Friday, June 20, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 6/20/08
“No one can be right all of the time, but it helps to be right most of the time.”
(Robert Half) I found this in a site called: Brainy Quote. Some may wonder how I found my way to a place like that. The older I get, the more I realize that I don’t have all of the answers. Perhaps you can share a scrap of wisdom from your mind today. ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Be right 51 percent of the time on big things and you will prosper(if you do enough and persist).

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: "Roses are Red. Noses are Blue. I don't KNOW anything. But neither do you." From the unpublished "Wit and Wisdom of Chuck"

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: When this guy is on the money, can we call it "Half" right?

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Drucker said that in business if you can be right 33% of the time you're doing very well.

FROM LBP IN MI: After making a presentation while on internship a few years back, my advisor's critique was simply: "In the future you should try not to say things that are wrong". (yikes!) English not being his native language he never minced words. I came to understand that the unspoken next line was "It is better to admit you don't know than to speculate". Good advice, but perhaps I am just speculating

FROM EMTSINGS IN MI: In regards to this particular quote, I don't think having to be right (or being right ) all the time, or even most of the time, is necessarily a good thing. I think people seem more human that are able to say that they do not have all the answers. I like you just the way you are!

FROM G.G. IN INDY: i think i've spent enough time thinking about whether i am right or not....i KNOW there is alot i don't know. now i'm thinking it's time for my focus to be on "doing right and speaking right". (might be hard for someone as left as me!...ha ha)

FROM JACK: I happened to find this today. What you don't know would make a great book.(Meant as an insult, but if you think about it makes a great motivator for study) (Sydney Smith)

FROM CJL IN OH: It's good to realize there are other answers than the ones we would provide, if
asked. And other Q & A,s we've never thought of...

FROM J.L. IN MI: "Einstein says, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results'"! I guess is was right quite a bit of the time although he did have his moments.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Some of the people can be right all of the time and all of the people can be right some of the time but all of the people can't be right all of the time. Abe Levitch (C.F. IS TRYING TO BE CUTE.)

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