Thursday, November 05, 2009

Winning Words 11/5/09
“Science creates an expanding frontier of ignorance where most discoveries lead to more
questions.” (Richard Freyman—physicist) It’s true in sociology and theology, too. I’m suspicious of the one who has all of the answers in any of those fields. There is so much for us to learn. Yesterday I quoted Charles Beard, and that caused me to pick up my old history textbook and “see” new things I thought I had seen. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Guess we have then got to be human beings who can start to love the questions, as well as the answers. Just now, right this minute, read your WW to my physicist husband before he started out the door to work. He says "yep. There's more questions than there are answers." That's a provocative thing to think about too. FROM JACK: Silly us. We expect an ultimate answer for every question.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: That's where Geometry is such a great tool. It teaches you that everything begins with assumptions. If you look at the current controversy within mainline Protestantism, that is the problem. The left and right are starting with different assumptions. Are the scriptures the anchor or is the anchor something out "beyond the scriptures."??? Those assumptions will lead to different conclusions just
as surely as the non-Euclidean assumptions lead to new Geometries. FROM JACK: That's what I've been trying to tell you. The scriptural answer depends on the interpreter and there are varieties of interpreters.

FROM MOLINER CF: Questions lead to discontent. Accept some things for what they are. FROM JACK: Questions can also lead to answers that satisfy.

FROM ED IN ARIZONA: I am reading a book by one of Freyman's former students about Freyman's life and has many of his speeches and stories. He is hilarious, oh yes, and brilliant. FROM JACK: Almost every response from you contains surprise information.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Right! The more we know, the more we realize we DON"T know! We will always have more questions than answers in this mortal life, I believe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess we have then got to be human beings who can start to love the questions, as well as the answers. Just now, right this minute, read your WW to my physicist husband before he started out the door to work. He says "yep. There's more questions than there are answers." That's a provocative thing to think about too.
S.H. in MI