday School.
FROM DS FROM MICHIGAN: Smiles to you from a former teacher. ;o) I did have some great teachers along the way.////FROM JACK: I notice that the "teacher" in you comes out as you lead the meetings that I attend.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: The wisest teacher I had, who left the most lasting lesson was Miss Johnson. She taught me the proper way to write left-handed...didn't try to switch me. ////FROM JACK: I hopes he appreciates your left-handed compliment...if she's still living.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Yes, teachers are very special. It seems that today the profession has many more challenges than in the 50',s or 40's or 30's. Our experience in raising five children in Tampa is that students are able to get a good education if they have dedicated teachers, whether in public, private, or Catholic schools. There are many more challenges in the culture and values in our country today.////FROM JACK: There are so many things that have to come together to make a good learning experience....students, parents, school & home environment, curriculum, peers and THE teacher.
FROM HONEST JOHN: I come from a family of teachers....mother, two aunts, uncle, both sisters and wife....and I even taught at Augie while I was in sem....the teaching profession is an honorable one and an important one...God bless them all////FROM JACK: Your Uncle Carl was one of my "best" high school teachers.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Didn't know about Sting but that sounds like fun! I'd love to see the nuns...I'm sure they loved it. Believe it or not, I am a Gene Simmons fan. I don't care for his music but I like him. I had a lot of teachers but I can't remember all of them. You are to be commended! A big thanks to all those Sunday school teachers out there too!////FROM JACK: Thanks for reminding me of the great S.S. teachers I had...from the first to the last. I am still in e-mail contact with some of the kids I taught in Sunday School.
FROM DS FROM MICHIGAN: Smiles to you from a former teacher. ;o) I did have some great teachers along the way.////FROM JACK: I notice that the "teacher" in you comes out as you lead the meetings that I attend.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: The wisest teacher I had, who left the most lasting lesson was Miss Johnson. She taught me the proper way to write left-handed...didn't try to switch me. ////FROM JACK: I hopes he appreciates your left-handed compliment...if she's still living.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Yes, teachers are very special. It seems that today the profession has many more challenges than in the 50',s or 40's or 30's. Our experience in raising five children in Tampa is that students are able to get a good education if they have dedicated teachers, whether in public, private, or Catholic schools. There are many more challenges in the culture and values in our country today.////FROM JACK: There are so many things that have to come together to make a good learning experience....students, parents, school & home environment, curriculum, peers and THE teacher.
Monday, May 07, 2012
Winning Words 5/7/12
“Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.” (Jim Carrey) I admire people who are imagineers…artists, composers, inventors, chess players. Can you “see” what’s going to happen this week? How can you control it? I read an article on how to visualize and get what you desire. +Start small. +Don’t give up. +…and “don’t go eat a sandwich.” ;-) Jack
Click this link to see my blog
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Visualization works if you work hard. I must write that our parents, having had their war-time weddings of being married by ministers in their parsonages were stressed out by the idea of a church wedding for Jerry and me and, at one time, proposed to us a strong idea that we should simply elope. Our visualization of a church wedding (which we paid for mostly by ourselves anyway) saved the day and after all was said and done, was much appreciated by the both sides of the family. It was small and simple--but in church.////FROM JACK: I can't remember of ever performing a wedding in the parsonage, but I can recall times when the visualization didn't match the reality.
FROM IKE AT THE MIC: I disagree..I think you can enjoy eating a sandwich which is not hard work & if it's a good sandwich possibly even visualize more creatively..////FROM JACK: Put down your BLT; this isn't about eating a sandwich.
FROM CL IN SANTA BARBARA: Here's another way: read Bob Goff's new book, "Love Does."////FROM JACK: After I eat my donut, I'm going to look up Bob and his book.
You're up early today.////MORE FROM CL IN SB: Donuts aren't good for you :) Met Bob for breakfast in SD last week. Really a remarkable guy. Check out AGAIN: 2nd donut gone. I see that Bob has an interest in young people. I belong to Optimist International, a service club that has as its slogan: Friend of Youth. Most of our activities are oriented toward helping youth. Perhaps you've heard of the Optimists. You can Google them.
“Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich.” (Jim Carrey) I admire people who are imagineers…artists, composers, inventors, chess players. Can you “see” what’s going to happen this week? How can you control it? I read an article on how to visualize and get what you desire. +Start small. +Don’t give up. +…and “don’t go eat a sandwich.” ;-) Jack
Click this link to see my blog
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Visualization works if you work hard. I must write that our parents, having had their war-time weddings of being married by ministers in their parsonages were stressed out by the idea of a church wedding for Jerry and me and, at one time, proposed to us a strong idea that we should simply elope. Our visualization of a church wedding (which we paid for mostly by ourselves anyway) saved the day and after all was said and done, was much appreciated by the both sides of the family. It was small and simple--but in church.////FROM JACK: I can't remember of ever performing a wedding in the parsonage, but I can recall times when the visualization didn't match the reality.
FROM IKE AT THE MIC: I disagree..I think you can enjoy eating a sandwich which is not hard work & if it's a good sandwich possibly even visualize more creatively..////FROM JACK: Put down your BLT; this isn't about eating a sandwich.
FROM CL IN SANTA BARBARA: Here's another way: read Bob Goff's new book, "Love Does."////FROM JACK: After I eat my donut, I'm going to look up Bob and his book.
You're up early today.////MORE FROM CL IN SB: Donuts aren't good for you :) Met Bob for breakfast in SD last week. Really a remarkable guy. Check out AGAIN: 2nd donut gone. I see that Bob has an interest in young people. I belong to Optimist International, a service club that has as its slogan: Friend of Youth. Most of our activities are oriented toward helping youth. Perhaps you've heard of the Optimists. You can Google them.
Friday, May 04, 2012
Winning Words 5/4/12
“I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.” (Jean Ingelow) There’s an old saying that “when the gods were angry with someone, they’d give them what they prayed for.” Garth Brooks sings about it. I taught confirmation students that God always answers prayer. ”Yes…No…Let’s wait!” It’s best to end our prayers with the words, “Not my will, but your will be done.” ;-) Jack
FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: You are probably familiar with the Rabbinical story about the pious poor man who asked God if it was true if a thousand years were like a minute to him. God replied yes.
The poor man thought about that and said, "Then it would be possible for you to make me rich?" God replied yes. "Will you please?" "Yes." (Loooong pause) "When?" "In a minute."////FROM JACK: I like the words of Psalm 90: 1Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. 2Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 3You turn men back to dust, saying, “Return to dust, O sons of men.” 4For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. 5You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of the morning— 6though in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: All I can say is a big Amen!////FROM JACK: How about a looooooong Aaaaamen?
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: Good 'un. Always enjoy your WW.////FROM JACK: When the farmer plants the corn, he anticipates an eventual harvest. I suppose the Iowa farmers are out in the fields these days.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Amen. By the way, do you have an ipod, or how do you keep up with all of the new songs? I have just finished reading Steve Jobs' autobiography, and it was very enlightening compared to a childhood in the heartland in the 30's and 40's.////FROM JACK: No ipod nor ipad nor laptop...yet. I do like to Google, and I have a mind that asks questions.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Did a commercial with Garth Brooks for John Deere before he got famous. For their Parts Division. "Don't let a broken part give you a breakdown."////FROM JACK: I wonder if he says the same thing about you? "I knew him before he got famous." I impressed with the experiences you've had. BTW, Earl Scruggs, Steve Nartin (and others) have a great YouTube of Foggy Mountain Breakdown.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Like I'm thankful for many of the things I DIDN"T say! (Especially in a fit of pique!:-) Yes,I'm sure if we think back, we are grateful we did not receive what we prayed for, or can see the wisdom in what was given...Good thought!////FROM JACK: Martin Luther didn't think much of the Letter of James in the Bible, but I think that there's truth in what it says about the tongue. "3:8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be."
“I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.” (Jean Ingelow) There’s an old saying that “when the gods were angry with someone, they’d give them what they prayed for.” Garth Brooks sings about it. I taught confirmation students that God always answers prayer. ”Yes…No…Let’s wait!” It’s best to end our prayers with the words, “Not my will, but your will be done.” ;-) Jack
FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: You are probably familiar with the Rabbinical story about the pious poor man who asked God if it was true if a thousand years were like a minute to him. God replied yes.
The poor man thought about that and said, "Then it would be possible for you to make me rich?" God replied yes. "Will you please?" "Yes." (Loooong pause) "When?" "In a minute."////FROM JACK: I like the words of Psalm 90: 1Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. 2Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 3You turn men back to dust, saying, “Return to dust, O sons of men.” 4For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. 5You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of the morning— 6though in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: All I can say is a big Amen!////FROM JACK: How about a looooooong Aaaaamen?
