Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 12/12/18
“Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.”  (Unknown)  Have you ever wanted to be someone else …better looking…a better job…fewer problems?  I saw a couple of kids running up and down some stairs…while I was looking for the railing.  I thought, “I’d like to be young again.”  Later I saw this headline…How To Love the Skin You’re In.  I expected an article about being satisfied with who you are; instead, it was an ad for Dove soap.   ;-)  Jack

 FOM BS IN ENGLAND:  Brilliant!  I'm  using Dove!===JACK:  So, you have Dove in England?  You probably have a McDonalds, too.

FROM SP IN SP:  your skin has served you well, Jack.  i could say the same about mine.  i think most people sometimes dream about their youth but, truth be told,  would you really want to go back and start over again?  that is a fascinating question in my mind.===JACK:  If I knew then what I know now?  Yes and no!

FROM CJS IN WI:  I always enjoy your Winning Words so much.  You inspire me.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Ha! Funny. Especially when we're young, we sometimes envy attributes of others, but as the saying goes, when older, you get comfortable with what you have, and are. Love this saying!  Being an identical twin put us somewhat in the spotlight; we were noticed, and of course came to like that attention!  We were never shy!  Like snowflakes, we're all unique; even twins! ===JACK:  Today's social media emphasizes that you MUST be young and beautiful.  STRESS!!

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS:  Funny!  I know what you mean about hunting for the railing.  I used to marvel when I watched Clifford take 2 steps at a time!  Don’t know how he did it!===JACK:  Many churches have people stand, rather than kneel, for communion.  Too hard for many to get up.  CAN was younger then, but recall his hyper-ness.===GM:  We really do neither.  We do communion by the intinction method.  We have to commune the whole congregation and fit the whole service into an hour.  We have 4 services on a Sunday.  The parking lot is kind of a disaster if we run over.  Ha!  It really works well.===JACK:  Jesus served communion while sitting at a table.  Intinction is another way.  Whatever works.  It's not "the way" but the meaning behind "the way."

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  I always wanted perfectly white teeth.  But I have all mine so I’m happy with off white.  I laughed about the Dove soap ad!!===JACK:  An ad promises that if you use their product, your teeth will be white as snow!  The Bible says something about the stain of sin being made white as snow.===JUDY:  I would definitely rather have my sins washed white as snow!  Thank you Jesus!

FROM PRAW IN IL:  Bah! Humbug.===JACK:  So you're tired of looking young and beautiful.....!

FROM JT IN SJ:  ha ha  That is good.  Yes I think it would be good to be younger.....prettier...more mobile....well let's see, must be even  more benefits.  But then it's not so bad.  I'm happy, glad where  in my life!  It's all good.===JACK:  Stay the way that you are.  Good advice for most people.
===JT:  More!  "Funny Prayer about Getting Old at the Caregiver of the Year Dinner" on YouTube

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