Thursday, January 24, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words  1/24/19
“I can live two months on a good compliment.”  (Mark Twain) Dirty Harry wasn’t asking for a compliment when he said, “Go ahead.  Make my day!”  But, by giving a compliment, you can make someone’s day today.  Maybe, begin with your family.  Some suggestions:  You’re looking great...This world would be better with more people like you...You should be proud of yourself…I really appreciate you…You’ve got style!  Now, attach words with a person.   ;-)  Jack

FROM LBP FROM UofM:  Someone complimented my sweater in the hall the other day at work. No one I knew. Was just a pleasant note in passing. Was nice 👍 ===JACK:  Did you read recently that the Finns are the happiest people in the world?  Were you wearing a Finnish-made sweater?  ===LBP:  I've heard that! Nope, was just a sweater from Macy's. It was a cold day.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL: If you can’t say something positive,don’t say anything at all!  What was that song-accentuate the positive, ????? the negative?  I just googled it. Eliminate the negative!  What an amazing world in which we live!===JACK:  ...and, thanks to Eastern Airlines and a caring family, you've had a chance to explore many parts of this world.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Like if I met Trump I could say...“Wow..That cheeseburger your eating looks great!”===JACK: ... or, as I was taught as a child, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!"

FROM THE SHARK:  Amen!===JACK:  I’ll add two more to that!  You are one of my most knowledgeable friends.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Thanks for the interesting suggestions.  Last year, I changed my “compliment” dialogue.  Women (including me) often compliment one another’s clothing choices.  Now, I make an effort to say “you look so pretty in that blue sweater” or “your hair looks so healthy” or something that compliments the person rather than their choice of clothing===JACK:   As a general rule, I avoid talking about how someone looks.  Once, at a pastors' conference, I saw someone go up to a female and ask when her baby was due. can imagine the ending.
FROM DS IN SOCAL: If I did that to my wife...she might have a heart attack.   (Kidding) ===JACK:  All kidding aside, spouses could give a compliment to each other more than they do.Try it today and see what response you get!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Compliments and hugs are both Spirit-lifters! Words of appreciation and encouragement are so needed in our chaotic and fast-moving world. A phone call or visit to a lonely person makes 2 people happy; It's usually a 'blessing both ways!  Yes, I think we all agree with Mark
Twain. A compliment given or received is a day (or days) brightener.YOU do an excellent work, in sending out WW!! Hope you live at least 2 months on that compliment! :-)===JACK:  Think of someone today who does good work "in the shadows," and e-mail (or call) them with a simple "thank you" for what they do.  See what response you get.
FROM DR Jl  WELL THEN…. let me say this…  you’ve been a role model, mentor, and inspiration to me since 1980…. I consider you a very important part of my life. AND you’re very fun to horse around with… you bring me great JOY!===JACK:  I'm changing Twain's quote to 3 months...and maybe more.  You are a good friend!

FROM LK IN ILLINOIS:  A good compliment means no bullshit ( unless it is laughter provoking).
The last time I was amused by a circus was 1966.  When did reality tv translate into live persons trying to get a reaction?  The only compliment is respect===JACK:  Is there a compliment that you received...and still remember?

FROM ST PAUL IN MESA:  I also like this one:  Man lives more by affirmation than by bread. ===JACK:  Yes, as the Bible says,  "Man shall not live by bread alone." 

1 comment:

Maggie said...

What a blessing you are each morning, Jack. A little laughter and some thought filled challenges. Keep up the good work!