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: Good 'un. Always enjoy your WW.////FROM JACK: When the farmer plants the corn, he anticipates an eventual harvest. I suppose the Iowa farmers are out in the fields these days.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Amen. By the way, do you have an ipod, or how do you keep up with all of the new songs? I have just finished reading Steve Jobs' autobiography, and it was very enlightening compared to a childhood in the heartland in the 30's and 40's.////FROM JACK: No ipod nor ipad nor laptop...yet. I do like to Google, and I have a mind that asks questions.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Did a commercial with Garth Brooks for John Deere before he got famous. For their Parts Division. "Don't let a broken part give you a breakdown."////FROM JACK: I wonder if he says the same thing about you? "I knew him before he got famous." I impressed with the experiences you've had. BTW, Earl Scruggs, Steve Nartin (and others) have a great YouTube of Foggy Mountain Breakdown.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Like I'm thankful for many of the things I DIDN"T say! (Especially in a fit of pique!:-) Yes,I'm sure if we think back, we are grateful we did not receive what we prayed for, or can see the wisdom in what was given...Good thought!////FROM JACK: Martin Luther didn't think much of the Letter of James in the Bible, but I think that there's truth in what it says about the tongue. "3:8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be."
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Winning Words 5/3/12
“Seek home for rest, for home is best.” (Thomas Tusser) “borta är bra men hemma är bäst.” These words were on the wall of my college library. Good words for kids new to the college experience. “Away is good, but home is best.” Or, as Dorothy is quoted as saying, “There’s no place like home.” Luther Vandross sings: “A house is not a home when there’s no one there to hold you tight.” Home is best!. ;-) Jack
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: there's no place like it!////FROM JACK: I remember the proverb: Home is where the heart is.////MORE FROM PEPPERMINT: the four bitchin' babes have a beautiful song called "home is where the heart is",(no matter how the heart lives). i think christine lavin wrote it. you should give it a listen. i think you will like it. once again, ww's has given my my theme song for the day!////FROM JACK: It looks like CL did write the song. I tried to find the lyrics, but was unsuccessful. It seems that Peter, Paul and Mary also recorded the song.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: My 3 year old little Godson knows this already. By the time I've babysat for him all afternoon and he has been busy entertaining me constantly all afternoon, when it's time for his Mom to come get him, he'll usually be all ready with his backpack and lunch bag. Don't get me wrong, we both enjoy his visits but he is most at home at home and with his Mom. Your WW today are so true. I'm thankful my Godson has such a loving home.////FROM JACK: Your God-send is lucky enough to have two homes.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: You'd get no argument from my kids! They were all determined to "go away" to school, but all suffered home sickness trauma their first semester in college, tho not for long. No matter how fascinating the trip, or how celebratory the occasion away, it is SO good to return to the comfort of "home"! Good WW!////FROM JACK: College and homesickness didn't affect me. I lived at home during all four years. Of course, I missed out on the excitement of dorm living.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Home run!////FROM JACK: I wonder why home plate is called, "home plate," and also called the "dish?" Shouldn't it be called 4th base?
FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: All right then quoting the late great Luther Vandross.////FROM JACK: I wondered if anyone would pick up on Luther...and you did!
FROM CA IN MICHIGAN: A perfect message for me. I just returned from a trip and I FEEL the need to be home and rest. Thank you for keeping me on your list.////FROM JACK: There are a couple of meanings for "You're on my list!," and this is one of the good ones. I don't think that I'm on your Christmas Card List, however.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: As much as we like to travel this beautiful country we are always so glad to be home. It's true, home is best.
FROM ME TRAVELING IN HOLLAND: Nice. We are on a bike trip through Holland w friends. Made a nice toast.////FROM JACK: When I was growing up we sometimes had Holland rusks as a treat. Do they count as toast?
