Friday, March 12, 2010

Winning Words 3/12/10
“When you are in a hole, stop digging more holes.” (Sent by JM) So ends a week of sharing quotes that have been sent to me; and there are more that I will use from time to time, because they are so good. I like this one about digging holes, because it describes what we tend to do. ;-) Jack

FROM NW IN MICHIGAN: Jack today's quote was originally from Molly Ivins a populist, Texas newspaper writer - See -http://womenshistory. /a/molly_ivins.htm for more of her quotes. It's actually a variation on her First Law of Holes quote.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: How about if you are able to dig a hole that gets you out on the other side of the world? Ha Ha FROM JACK: ....if that's where you want to go, dig for it.

FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: a good toast at a wedding reception: when you are wrong, admit it. and when you are right, forget it! these words may not always apply but many times in life they DO apply.

FROM MOLINER CF: Continuation of JM's Winning Words, "When you are in a hole, stop digging it deeper."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about if you are able to dig a hole that gets you out on the other side of the world? Ha Ha
S.H. in MI