Monday, August 22, 2011

Winning Words 8/22,11
“I am a hope-aholic, encapsulating both optimism and my weakness for a peppy catchphrase.” (Gloria Steinem—adapted) I wonder if Gloria would be interested in receiving Winning Words, as a kind of daily HA meeting? I can identify with her quote about being a hope-aholic.. She’s 77, and sensing the years slipping by. “So much to do; so little time.” That’s the way it is with those who are activists. ;-) Jack.

FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: hope springs eternal! if not...why bother?////FROM JACK: ...and isn't that why you're in the "business" of teaching children?

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I'm sure by now someone has asked about the typo of encapsulating vs escapsulating. Other than that I like the saying….////FROM JACK: I went back and checked. You and Gloria and Newsweek had it right. I hit the wrong key.

FROM PH IN MINNESOTA: good words for today, my friend. thanks. hope all is well in your world. i baptized 7 babies yesterday and they were all as good as gold. even their older siblings were well behaved!////FROM JACK: Babies are a sign that there is hope.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I think you should send WW to her. The link is: JACK: Nice try, but that link does not exist.

FROM FM IN WISCONSIN: YES, I THINK YOU SHOULD PUT HER ON YOUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST! I have been reading you words every day, but my hands have been full.////FROM JACK: I'd put her on the list, if she'd share her e-mail address with me. BTW, speaking of hands being full, I'm reminded of what Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say of SNL, "It's always something--if it ain't one thing, it's another."

FROM BLAZING OAKS: I love that phrase, "Hope-aholic"! I want to join her club!! LEARN from yesterday, LIVE for today, HOPE for tomorrow...Albert Einstein Amen to that thought. "And you shalt be secure, (have confidence) because there is HOPE. Job 11:18. AHA!! Take that, fear and anxiety!!! :-)

FROM TAMPA SHIRL: My lawn people came while I was finishing that last thought. My experience with the feminists early on were when I was in California, living on the beach in the 50"s. When I read Sex and the Single Girl there by Helen Gurley Brown, I thought she was one crazy lady. Then,when we moved from the Bahamas to Ann Arbor in the 196o's Betty Fridan had just written Feminine Mistique. and I definitely thought that she was one crazy lady,. too, because she wanted women to be able to work forever, and I had just gotten married and we had started our family. But. our girls have definitely benefited from the educational opportunities, withe medical school, law school, and Georgia Tech. And it is exciting to see how they all have managed their families and to see the grandchildren accomplish so much, too. There is definitely a challenging world out there, as it has always been.

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