Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 6/4/08
“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.”
(Mitch Albom) Sometimes we focus so much on what has ended that we lose sight of new opportunities that are before us. Flip will find that out. So will Hillary. And so will all of us who might be grieving an end that has taken place in our life. Why not send this quote to someone who’s going through a difficult time? ;-) Jack

FROM T.L. IN MI: Ever since my Little White Book daily readings ended with Pentecost Sunday, I have relied on your Winning Words for reflection. Your daily selections speak to me in my faith walk of late….a new beginning. Thanks for getting up so early to prepare my daily injection.

FROM T.S. IN MI: Forgive my lack of awareness - but who is Flip? REPLY: He's the recently fired coach of the Detroit Pistons, Flip Saunders.

FROM M.L. IN IL: new life and new normals for all involved. JACK'S RESPONSE: THERE COMES A TIME TO MOVE ON. MOST OF US HAVE EXPERIENCED IT...BUT SOME NEVER SEEM TO BE ABLE TO LET GO. M.L.'S RESPONSE TO THAT: we need to support them, hold them up when it is too difficult to take a step forward, pray for them, and sometimes use tough love to get them back on track. be the ying to their yang!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: If we believe in eternity then it has to be true. Like I tell my wife, “Everything has a beginning, middle, and end, except my love for you—it never ends.”

FROM J.L. IN MI: Great quote today! Endings never end....they ARE new beginnings! Perhaps it depends on how you look at life generally...half full or half empty....I'm a half full. So all my endings are just beginnings. I will send it on to several I know. Thanks again!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Put the endings to bed so your eyes are wide open to the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't expecting our first viable woman candidate for president to be so feminine as Hillary seems to me. I remember she doesn't like to bake cookies but she definitely knows commitment. Having come through the turbulent 60's and "women's liberation" and all the angst of relations between men and women, invading every household so it seemed, my opinion is we've come a long way.