Thursday, November 19, 2009

Winning Words 11/19/09
“Smiles are the soul’s kisses….Don’t build castles in Spain….Satiety is a mongrel that barks at the heels of plenty.” (Minna Thomas Antrim) I hope you enjoy Minna’s words as much as I do. Think awhile on each quote, even if you don’t know what satiety means. Give someone a smile today, and see if it’s returned. ;-) Jack

FROM EA IN MICHIGAN: How well satiety fits the quote. I could make that the "word" for the day. My trial will be done and I will see you on Tuesday with a surprise. FROM JACK: Satiety...I like the sound of that.

FROM MF IN MICHIGAN: I am enjoying them also, not sure if you have heard that I'm working again.. in a special ed. school. I'm touched often by the smiles from the multiply impaired kids, mostly they can't walk or
talk, but some will smile. Have continued to enjoy your winning words, and often think of you and that you continue to excel in your mission. FROM JACK: What a great new job (opportunity). Congratulations!

FROM MOLINER CF: When you're smiling When you're smiling The whole world smiles with you FROM JACK: "Say CHEESE!" MORE FROM CF: When one uses words people don't understand, one is not communicating.
People can't or won't take the time to research a word that doesn'r stir their curiosuty. K.I.S.S. FROM JACK: Complain to Minna. I'm just using her word.

FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: I know what satiety means...and now I know what bathos means, too! : ) FROM JACK: Two good words for the vocabulary.

FROM CS IN MICHIGAN: so many words to revisit--very interesting. Where do you find these books? are you mining the internet? do you really pay in rupees? sending you a smile this morning FROM JACK: There are so many interesting things to see and hear when you are "tuned in." I saw that Minna's book was available from some place in India. You had to pay in rupees, though.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: that last one is making me think of some old movies I've seen where the people are gathered around the table, feeding their faces, and some old hound-dog is hanging around near-by catching the bones and scraps they are tossing at him. It wouldn't seem right with any other word than "satiety" and it wouldn't seem right with any other word than "mongrel" except maybe that's because that's the only way I have seen it now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that last one is making me think of some old movies I've seen where the people are gathered around the table, feeding their faces, and some old hound-dog is hanging around near-by catching the bones and scraps they are tossing at him. It wouldn't seem right with any other word than "satiety" and it wouldn't seem right with any other word than "mongrel" except maybe that's because that's the only way I have seen it now.
S.H. in MI