Thursday, June 17, 2010

Winning Words 6/17/10
“Leave everything a little better than you found it.” (H Jackson Brown) Brown’s Life’s Little Instruction Book was written as a gift to his son who was going off to college. HJB listed 511 reminders of how to live a better life. What a great gift from a father to his son. I wonder if today’s words apply to dorm rooms. Or perhaps they apply to the world in which we live. What do you think? ;-) Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON: If everyone everywhere heeded those words, and acted on them, can you imagine what a wonderful world this would be? FROM JACK:

Let's all light one little candle,
Why stumble on in the dark?
When the day is dark an` dreary,
And your way is hard to find,
Dont let your heart be weary,
Just keep this thought in mind!

It is better to light just one little candle,
Than to stumble in the dark!
Better far that you light just one little candle,
All you needs a tiny spark!

FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: My mom always used to say that to me when we would go to a hotel! Hilarious. FROM JACK: Was it the Ritz or Motel 6? We usually learn some good stuff from moms.

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: both! FROM JACK: ...and even more than both!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Just think what the world would be like if everyone left it a little better everyday! FROM JACK: While at the grocery store yesterday, I saw cloth bags for 99 cents each to carry purchased items and help improve the environment. When the cashier asked, "Paper or plastic?" I said, "Plastic's OK." We use them for our garbage. Maybe I should rethink using cloth bags and starting a compost pile. MORE FROM JUDY: We use those shopping bags...or I should say, I have them. I use them around the house and sometimes I leave them at home when I go shopping. However, I use my plastic or paper bags all the time, and if I have too many, I recycle them. I am going to try to leave this world a better place today by doing something...I'm just not sure what yet. :-)

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I remember ours. Yes, I think they apply to both FROM JACK: Felix and Oscar, and you were Felix.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I'm thankful for Jackie, the internet tech support person at AT&T. Over the phone, she found our computer here afflicted with a virus and walked me through getting some virus protection on it. She's definitely one person today who left something--my computer and frustrated me--better than she found us. Computers need cleaning up, as well as dorm rooms. FROM JACK: An appropriate illustration. The world needs more Jackies.

FROM PRFM IN WISCONSIN: This was my father's directive to me . . . many many times, from when I was about five years old! FROM JACK: It's a good memory to have, especially as Father's Day is near.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for Jackie, the internet tech support person at AT&T. Over the phone, she found our computer here afflicted with a virus and walked me through getting some virus protection on it. She's definitely one person today who left something--my computer and frustrated me--better than she found us. Computers need cleaning up, as well as dorm rooms.
S.H. in MI