Monday, April 16, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 4/16/07
“What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.”
(W. H. Davies) I know that you’re probably busy with one thing or another, but take some time today to look at something interesting. Perhaps it’s your face in the mirror. Or it could be a person around you. Maybe it’s an animal or a tree or a piece of art. What is it that you see? ;-) Jack

FROM J.L.F. IN MICHIGAN: I saw four deer run across Farmington Road in front of me this morning.

FROM M.S. IN MICHIGAN: This morning it was the woodpeckers, who are very busy around my condo!

FROM MOLINER, D.S.: Boy, Jack, you come up with some great ones. This is a big one for me because I have gotten so wrapped up in taking care of people's computers that I have left precious little time for myself and family. Ruth, rightly so, keeps telling me that and I know it. I must work on saying NO at times.

FROM MARY L. IN ILLINOIS: i see the world through a child's eyes each day. it is a daily reality check of the important. all i need do is step back and observe their marvel. i see the world-pure and simple.

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