“Seek home for rest, for home is best.” (Thomas Tusser) “borta är bra men hemma är bäst.” These words were on the wall of my college library. Good words for kids new to the college experience. “Away is good, but home is best.” Or, as Dorothy is quoted as saying, “There’s no place like home.” Luther Vandross sings: “A house is not a home when there’s no one there to hold you tight.” Home is best!. ;-) Jack
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: there's no place like it!////FROM JACK: I remember the proverb: Home is where the heart is.////MORE FROM PEPPERMINT: the four bitchin' babes have a beautiful song called "home is where the heart is",(no matter how the heart lives). i think christine lavin wrote it. you should give it a listen. i think you will like it. once again, ww's has given my my theme song for the day!////FROM JACK: It looks like CL did write the song. I tried to find the lyrics, but was unsuccessful. It seems that Peter, Paul and Mary also recorded the song.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: My 3 year old little Godson knows this already. By the time I've babysat for him all afternoon and he has been busy entertaining me constantly all afternoon, when it's time for his Mom to come get him, he'll usually be all ready with his backpack and lunch bag. Don't get me wrong, we both enjoy his visits but he is most at home at home and with his Mom. Your WW today are so true. I'm thankful my Godson has such a loving home.////FROM JACK: Your God-send is lucky enough to have two homes.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: You'd get no argument from my kids! They were all determined to "go away" to school, but all suffered home sickness trauma their first semester in college, tho not for long. No matter how fascinating the trip, or how celebratory the occasion away, it is SO good to return to the comfort of "home"! Good WW!////FROM JACK: College and homesickness didn't affect me. I lived at home during all four years. Of course, I missed out on the excitement of dorm living.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Home run!////FROM JACK: I wonder why home plate is called, "home plate," and also called the "dish?" Shouldn't it be called 4th base?
FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: All right then quoting the late great Luther Vandross.////FROM JACK: I wondered if anyone would pick up on Luther...and you did!
FROM CA IN MICHIGAN: A perfect message for me. I just returned from a trip and I FEEL the need to be home and rest. Thank you for keeping me on your list.////FROM JACK: There are a couple of meanings for "You're on my list!," and this is one of the good ones. I don't think that I'm on your Christmas Card List, however.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: As much as we like to travel this beautiful country we are always so glad to be home. It's true, home is best.
FROM ME TRAVELING IN HOLLAND: Nice. We are on a bike trip through Holland w friends. Made a nice toast.////FROM JACK: When I was growing up we sometimes had Holland rusks as a treat. Do they count as toast?
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Winning Words 5/2/12
“Nothing’s better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you and your friends beside you.” (Aaron Douglas Trimble) Someone once gave me a woven band and said that it was a friendship bracelet. Before Facebook, I suppose people could count their friends by the number of bracelets on their wrist. More important are friends who are willing to stand by you in difficult times. Nothing’s better! ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: You just described a terrible situation for a tennis player in a doubles match....wind behind you blows the service throw all over....sun in front of you keeps you from seeing....and never play doubles with a friend.....////FROM JACK: How about playing doubles with your twin? Bob and Mike Bryan have had the World's Cup #1 ranking longer than any pair in history. The wind at my back made my serve "awesome."
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................////FROM JACK: Is that the sound of your yawn as you roll out of bed?
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: A very true statement! Friends are such a blessing! Especially friends who love us despite our faults.////FROM JACK: "I've got your back" is an interesting phrase. It can mean: "I''ll always be there for you, looking out for you, helping you out if you're in trouble. The 'back' part refers to I'll watch your back, as in, if someone came after you, from behind where you wouldn't see them, I would have your back, would be watching out and help you to not get hurt."
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I am blessed! (& so r my friends bc I'm that kind of friend, too.)////FROM JACK: To have a friend, you gotta be a friend.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: My granddaughters made those woven friendship bracelets when they were young. It was a big craze at the time! RL Stevenson once said, "A friend is a gift you give yourself." Loyal friendship is invaluable in our lives! Was it Will Rogers who said he'd rather have 1,000 friends than a $1,000.00, because if he ever needed it, each friend could surely be counted on for a buck! Loved the comment on your blog about how horrible this scenario was for tennis. :-) My twin and I played doubles for MHS and Augie, as well as singles on the team. My mother won the C,Mauritz Johnson City Tennis Championship when she was 40, against Marlowe Tillberg, then a Jr. at Augie!! Jan and I played into our sixties, and my brother at 78 still plays doubles in the Moline Men's League. So yes, this WW is not ideal for Tennis! But otherwise...good one! ////FROM JACK: I suppose that you and your family members have/had "blazing" serves.
“Nothing’s better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you and your friends beside you.” (Aaron Douglas Trimble) Someone once gave me a woven band and said that it was a friendship bracelet. Before Facebook, I suppose people could count their friends by the number of bracelets on their wrist. More important are friends who are willing to stand by you in difficult times. Nothing’s better! ;-) Jack
FROM HONEST JOHN: You just described a terrible situation for a tennis player in a doubles match....wind behind you blows the service throw all over....sun in front of you keeps you from seeing....and never play doubles with a friend.....////FROM JACK: How about playing doubles with your twin? Bob and Mike Bryan have had the World's Cup #1 ranking longer than any pair in history. The wind at my back made my serve "awesome."
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................////FROM JACK: Is that the sound of your yawn as you roll out of bed?
