Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 2/20/19
“Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one.”  (Sam Rayburn)  Before Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan…if you can think back as far as I can, there was Sam Rayburn as Speaker of the House (for 17 years).  He was a Texan, spoke like a Texan.  In this quote he’s talking about negative people, always griping, but never coming up with a positive suggestion for how things can be better.  I miss (some of) the good old days.   ;-)  Jack

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Yes now there is too much money involved and they stay too long! We need term limits!===JACK:  ...but, how do you make exceptions for legislators like Rayburn and still have them apply to the ones who've overstayed their usefulness?===SHIRL:  I guess there are always exceptions! When I worked for senator Douglas in 1954 he and his wife lived a very simple life in dc. Also congressman Ford and his family lived a simple life too!===JACK:  You've named two that make my point, exactly.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm currently reading Doris K. Goodwin's book, LEADERSHIP (In Turbulent Times), where the Lyndon Johnson sections often refer to Sam Rayburn, one of his mentors. So interesting! Would that we still had the comraderie (or at least cooperation) "across
the Aisle" that they had  then, to get things done!!  The book a few years ago on T. Jefferson, THE ART OF LEADERSHIP was another good one!  Sam R. probably sang or hummed the pop song "Ya gotta accent=uate the POSITIVE, Elim-inate the NEGATIVE, Latch on to the AFFIRMATIVE, and Don't mess with Mr. IN-BETWEEN!! :      Makes life a whole lot sunnier!===JACK:  In today's world leadership seems to be lacking.===OAKS:  Afraid I have to agree with you,,,Financially impossible for some of our bright minds to even consider  running for office, if they'd even consider the hassle and meanness of Politics today. ===JACK:  Sad to money seems to talk with a louder voice than reason.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  There are so many negative people now...Actually not just negative, but hateful.  I have to use all of my God-given forgiveness to even communicate nicely with some.  I've been keeping my communication with God going non-stop.===JACK:  Negative people tend to affect me negatively.===JUDY:  Me too!  Although sometimes they’re good for a laugh!===JACK:  ...except when they are in power.

FROM CG:  I hope you are doing well.  Have you ever read Eckhart Tolle?  You would really enjoy him ===JACK:  You caused me to do some research.  After Oprah recommended one of his books, over 3.5 million copies were sold.  Watch for a quote by/about him to show up one of these days.

FROM DB IN WB:  Oh, hear, hear!!! It seems like there are a lot of people in office who haven’t got a clue. They are “all sizzle, but no steak”.===JACK:  "All sizzle, but no steak," can apply to pastors, as well.

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