Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 4/12/07
“I am a combination of my entire family.”
(Dionne Warwick) Isn’t it amazing how we resemble our relatives in many ways? I think that the opening of the genome puzzle has been one of the great discoveries in my lifetime. Which discovery is the one that amazes you the most? ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD NEWS JON IN OHIO: In my mind, I have just finished contemplatively surveying the participants at my last family reunion…perhaps I was adopted and never told?

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: I think my Moline classmates had a lot to do with whatever successes I've had.

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: that my wife continues to love me so unconditionally and that God does the same....

FROM J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I participated in the National Geographic/MIT Genocentric Project and discovered that on my Dad's side I am an R1B. We came out of Africa 77000 years ago and journeyed through the Middle East, Kazakhstan, then west over the Caucasus Mountains and on into Central Europe. 90% of males in England trace themselves back through the same strain. When I read ORIGINS OF THE BRITISH by Oppenheimer, I discovered that the English are genetically close to the Germans and the Swedes and that the Norwegians are closer to the Scotch, Irish, Welsh, etc. You have no idea how comforting it was to discover that I am not genetically close to the Norwegians.

FROM J.M IN COLORADO: Possible signs of life on Mars (water).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Birth control has been pretty amazing in my lifetime. Parent's family - 7 kids. Grandparents family - 19 kids. Us - 1 kid we helped to successfully finish a Masters degree. It's probably the biggest difference between our lives and the lives of our ancestors. Did their genomes have an impact on us and our decisions? How ironic.