Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Winning Words 3/9/10
“It’s a poor mother crow that does not believe her babe is the blackest.” (Sent by M.O.) My wife enjoys watching birds. One of her favorites is the crow. We saw a TV special recently on how smart that bird is. Today’s WWs is not about crows, or about blackness. It’s about “human” nature. What does it say to you? ;-) Jack

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: i am celebrating the 26th anniversary of my son's birth. my thom is the blackest babe in the bunch! i am a blessed and happy mama crow!

FROM SG IN TAMPA: To a mother and to a father,too, each child is special.

FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: When I was a kid (living in Union Lake), a crow flew into our backyard and came right up to my dad. By the bird's behavior--which included talking like a parrot!--we were sure it was someone's pet. We fed it and it stayed around. A notice posted in local grocery stores led the bird's people to come and retrieve it. Since then, I've been fascinated by crows, too. FROM JACK: There is sooooo much for us to learn about this marvelous world of ours.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I understand totally because my kids really are the brightest and best. FROM JACK: You are entitled to be proud.

FROM NE IN MICHIGAN: My kids are the best! ;) FROM JACK: From what I've been able to observe, they are outstanding.

FROM PRCH ON CAPE COD: Kierkegaard once said something similar about love between two people or husband and wife... essentially that we see a beauty that others don't (ie. my babe is the blackest crow) Interestingly, K. (again, a parallel to your quote) says that beauty we see is not entirely objective, but
the beauty we see or love we feel is subjective, and is in part based on the commitment we make.
Commitment builds love (not just emotion). That is, love is a decision as much as it is a falling into. FROM JACK: Thanks for giving it a theological twist. Most things are ultimately theological.

FROM MOLINER CF: Old proverb: Man who shoots at black birds ofttimes eats crow. FROM JACK: I wonder where the expression, "eating crow," comes from?

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Depends on who you talk too. Some believe they are "more black" (ie Human) than others.

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