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: A very true statement! Friends are such a blessing! Especially friends who love us despite our faults.////FROM JACK: "I've got your back" is an interesting phrase. It can mean: "I''ll always be there for you, looking out for you, helping you out if you're in trouble. The 'back' part refers to I'll watch your back, as in, if someone came after you, from behind where you wouldn't see them, I would have your back, would be watching out and help you to not get hurt."
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I am blessed! (& so r my friends bc I'm that kind of friend, too.)////FROM JACK: To have a friend, you gotta be a friend.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: My granddaughters made those woven friendship bracelets when they were young. It was a big craze at the time! RL Stevenson once said, "A friend is a gift you give yourself." Loyal friendship is invaluable in our lives! Was it Will Rogers who said he'd rather have 1,000 friends than a $1,000.00, because if he ever needed it, each friend could surely be counted on for a buck! Loved the comment on your blog about how horrible this scenario was for tennis. :-) My twin and I played doubles for MHS and Augie, as well as singles on the team. My mother won the C,Mauritz Johnson City Tennis Championship when she was 40, against Marlowe Tillberg, then a Jr. at Augie!! Jan and I played into our sixties, and my brother at 78 still plays doubles in the Moline Men's League. So yes, this WW is not ideal for Tennis! But otherwise...good one! ////FROM JACK: I suppose that you and your family members have/had "blazing" serves.
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Winning Words 5/1/12
“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” (Lorraine Hansberry) I once saw an exhibit of Rodin sculptures and was fascinated to see that “The Thinker” was a part of a larger work, “The Gates of Hell.” A man is sitting, looking down at people in hell and thinking, pondering. I have a medallion of The Thinker attached to my p.c. IBM still places a sign at the desk of each employee. It simply reads: THINK ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I think you've just ruined my appreciation of Rodin's "The Thinker" Actually, I'm in a state of shock--what could Rodin's life have been like when he was sculpting his statue? Always imagined more that "The Thinker" was thinking about philosophy or soaring thoughts of some kind. But suppose a person could be watching people suffer in hell and be able at the same time to think about heaven. Dear me, dear me. What WW you have given us to ponder today.////FROM JACK: There is no Tooth Fairy, either. It's said that Rodin was influenced to do the sculpture after reading Dante's "Inferno." As Hansberry said, "Don't be afraid to think!"
FROM STORMIN' NORMAN: Good One Jack: I will send it on.////FROM JACK: I'm glad to hear that you're thinking today.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: In this modern world my refrigerator tells me when to order and when to buy a new filter, my car tells me many things, including when to refill my windshield fluid-especially during the lovebug season which is coming up, and my portable telephone tells me when I need to replace the batteries. Not only that, it tells me that I have put in the wrong kind of AAA batteries and that they have to be rechargeable.Can you believe this world we live in? Speaking of Rodin brings up wonderful memories of his studio or home in Paris and also of another sculptor's studio, Daniel French, just outside of Stockbridge.////FROM JACK: I'm impressed to know that you have visited Rodin's studio. I suppose you've been to the Sistine Chapel, too.
FROM DR J IN OHIO: IBM posts THINK and Apple THINK DIFFERENT ;-)////FROM JACK: IBM got the "Think" idea from National Cash Register. NCR brought it along when they merged with IBM. BTW, I don't know for sure, but I THINK that Apple's slogan should be: Think Different-ly. You might ask one of the English profs about this.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: These days I sit and think (& pray) a lot. It's refreshing to read that it's okay to sit awhile and just think and not be considered lazy. Each day I set a goal and make sure I accomplish the goal. However, sometimes I have to sit awhile to figure out my goals. Good Winning Words. Aren't you glad that are a lot of very smart and published people out there to give you your Winning Words?////FROM JACK: Yes, the quotes are from others, but I have to think about the commentary and then the follow ups to people like you. I enjoy it. I enjoy thinking.////OHJ RESPONSE: You do a lot of work on these Winning Words, which why they are so fun and interesting to read. I love to ponder them!!
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: I saw “The Thinker” at Rodin’s museum in Paris. It was amazing sitting in this gorgeous rose garden. With the pace at which life happens in our society, it is nice to be reminded to stop and think.////FROM JACK: In Detroit we can stand on Woodward Avenue and see The Thinker as he sits in front of the Detroit Institute of Arts.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: My word, I had no idea that The Thinker was part of The Gates of Hell by Rodin! You come up with the most interesting facts! I'm sure we could all spend more time quietly thinking, instead of rushing about like crazy! "nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so"...Shakespeare. Ponder anew, what the almighty can do!////FROM JACK: I try to "think" of things that would be of interest those who read Winning Words. It begins with things that interest me.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Doyle, Dane, Bernbach put a nice spin on it in their early days of VW advertising. Just a picture of the Beatle underscored by the words "Think small."////FROM JACK: I read that the idea was used to promote the VW Beetle. Ad peopel sure do know hos to "turn a phrase."
