Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Winning Words 10/12/10

“Whoever walks toward God one step, God runs toward him two.” (Jewish Proverb) This is really picturesque language. Even in our prayers, God is one step ahead of us. He knows our needs, even before we bring them to him. There may be times when you can’t find the right words. It doesn’t matter…God knows! ;-) Jack


FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Thank You Again! Another gem in WW. On the way to work this morning I was listening to a song that has these lyrics: "You are not a god created by human hands" I have heard this song literally thousands of times but today it struck me to pause and
consider the implications. I am so thankful that God cannot be described, predicted, measured, whatever - that He is so far beyond my circumstances I cannot comprehend it. I really feel God is saying to me today - "Trust me, I am God". For me this revelation brought peace and confidence that everything going on today is within His hands (boundaries). There is nothing that He cannot handle on my behalf. FROM JACK: Sometimes a sing can trigger all kinds of thoughts. It works that way for me, too.

FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: Thank goodness ... or I should say 'thank God'! FROM JACK: In reality, they mean the same thing. God has nicknames, too...like, Gosh, Holy Cow, etc....and Jesus, too.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What a wonderful picture! I will think about this one for a long long time! FROM JACK: Isn't the mind a wonderful invention....how it enables us to create and recreate images. God is good.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: God knows our needs: so true. I like this adage. It reminds me of the saying, "If you and God are no longer close, who moved?!" FROM JACK: Whether God is close or not does not depend on our perception. "He sticketh closer than a brother (or sister)."

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