Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Winning Words 10/13/10
De cuerdo y loco todos tenemos un poco. We're all a little crazy in one way or another. (Spanish Proverb) Yesterday, a friend asked, “When are you going to have a Spanish Proverb?” Today’s that day. I had many to choose from, but I like the one above. The word “crazy” can mean insane or impractical. It can also mean wonderful (Crazy, man!) I think that all of my friends are crazy in one way or another. ;-) Jack

MORE FROM JACK: When I think of CRAZY, I think of.....
1. Steve Martin, a wild and crazy guy
2. Patsy Cline, singiug, "Crazy"
3. The Krazy Kat cartoon
Can you think of any others?

FROM MK IN MICHIGAN: Especially the Friend who asked about the Spanish Proverb! CRAZY WOMAN!!! We love her anyway!!! My Spanish, yikes I know loco and poco! FROM JACK: Ask, and you will receive, even if it is loco.

FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: This is so fitting today because all of the Chilean miners are being released today, one each 45 minutes, and they are crazy happy that they survived this incredible ordeal. FROM JACK: We celebrate today. But as Scarlett said in Gone With the Wind, "Tomorrow is another day," and new jobs will have to be found for the miners. That can be done, too.

FROM IE IN MICHIGAN: The english version that I like is: "I don't mind if people call me CRAZY, but I resent if people call me STUPID, because crazy is temporary but STUPID is forever... FROM JACK: Even Einstein was labeled "stupid" when he was a youth. STUPID is one word I don't like. It's a label, and it is possible to grow out of labels.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: once, when trying to understand my own craziness, read a book by some famous psychologist (wish I could remember his name) but the gist of it was that craziness has very germain practical uses and underlying truthfulness in its thought processes and reasoning. Upon reflection and putting the pieces back together again, I figured that's a pretty astute way to integrate it all. We're all a little sane--even the craziest of us--in one way or another too. I especially like the words "un poco" FROM JACK: With a bit of editing of Edward Hoch's words, we read: "There's so much sanity in the worst of us, and so much craziness in the best of us, that it hardly behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us."

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: i love the word "loco". i have a t-shirt that reads, "thjnk global-act loco". it's such a passionate word! FROM JACK: I thjnk you meant, think, or am I just loco?

FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Nice change of pace FROM JACK: Muchas gracias!

FROM SH IN ILLINOIS: I think we all need to embrace our individual craziness! Sometimes that's what keeps us sane! FROM JACK: The individual craziness of some people is what makes them wonderful.

FROM MOLINER CF: I wonder if they call it a locomotive because it has a one track mind. FROM JACK: Some one probably called him, "loco," when the little engine said, "I think I can, I think I can....I know I can."

FROM ED IN ARIZONA: reminds me of a Jimmy Buffett quote.....although everything reminds
me of a buffett quote... :-) "If we weren't all crazy we would go insane!" from the song "Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes" - Jimmy Buffett FROM JACK:
Your comment caused me to go back and review the Buffett video and to read the lyrics. It certainly makes the point of today's quote. Was that you I saw jumping up and down in the crowd...acting crazy? Thanks for making a good connection.

FROM RG IN MICHIGAN/ARIZONA: si, mi tambien! FROM JACK: So, you agree? Do you talk like that in Michigan, or is it only in Arizona?

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Hooray! FROM JACK: People from Michigan believe that people from Ohio are crazy, especially during the football season.

FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: what!? i am not crazy! maybe a little nuts, but not crazy... FROM JACK: In the movie, What About Bob?, both Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfus were crazy, in different ways. Which one do you identify with?

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Those words take a little more time for thought. FROM JACK: The particular arrangement of words has a way of making us think...and that's good.


Anonymous said...

once, when trying to understand my own craziness, read a book by some famous psychologist (wish I could remember his name) but the gist of it was that craziness has very germain practical uses and underlying truthfulness in its thought processes and reasoning. Upon reflection and putting the pieces back together again, I figured that's a pretty astute way to integrate it all. We're all a little sane--even the craziest of us--in one way or another too. I especially like the words "un poco"
S.H. in MI

Suzheronemus said...

I think we all need to embrace our individual craziness! Sometimes that's what keeps us sane!