FROM S&S IN ILLINOIS: We saw "The Gates of Hell" at the Rodin garden museum in Paris. It is an AMAZING work of art! And disturbing, too!////FROM JACK: I had the same feeling. Maybe that's what Rodin wanted.
“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” (Lorraine Hansberry) I once saw an exhibit of Rodin sculptures and was fascinated to see that “The Thinker” was a part of a larger work, “The Gates of Hell.” A man is sitting, looking down at people in hell and thinking, pondering. I have a medallion of The Thinker attached to my p.c. IBM still places a sign at the desk of each employee. It simply reads: THINK ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I think you've just ruined my appreciation of Rodin's "The Thinker" Actually, I'm in a state of shock--what could Rodin's life have been like when he was sculpting his statue? Always imagined more that "The Thinker" was thinking about philosophy or soaring thoughts of some kind. But suppose a person could be watching people suffer in hell and be able at the same time to think about heaven. Dear me, dear me. What WW you have given us to ponder today.////FROM JACK: There is no Tooth Fairy, either. It's said that Rodin was influenced to do the sculpture after reading Dante's "Inferno." As Hansberry said, "Don't be afraid to think!"
FROM STORMIN' NORMAN: Good One Jack: I will send it on.////FROM JACK: I'm glad to hear that you're thinking today.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: In this modern world my refrigerator tells me when to order and when to buy a new filter, my car tells me many things, including when to refill my windshield fluid-especially during the lovebug season which is coming up, and my portable telephone tells me when I need to replace the batteries. Not only that, it tells me that I have put in the wrong kind of AAA batteries and that they have to be rechargeable.Can you believe this world we live in? Speaking of Rodin brings up wonderful memories of his studio or home in Paris and also of another sculptor's studio, Daniel French, just outside of Stockbridge.////FROM JACK: I'm impressed to know that you have visited Rodin's studio. I suppose you've been to the Sistine Chapel, too.
FROM DR J IN OHIO: IBM posts THINK and Apple THINK DIFFERENT ;-)////FROM JACK: IBM got the "Think" idea from National Cash Register. NCR brought it along when they merged with IBM. BTW, I don't know for sure, but I THINK that Apple's slogan should be: Think Different-ly. You might ask one of the English profs about this.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: These days I sit and think (& pray) a lot. It's refreshing to read that it's okay to sit awhile and just think and not be considered lazy. Each day I set a goal and make sure I accomplish the goal. However, sometimes I have to sit awhile to figure out my goals. Good Winning Words. Aren't you glad that are a lot of very smart and published people out there to give you your Winning Words?////FROM JACK: Yes, the quotes are from others, but I have to think about the commentary and then the follow ups to people like you. I enjoy it. I enjoy thinking.////OHJ RESPONSE: You do a lot of work on these Winning Words, which why they are so fun and interesting to read. I love to ponder them!!
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: I saw “The Thinker” at Rodin’s museum in Paris. It was amazing sitting in this gorgeous rose garden. With the pace at which life happens in our society, it is nice to be reminded to stop and think.////FROM JACK: In Detroit we can stand on Woodward Avenue and see The Thinker as he sits in front of the Detroit Institute of Arts.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: My word, I had no idea that The Thinker was part of The Gates of Hell by Rodin! You come up with the most interesting facts! I'm sure we could all spend more time quietly thinking, instead of rushing about like crazy! "nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so"...Shakespeare. Ponder anew, what the almighty can do!////FROM JACK: I try to "think" of things that would be of interest those who read Winning Words. It begins with things that interest me.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Doyle, Dane, Bernbach put a nice spin on it in their early days of VW advertising. Just a picture of the Beatle underscored by the words "Think small."////FROM JACK: I read that the idea was used to promote the VW Beetle. Ad peopel sure do know hos to "turn a phrase."
FROM S&S IN ILLINOIS: We saw "The Gates of Hell" at the Rodin garden museum in Paris. It is an AMAZING work of art! And disturbing, too!////FROM JACK: I had the same feeling. Maybe that's what Rodin wanted.
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